reddit thread

AITA for going against my wifes wishes when purchasing our first home?

Insane guy purchases entire house without his real estate agent wife's knowledge, wonders if he's wrong

AITA for not telling my best friends girlfriend that I'm Bisexual?

'When Katie finds this out she kinda loses it': Bi woman accused by best friend's jealous girlfriend of trying to steal him away

Knock money off my paycheck for grammar mistakes? Let me point out all the mistakes on my bosses work.

'I received a decrease in my pay': Employee gets pay docked for grammar mistakes, gets revenge on boss

AITA for telling a 6'8 giant to upgrade his seating?

Extremely tall guy fights with another passenger on the plane over available leg room

People don’t quit jobs. They quit managers. |

'People don't quit jobs. They quit managers.': Server considers quitting once happy job when they get a new micromanaging manager

Male Karen things he's entitled to my dog

'Where is the dog?': Entitled Male Karen trespasses on neighbor's property and demands to play with their dog

AITAA for taking my niece to court over a coat?

Teenager Pranks Aunt by Throwing Paint at her $20K Coat, Aunt Takes Niece to Court

AITA for how I fought my boyfriend's medical bill, going "too far"?

'He told me I went way too far': Mastermind fights to get boyfriend's medical bill reduced from $5K to $26

The 20 Most Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week

'Does it get more insulting than this?': 20 Mildly Infuriating Moments This Week (December 7, 2022)

AITA for making a scene when my son refused to dance with me?

'The least Ben could have done was dance with his mother': Irate Karen makes a scene because her son won't dance with her at graduation

AITA for leaving a fake postive pregnancy test in the bedroom to catch my husband's mom snooping?

'I got tons of calls and texts from my in-laws "congratulating" me for my "pregnancy"': Snooping MIL uncovers fake pregnancy test, announces it to entire family

I was looking up reviews for the movie we went to see last night and thought this was hilarious 😂

Crazy Nun Takes Her Child to a Horror Movie about Demonic Possession, Leaves Hilarious 1 Star Review

AITA for telling my parents that I make more than both my siblings when they told me to get a real job | I'm a nanny to 2 special needs kids. There's a very high demand for nannies for special needs kids because 3 special needs daycares in my county shut down, so I make approximately $120,000

'Childcare isn't a real job': Special needs childcare worker sets her parents straight, makes $120k a year

AITA for Refusing to Give my Cousin-in-Law My Taylor Swift Ticket?

Bridezilla and Groom Guilt Teenage Cousin into Gifting Them Her Taylor Swift Ticket, Entire Wedding Gets Ruined

Male Karen "friend" who will not be getting a Happy Birthday from me

Attention-Seeking Male Karen Removes Friends Who Didn't Wish Him a Happy Birthday From Facebook

Can't justify paying me? No problem.

'Never mess with my money': Technicians band together against corporate for 'glorious malicious compliance'