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Top Trending Chat GPT Fails

Top Trending Chat GPT Fails of the Week (February 6, 2023)

You put a limit on photocopying? Ok, I’ll print.

'Do what you need to do': School imposes photocopying limit, teacher finds clever loophole

Top 10 Choosing Beggars of the Week (February 6, 2023)

Top 10 Choosing Beggars of the Week (February 6, 2023)

AITA for putting blue hair dye in my shampoo without letting my family know?

'The result isn't pretty': Teenager uses sister's shampoo without permission, discovers there was blue hair dye in it

AITA for sending my niece to go live with her other uncle?

'I told her to go pack a bag': Uncle kicks niece out of his house for a week to stay with her other uncle, gets roasted in the comments

Yeah I’ll work 8 hours

'You sound like someone who loves a job that will never love you back': Employee screws herself over by working unpaid hours

You won’t pay for my hotel? Ok I’ll drag your name through the mud and you’ll pay for a more expensive hotel

'Don’t cheap out on your invaluable employees': Employee expected to work late, wake up at 3 AM, and drive 2 hours for a meeting? Cue Malicious Compliance!

AITA for telling my roommate that speaking a language is not a personality and she needs a new one?

'I told her she’s boring and has to fake her personality': Woman is jealous that her roommate speaks multiple languages, gets roasted online

AITA for cancelling my son's birthday party because my Mother-In-Law left poop on my toothbrush

'Your MIL is LITERALLY TOXIC': Guy's MIL gets defensive after major babysitting bathroom fail

Why did they get in for free? Let me fix that.

'The looks of betrayal they gave him were priceless': Guy throws a fit about $2 cover charge at a club, bouncer gets petty revenge

I’m late? Well now I am late with croissants

'If I'm going to be late, I might as well be more late, but with food': Tardy student angers teacher by bringing croissants for the whole class

Karen told me to hang up, so I did

'If you continue to speak to me in such a manner, I will terminate this call': Karen goes off on customer service rep, gets her comeuppance

Top Trending Entitled Moms of the Week (February 2, 2023)

Top Trending Entitled Moms of the Week (February 2, 2023)

AITA- Am I the asshole for making a coworker upset when I corrected her that we were just “coworkers” and not “friends”?

'You totally bombed that social interaction': Employee tells coworker on last day that they are not friends

Boomer doesn't understand tech

'Karen had deleted everything': Boomer Karen tries to screw over coworker after getting laid off, coworker gets revenge

Tell the HOA my kid's too loud? Ok, deal with him some more.

'There's too much noise outside': Neighbor tells HOA that kids are being too loud, entitled mom gets petty revenge