petty revenge

'I got a disciplinary hearing; he got fired': New manager made redundant following absurd orders he gave employee

'I got a disciplinary hearing; he got fired': New manager made redundant following absurd orders he gave employee

used-car-sales dealership pro revenge scammer malicious compliance car revenge malicious-compliance-stories cars scammers used car petty revenge - 20157189

'No money back? We'll see about that': Guy gets even when dealership refuses to honor refund on faulty car

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'It felt like my small win for the day': Fed up folks annoyed by their entitled Karen neighbors share their petty revenge wins

Neighbor took my parking spot after I shoveled. I poured water in his windshield.

'I poured water on his windshield': Man freezes out his neighbor after snow shoveling snafu

workplace-story laid off r-justiceserved toxic-management Justice-served petty revenge r-pettyrevenge uno-reverso Reddit - 20099845

'I got over $5,000 and 6 months pay for not doing any work': Company tries to excuse unpaid wages, employee Uno Reverses them and hits them with a Draw 5k

'This was her big mistake, her address was on the check': Cashier gets petty revenge on an entitled Karen, orders her a lifetime of magazine subscriptions as vengeance

'This was her big mistake, her address was on the check': Cashier gets petty revenge on an entitled Karen, orders her a lifetime of magazine subscriptions as vengeance

pro revenge school FAIL revenge petty revenge reddit thread Reddit mom - 20072197

'Petty revenge on my own truant son': Mom stages epic prank to force son to stop skipping school

viral videos scammer-caught satisfying-justice millennials Justice-served Airbnb-scam petty revenge Airbnb epic-justice gen z funny-revenge - 20107525

'Send us our $1,000 back or I'm going to have a sleepover with your parents': Airbnb ‘Super Host’ scam massively blows up in scammer's face after irate guest finds all his personal information online

pro revenge aita bully revenge petty revenge reddit thread Reddit bullying - 20070917

‘AITA for getting my bully kicked out of his dream school?’: Student compiles evidence of his bully’s remarks, sends it to the college of his choice

having-roommates petty revenge roommate-story horrible-roommate Reddit roommates toxic-roommates - 20078085

'I know [it] will drive them insane': Roomate has had it with entitled passive aggressive couple she lives with, cue petty revenge

'She lied to my face in front of management': Cutthroat employee snags 50% commission from coworker on massive car deal, coworker quits when management let her get away with it

'She lied to my face in front of management': Cutthroat employee snags 50% commission from coworker on massive car deal, coworker quits when management let her get away with it

'The charge was... malicious compliance': Tyrannical boss demands employee 'print out the internet', employee jams boss's office with 6 feet stack of paper

'The charge was... malicious compliance': Tyrannical boss demands employee 'print out the internet', employee jams boss's office with 6 feet stack of paper

‘I engaged in malicious compliance mode, and it cost him’: New boss costs company $6,000 following employees' malicious compliance, boss gets demoted

‘I engaged in malicious compliance mode, and it cost him’: New boss costs company $6,000 following employees' malicious compliance, boss gets demoted

'If you're being serious, I quit': Employee saves Fortune 500 company whopping $20 million in profits, denied promotion, offered 2% raise instead, employee quits

'If you're being serious, I quit': Employee saves Fortune 500 company whopping $20 million in profits, denied promotion, offered 2% raise instead, employee quits

IT-employee employee misogyny-in-the-workplace Justice-served petty revenge fighting-misogyny women-supporting-women workplace it department - 20052229

‘I had a very misogynistic boss’: 'Good 'Ol Boy' manager finally gets busted for taking credit of female employee's work thanks to the IT department

school university malicious compliance school-story revenge teachers group projects petty revenge teacher college college student - 20018437

'I WILL do your project': Worst project partner ever tries to get student to do the whole thing, she does but ensures he fails