
‘My boss messed up’: Driver finds out he's getting fired via group chat boss forgot he's a part of

‘My boss messed up’: Driver finds out he's getting fired via group chat boss forgot he's a part of

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'I'm watching my future former director going nuts': Boss has dawning realization at employee's imminent departure

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'My boss cut my salary in half': Employee demoted despite having to do the same tasks and responsibilities, internet reacts

'Here's something sweet to remember me': Employee quits, announces departure on cake, internet drags him

'Here's something sweet to remember me': Employee quits, announces departure on cake, internet drags him

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'I just quit my job on the first day': Underpaid employee receives no training or oversight on day one, he quits while he can

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'The customer is NOT always right': Cashier quits on the spot after a rude, Memorial Day shopper takes a price check way too far (VIDEO)

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'It would be better for everyone if I quit': Boss threatens to fire employee all year, employee finally quits, boss tries to get him back

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'[He] created a mass corporate email with various screenshots': IT guy quits and schedules scathing tell-all email about his Karen boss

'Our cleaner quit': Boss tries to convince employees to assume cleaning lady's duties, frames it as an 'exciting opportunity'

'Our cleaner quit': Boss tries to convince employees to assume cleaning lady's duties, frames it as an 'exciting opportunity'

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'Where are you?': Worker quits, boss schedules them anyways and accuses them of 'no showing'

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'My boss could barely look at me': Boss begs worker to stay and train supervisor just before their final day after they fail to replicate their work

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'My director [...] is going absolutely nuts': Engineer transitions out of the company, boss finally discovers how doomed they are

Top Tier Coworker Fails In The Form Of Memes (May 24, 2023)

Top Tier Coworker Fails In The Form Of Memes (May 24, 2023)

'Bye Felicia': Paramedic quits after discovering they are the lowest paid despite having the most experience

'Bye Felicia': Paramedic quits after discovering they are the lowest paid despite having the most experience

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'Quit my job suddenly via email': Worker quits their job because of a bad boss, boss demands they come in and talk face-to-face

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'Okay, I quit': Overworked worker denied a raise, immediately quits