reddit thread

I’ll never clean up after my roommates again

'I'm officially done': College student refuses to clean up after wild roommates anymore, internet responds

Woman at work accused me of vaping in the bathroom because “I can smell it on you.”

'I can smell it on you': Karen coworker falsely accuses employee of vaping in the bathroom, tries to get him fired

AITA for telling my brother’s wife that she is a stuck up b****?

'I refused to apologize': Guy unleashes wrath upon socially awkward sister-in-law, calls her stuck up

The job that fired me then hired three people to replace me

'My boss had to hire two more people just to replace me': Nepo baby gets fired for breaking company policy, gets petty revenge

AITA for cancelling my wife’s TV subscriptions?

'My wife subscribed to over 15 TV services': Wife steals husband's credit card to pay for streaming, husband retaliates and now marriage is on the rocks

Apparently submitting assignments before the due date is considered “Late”.

'A deadline is a deadline': College student gets late penalty despite turning in paper early, professor goes on power trip and refuses to reverse decision

A guy tries to underpay an artist for a poster design. Artist rightfully declines the offer. Than the guy goes on a full temper tuntrum, starts harrasing the artist, uses ML as ammunition against the artists, claims the artist "gave the idea to them by declining the low offer". Yeah.

'You ARE the Zombie Apocalypse': Manchild Choosing Beggar refuses to pay artist, then uses AI art and goes on temper tantrum online

Get me fired? It’s a small world, isn’t it?

'Witch #2 did not get hired': Employee gets revenge on former coworker after she tried to apply for a job at their current company

"oh that was Katy's job" I'm not sure if this belongs on malicious compliance but I figured people will enjoy this

'Not my job, not my problem': Coworker gets fired for questioning policies, company suffers after no one takes on her work duties

AITA for screaming at my sister after announcing my pregnancy

'She LIED about the pregnancy': Woman makes fake pregnancy announcement at family gathering to steal her sister's thunder

Let me join the HONEYMOON!

'If it wasn't for me there would be no wedding': Entitled monster-in-law demands to join her son on his honeymoon

Posted my CB encounter earlier until the good people of Reddit told me I’d accidentally doxxed myself. here it is again in all it’s glory..

'I want my bed back': Entitled choosing beggar refuses to pick up free bed on time in unhinged text exchange

AITA for refusing to stop cooking and eating in my kitchen because of my roommate's girlfriend's "condition."

'She's not paying rent but is making demands?': Guy told not to cook in his own apartment by his roommate's girlfriend

Mom wants me to sign over 250k beneficiary check

'My mom says that it was a mistake': Entitled Mom tries to cheat daughter out of her father's inheritance

Group Interview. Camera Required. None of the interviewers put their camera on.

'An interview is a two-way evaluation': Candidate has to turn camera on for interview but recruiters don't reciprocate, immediately turns down job

Breaking up with my GF because of being a fangirl

'It kept getting worse': Guy breaks up with girlfriend because she's too obsessed with KPOP boy band