

'Be a team player': Boss calls employee replaceable and demands they come in on their day off, backpedals when they quit

Yeah, no. | Worker quits after boss lies and says they didn't approve their leave

'Also, I quit': Boss pretends they didn't approve worker's leave and demands they come in, worker quits in viral post

management antiwork toxic-workplace workplaces quit workplace quitting employment toxic-work-environment - 1832967

'I'm already approved to take off that weekend': Boss cancels employee's leave on Thanksgiving due to scheduling conflict, employee quits and cancels their employment

'Expect my resignation by EOD': Micromanaging boss tries to force her top salesperson to commute to the office 3x a week, he refuses and quits

'Expect my resignation by EOD': Micromanaging boss tries to force her top salesperson to commute to the office 3x a week, he refuses and quits

'If you're being serious, I quit': Employee saves Fortune 500 company whopping $20 million in profits, denied promotion, offered 2% raise instead, employee quits

'If you're being serious, I quit': Employee saves Fortune 500 company whopping $20 million in profits, denied promotion, offered 2% raise instead, employee quits

‘I’m literally throwing up at work': Millennial employee gets accused of faking sickness to get out of work, boss threatens to fire them if they don't finish their shift

‘I’m literally throwing up at work': Millennial employee gets accused of faking sickness to get out of work, boss threatens to fire them if they don't finish their shift

'I'd be paid $6 an hour': Bar manager rebels against lazy boss who gives him an ultimatum, gets fired because he refused to work extra hours below minimum wage

'I'd be paid $6 an hour': Bar manager rebels against lazy boss who gives him an ultimatum, gets fired because he refused to work extra hours below minimum wage

customer service ghost-quitting employee generational millennials i quit quit no-call-no-show gen x gen z workplace workforce quitting retail-jobs - 19947269

'Are they just [THAT] afraid of confrontation': Millennial boss sparks discussion about "ghost quitting" and whether it's a Gen Z thing or a minimum wage job thing

work-story antiwork workplace-story coworkers i quit sysadmin quit workplace IT-job quitting employment - 19926277

Update! 'I finally left [nightmare] workplace': Overworked IT employee shares how their final two weeks went at their toxic job after epically quitting

'I got fired for speaking up': Tyrannical boss fires employee for protesting working conditions, employee reports boss to DOL, boss gets fired and closes shop

'I got fired for speaking up': Tyrannical boss fires employee for protesting working conditions, employee reports boss to DOL, boss gets fired and closes shop

‘I contacted the BSA, which led to the company’s demise': Boss refuses to pay employee for labor, employee contacts BSA as revenge, leading to company's financial destruction

‘I contacted the BSA, which led to the company’s demise': Boss refuses to pay employee for labor, employee contacts BSA as revenge, leading to company's financial destruction

work-story antiwork workplace-stories coworkers i quit quit workplace workers quitting employment - 19884549

'I am not demanding': Demanding manager demands worker cover shift on their day off, demands their cooperation after they quit

work-story work stories toxic-workplace workplace-story work i quit quit workplace Horrible Bosses story developers quitting employment toxic-work-environment - 19630085

'[They] didn't want to pay me a fair wage': Horrifically underpaid IT guy leaves and costs the company $40 Million

work-story antiwork workplace-stories fired toxic-workplace work i quit quit toxic-boss workplace quitting employment - 19597573

'I quit, don't call me': Teen worker quits after being threatened by boss for seeking "optional" urgent medical care

work-story antiwork workplace-stories toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses workers employment toxic-work-environment i quit quit quitting - 19595269

'I'll kick you out': Worker experiences backlash from immature boss after handing in their notice

recruiter antiwork toxic-workplace i quit new job quit interviews recruiting toxic-boss workplace job interview interview quitting - 19540741

'50% salary decrease': New job cuts worker's pay by $30k shortly after recruiting them