
‘My boss gave the new hire my promotion, so I quit’: Employee quits after being denied promotion; VP fires new hire, demands employee be reinstated

‘My boss gave the new hire my promotion, so I quit’: Employee quits after being denied promotion; VP fires new hire, demands employee be reinstated

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'I quit and they tried to get me arrested!': Boss tries to saddle worker with $30,000 theft after they fire them while working the store alone

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'They refused to believe I had left': Worker leaves their job of 10 years after getting passed up for promotion in favor of a person they trained

antiwork jobs toxic-workplace job coworkers new job quit employees job-seeker toxic-boss workplace quitting employment toxic-work-environment - 20476421

'I don't like your chances': New employer threatens teen after they demand to be paid for their work after quitting due to red flags

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'So I started planning my exit': Employee ghosts his boss after he repeatedly 'forgets' to pay him, sends him a resignation letter instead of showing up for an important meeting

boss workplace-stories employee toxic-workplace workplace-story malicious compliance revenge malicious-compliance-reddit quit horrible boss workplace Horrible Bosses terrible-management - 20197125

'Sure thing boss': Insurance worker told to just do their job, makes sure customers are covered

workplace-stories talesfromretail in-the-workplace employee toxic-workplace workplace-story malicious compliance retail quit employees workplace quitting employment - 20417541

'They were not happy': Employee quits according to their old notice period when employer refuses to give them a new contract

'I stopped working overtime. Then I quit’: Employee hands in resignation after boss says he's ‘slacking off’ despite working unpaid overtime

'I stopped working overtime. Then I quit’: Employee hands in resignation after boss says he's ‘slacking off’ despite working unpaid overtime

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'She quit so fast': New hire quits when boss promises to honor their leave dates then immediately revokes them

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'It's mandatory': Worker gets fired for not attending an unpaid "cleaning party" with two-hour's notice

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'He was only needing to take three days off': Hardware store denies Dad three days of leave scheduled three months in advance, he quits

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'He quit a few weeks later': Manager tries to humiliate security guard, quits when it backfires

Was asked to take a “lateral”promotion

'I turned in my notice': Employee offered promotion, later told that it's a 'lateral promotion' that comes with a $1 raise, quits

Top 25 Coworker Memes of the Week (April 26, 2023)

Top 25 Coworker Memes of the Week (April 26, 2023)

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'He responded by adding more workload': Worker quits when boss gives them more work after they complain about their workload

terrible coworkers antiwork in-the-workplace employee toxic-workplace work coworkers i quit quit toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment toxic-work-environment - 20260613

'My boss cancelled my interview': Worker quits when boss interferes with their internal promotion interview