reddit thread

AITA for leaving my "friends" wedding when she told me I needed to cover up my psoriasis?

'Brides are going too far these days': Bridezilla asks friend to leave her wedding to cover up her psoriasis

Hurry up and sync the phones we have to leave! Okay .. but the woman in your pics don't look like your fiance.

'She screams for a solid minute': Engaged couple sync their phones at Best Buy, accidentally transferring dude's photos with another woman

20 Eyebrow-Raising Unpopular Opinions This Week (February 12, 2023)

20 Bold Hot Takes and Unpopular Opinions This Week (February 12, 2023)

Smoking in a nonsmoking restaurant

'In comes this entitled man': Grown man gets confronted by teenage employee for smoking in a non-smoking restaurant

Entitled boomer curses me out at work for not saying “thank you”

'He was angry and upset because I didn’t say thank you': Woman gets cursed out and threatened by entitled boomer at work

"Extra Spicy" accumulates

'That thing was HOT': Guy keeps requesting for his dish to be extra spicy, chef maliciously complies

Boss told me to deep clean the back and to not come to front for any reason so i did

Update: Underpaid server forced to deep clean floors by manager? Cue malicious compliance!

I quit my job after only one week. This is the email I sent to all my supervisors and HR.

'I quit my job after only one week': New employee sends scathing email to HR calling the company out of its shady policies

family drama aita sisters wife husband wedding family engagement reddit thread Reddit - 19278085

'Do you support me marrying Derrick?': Young twentysomething gets engaged after 6 months, cuts off sister for voicing concerns

20 Oddly Satisfying Moments and Happy Accidents For Your Enjoyment

20 Oddly Satisfying Moments and Happy Accidents

20 Cringeworthy Dad Joke Fails for the Week (February 8, 2023)

20 Cringeworthy Dad Joke Fails for This Week (February 8, 2023)

Dead dog wasn’t an acceptable excuse to miss work.

'My manager didn’t think it was an acceptable excuse': Employee not allowed to miss work after dog passed away

When your friend blocks you because you didn’t give her money after your mom died.

'Did you really unfriend me?': Grief stricken friend gets blocked by entitled person for not sending money to baby registry

FAILS pro revenge list revenge petty revenge reddit thread Reddit funny - 19264005

The Top Petty Revenge Stories of the Week (February 7, 2023)

AITA for pulling my daughter from a waterpark trip because her teacher made her stay with a kid she doesn't like?

'Teacher is a piece of work': Terrible teacher makes 9-year-old deal with difficult student on field trip, parents retaliate

Want my section because I make more money. Go ahead I will still make more than you.

'Go ahead, I will still make more money than you': Server gets accused of getting the best section at restaurant, gives it up and still makes more in tips