petty revenge

aita neighbors neighborhood petty revenge update reddit thread Reddit holidays - 19656197

'Your neighbor sucks': Universally hated neighbor rants about holiday decorations, so now everyone decorates their houses for every single holiday

Stupid woman bests water department workers

'According to these guys... I did not know what I was talking about': Clever homeowner gets petty revenge on water department after they belittle her intelligence

'You sure have an accessibility problem now!' : Man takes petty revenge on entitled rich dude who decidedly parks new Corvette in designated handicapped space

'You sure have an accessibility problem now!' : Man takes petty revenge on entitled rich dude who decidedly parks new Corvette in designated handicapped space

employees workplace employment work-story workplace-stories employee hr malicious compliance revenge petty revenge human resources story - 19629573

Worker gets one over on vindictive HR by following workplace guidelines

'She called me ugly, so my friend painted a mural of me across her bedroom window' : Man gets ironic petty revenge on cheating ex girlfriend

'She called me ugly, so my friend painted a mural of me across her bedroom window' : Man gets ironic petty revenge on cheating ex girlfriend

'Your employee was unable to walk' : Entitled hotel guest attempts to dictate employee's life off the clock, manager puts guest on DNR list

'Your employee was unable to walk' : Entitled hotel guest attempts to dictate employee's life off the clock, manager puts guest on DNR list

photo shoot roast prank entitled models petty revenge - 19628037

Guy blasts 'entitled models,' gets roasted by internet for his smelly prank

handicapped revenge petty revenge entitled reddit thread Reddit parking entitled people - 19636485

'The sense of entitlement puts me in a rage': Jerk uses accessible parking spot without a pass, guy gets petty revenge by surrounding his car with shopping carts

landlord revenge bad-landlord landlords petty revenge rent renting - 19613189

'They tried to nickel and dime me': Tennant ditches out on lease because of dodgy landlord and their cheap tactics

Traffic cones of doom

'He liked to floor it, kick up gravel, and go as fast a possible': Neighborhood speed racer gets solidly put in his place

‘She viewed me like some kind of servant, and the fact her mom didn't correct her didn't sit right with me’ : Retail worker teaches customer's entitled Karen kid a lesson

‘She viewed me like some kind of servant, and the fact her mom didn't correct her didn't sit right with me’ : Retail worker teaches customer's entitled Karen kid a lesson

Neighbors used my property as their own. Paid for new fence.

'The neighbors were in my pool': Entitled family disregard new neighbor to use his property because they 'had permission' from previous owner

karens revenge petty revenge food delivery karens in the wild reddit thread Reddit karen - 19608581

'You lied to me and you should deal with the consequences': Nightmare Male Karen thinks he got petty revenge by making enemies with a restaurant

You get a tiki torch, you get a tiki torch. You all get tiki torches!!

Fired-up Karen calls fire department for nothing, so the entire neighborhood retaliates against her

'I left him $4.86 and a note saying he now owes people who can collect' : Petty revenge ensues when leech roommate attempts to leave friend with debt that may lead to eviction

'I left him $4.86 and a note saying he now owes people who can collect' : Petty revenge ensues when leech roommate attempts to leave friend with debt that may lead to eviction

'I got my sister's account suspended' : Brother takes petty revenge on entitled influencer sister for adding him to her viral cooking videos without his consent, leading to family drama

'I got my sister's account suspended' : Brother takes petty revenge on entitled influencer sister for adding him to her viral cooking videos without his consent, leading to family drama