reddit thread

gym workout revenge exercise petty revenge reddit thread Reddit entitled people - 19569413

'I forced myself to keep going out of spite': Entitled woman kicks athlete's water bottle while waiting to use sled weights, athlete gets petty revenge

workplace-stories employee work stories toxic-workplace coworkers workplace Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 19571205

'I will be leaving in order to pursue happiness': Employee prints form resignation letter and makes savage hand-written adjustments

Update on host that requested I separate the whites and colors and do a laundry load before checking out

'Don't ask me to do work for you': Airbnb customer asked to do laundry for host three times despite steep cleaning fee

malicious compliance cars tools mechanic truck reddit thread Reddit karen kevin - 19553541

'Never piss off your tool guy': Mechanic malicious compliance ensues after temperamental male Karen loses it

Offered a job to a dead person today

'You will not be hearing back from her': HR has major hiring fail after offering job to candidate who is no longer alive

Update: AITA for setting boundaries with my stepson

Update! ‘What? AITA did good?’: Stepdad makes amends with son after getting eviscerated online

Boss man sent this to the mailing list as our city was preparing for winter storm Xylia. We aren't a Waffle House

'Yes, there is a storm coming. No, we will not be closing': Hypocrite boss forces employees to come to work during severe winter storm

Top Worst Landlords of the Week (March 3, 2023)

Top Worst Landlords of the Week (March 3, 2023)

No tags? No problem.

'You're not supposed to have these': Retail employee asked to do manager's work, gets shamed by his boss's boss, malicious compliance ensues!

Manager asked me to give up a promotion to save their job

'Your manager's job [...] is not your problem': Manager's job is at risk, asks employee to give up their promotion

I ruined my stepmom's 50th birthday party over cake

'Stepmom was livid': Woman bakes deliciously petty revenge for her entitled stepmom's 50th birthday

Entitled Parent Parks In My Driveway

'You don't live here, you don't park here': Entitled Mom parks on private property to pick up kid from school, resident gets revenge

AITA for kicking a girl out of my party for calling her boyfriend “daddy?”

'She would always refer to her boyfriend as daddy': Girl gets kicked out of party after calling her BF 'Daddy' all night, internet reacts

A company I interviewed for and didn't get to job, is now asking for my help

'The sheer audacity': Company rejects interview candidate, then reaches out for unpaid help months later

Write down my grandparent’s address? Will do!

Student Forced to Write Fundraising Letter to Grandparents for a Grade, Maliciously Complies by Writing to Grandma’s Cemetery

You want the situation to be escalated to management ? Bet. Might f*** up your employment chances though

'Me: 1, Karen: 0': Karen bullies office receptionist on her way to job interview, receptionist gets revenge