reddit thread

"They will open" sure, boss!

'What do I do if they aren't home?': Landlord gives handyman unclear instructions when tenants won't answer the door, cue malicious compliance!

Top Karens of the Week (February 19, 2023)

Top Karens of the Week (February 19, 2023)

AITA for letting my roommate’s ex-girlfriend, who keeps showing up at our apartment, come inside because she was drunk?

Ex-Girlfriend Keeps Showing Up at Apartment Every Night, Roommate Lets Her In Causing Major Fight

AITA for calling my mom when my husband refused to listen to me?

'They need to leave': Pregnant wife returns from hospital to find her brother-in-law's entire family living in their home

AITA for not wanting to pay for my girlfriend's car maintenance after I used it with permission once while pet sitting for her

'No one tricked you. You screwed up': Guy takes girlfriend's Porsche out for a spin without her permission and won't pay for the damage

my ex cheated with a married woman, so I turned a pic of them into an ad

'I snapped a picture of them [...] showing a little PDA:' Woman gets revenge on ex at the gym after catching him cheating with a married coworker

Don't ask for spicy sizzling fajita's

'All we could taste was pain': Guy and his friend order spicy sizzling fajitas and instantly regret it when the smoke clears out the whole restaurant

AITA because I make my wife dig through the trash.

Wife Doesn’t Like Husband Bringing Dirt Into the House but Refuses To Give Him Soap To Clean Himself, Soap Opera Ensues!

20+ Unhealthy Obsessions

'Celebrity Worship' and 20+ Other Unhealthy Obsessions That Are Too Real

Fired over hash browns.

'I cracked up laughing. Instant fired:' Server gets fired after working in the customer's best interest over a hash browns order

Karen Stole My Rental Car

'Karen was still joyriding in our rental car': Valet gave rental car to wrong guest, she drives it around for 2 hours before the police get involved

I Married My Bully's Sister

'I married my bully's sister': Redditor prepares to get revenge on homophobic brother-in-law

AITA for not getting up from a massage chair when someone wanted to use it?

'They asked me to get off the chair': Pregnant woman eats ice cream on massage chair in a mall, refuses to leave when customers request massages

I put pepper juice on my cousins underwear

'I put pepper juice on my cousin's underwear': Teenager gets petty revenge on cousin after he refused to shower for weeks

I resigned from my job, boss is still sending me work and it's getting weird

'It's getting really weird': Church employee resigns, relentless pastor keeps sending them work

Woman road rages against me. Gets arrested during Christmas

'The look on her face was PRICELESS': Guy cuts Karen off while driving, leads to wild road rage incident