petty revenge

bride fired groom revenge petty revenge wedding reddit thread Reddit - 20222725

'I got him fired': Deacon makes groom's wife and sister cry on his wedding day, groom gets him dismissed

‘I picked the HOA bylaws apart’ : Neighbor gets his comeuppance when resident plants bamboo to overrun LED security light

‘I picked the HOA bylaws apart’ : Resident plants bamboo to overrun Neighbor’s bright LED security light

HOA towed my stepdad's car again. And instead of trying to help us figure out what is going on, the board member in charge of parking ignored me and then gave me passive aggressive responses.

'Sweet sweet revenge': HOA unjustly tows stepdad's car, faces threat of endless parking applications

‘I was told there were no formatting restrictions’: College professor gets her comeuppance when students take a stand, leads to 100% pass rate

‘I was told there were no formatting restrictions’: Students take a stand against college professor, leads to 100% pass rate

boss workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace petty revenge reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20206085

'I got fired for being sick': Employee gets fired for ER visit, boss loses customers

'I was able to approve 50+ cases before I quit': Insurance employee dismisses company guidelines, refuses to deny claims, then quits

'I was able to approve 50+ cases before I quit': Insurance employee dismisses company guidelines, refuses to deny claims, then quits

Apparently booking a seat on a train is not a real booking if someone else decides to sit there.

'Loopholee becomes loopholer': Train passenger gets seat stolen, finds an extra petty loophole

in-the-workplace fired work stories toxic-workplace workplace-story malicious compliance revenge coworkers i quit petty revenge workplace job interview interview employment - 20178437

'I helped end his career': Boss forces worker out of job, worker forces boss out of industry

I put salt in my drinks to find out who's been stealing them

'I will never forget the look on her face': Woman gets glorious revenge on coworker for stealing her drinks

‘I reported my boss and quit’: Boss deducts thousands of dollars from employees' paychecks, employees report her to labor board and quit, company collapses

‘I reported my boss and quit’: Boss deducts thousands of dollars from employees' paychecks, employees report her to labor board and quit, company collapses

parking ticket revenge petty revenge entitled reddit thread Reddit parking entitled people - 20122629

'He got five tickets': Dude parks boat across all handicapped parking spaces at restaurant, diner gets revenge

'If you don't pay your bills, you don't get to keep your stuff': Credit company serves as petty revenge messenger to man's cheating ex wife; they tow and repossess her car

'If you don't pay your bills, you don't get to keep your stuff': Credit company serves as petty revenge messenger to man's cheating ex wife; they tow and repossess her car

customer support customer service karens retail revenge karen-customer customers petty revenge customer customer-service-stories retail-stories karen entitled people - 20179461

'I work for my dad': Customer tries to name-drop owner to strong-arm cashier, cashier is owner's son

failblog tax-exempt taxes petty revenge tax-fraud entitled-rich-person entitled Reddit - 20170501

'Checkmate, well played': Guy gets epic petty revenge after discovering the entitled rich lady who left him a bad review is avoiding paying over $2,000 in taxes

Neighbor took my parking spot after I shoveled. I poured water in his windshield.

'They have zero etiquette': Guy serves ice cold revenge to neighbor who steals his freshly shoveled parking space

'You try to throw me under the bus, watch what happens': Employee gets his comeuppance when coworker judo flips attempt to discredit him in front of boss

'You try to throw me under the bus, watch what happens': Employee gets his comeuppance when coworker judo flips attempt to discredit him in front of boss