petty revenge

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'He quit a few weeks later': Manager tries to humiliate security guard, quits when it backfires

Cheapskate Boss | I worked as a shift supervisor in a department of about 60 employees. Every year there is a designated week to celebrate our profession.

'I saw red': Cheapskate boss forces shift supervisors to pay for company pizza parties and refuses to tip, shift supervisors pays them in pettily dispensed pennies

Reddit, what's your best/funniest personal example of petty revenge?

'I put glitter in my friend's laundry': 20+ People share their funniest petty revenge stories

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'It's easier to retrain an old dog than man of any age': Guy keeps leaves dirty socks under the couch, girlfriend trains their dogs to tear them apart

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'What price do you put on peace of mind?': Trashy neighbor throws garbage over fence, guy buys the house they're renting just to evict them

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'I will fill your car with snow': Guy gets ice-cold revenge on a parking spot stealer during actual blizzard

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'This is nacho food': Guy keeps breaking things and eating roommate's food, roommate gets cheesy revenge

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'The situation was hilarious': Magician takes advantage of magic trick to successfully deal with annoying drunk heckler

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'[He] was beet red': Mechanic wrongly assumes woman knows nothing about cars, backfires

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'It felt petty [...] but I didn't care': Woman leaves one-star review of high school Mean Girl's salon, creates domino effect

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'That's DOCTOR Karen': Entitled doctor tries to pull status card at pharmacy, pharmacist quickly humbles him

Woman Gets Sweet Revenge On Petty Unprofessional Coworkers Who Refused To Give Her An Office For No Good Reason

Woman Gets Sweet Revenge On Petty Unprofessional Coworkers Who Refused To Give Her An Office For No Good Reason

'This is not an HOA': Resident files stacks of complaints against neighbor, neighbor has enough and gets resident's motor home towed

'This is not an HOA': Resident has their motorhome towed after filing stacks of complaints against their neighbor

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‘Looking for someone?’: Guy cheats on girlfriend, she gets revenge by catfishing

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'I didn't feel any guilt period': Neighbor gets revenge on HOA by fulfilling a kid's birthday wish

'Fine, I'll honor our contract': Man gets even with ex-girlfriend when she demands he honor their $700,000 housing contract, costs her over $62,500

'Fine, I'll honor our contract': Man gets even with ex-girlfriend when she demands he honor their $700,000 housing contract, costs her over $62,500