petty revenge

I just deleted thousands of hours of work from my old job

Freelance worker discovers his former company still uses the work he owns, gets even by deleting the folder

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'That's a rather Hot Topic': Retail employee gets revenge on entitled coworker, sparks painfully hilarious shopping pun thread on Reddit

'That never happened': Man gets revenge on gaslighting mom using the same toxic tactic she used when he was a little boy

'That never happened': Man gets revenge on gaslighting mom using the same toxic tactic she used when he was a little boy

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'Dumping [him] was the right decision': Couple breaks up, dude chops down 'their' special tree, she gets petty revenge

'I became the HOA president': Resident gets even with neighbors who block his parking spot by joining HOA; becomes president, fines them

'I became the HOA president': Resident gets even with neighbors who block his parking spot by joining HOA; becomes president, fines them

'I was instructed to stay at my desk, so I did' Company crumbles due to drop in production following boss's orders for employees to ‘stay at their desk’ in uniform, despite being short-staffed

'I was instructed to stay at my desk, so I did': Boss orders employees to ‘stay at their desk’ in uniform, company crumbles due to drop in production

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'I honked at him': Horn-honking pickup driver gets a taste of his own medicine

‘Next time, say please': Couple posts neighbors' sawhorses on Craigslist as ‘free’ after parking debacle

‘Next time, say please': Couple posts neighbors' sawhorses on Craigslist as ‘free’ after parking debacle

'I stopped working overtime. Then I quit’: Employee hands in resignation after boss says he's ‘slacking off’ despite working unpaid overtime

'I stopped working overtime. Then I quit’: Employee hands in resignation after boss says he's ‘slacking off’ despite working unpaid overtime

'She messed with the wrong student; she never complained again': Barista student schools Karen customer after one too many coffee ‘remakes’

'She messed with the wrong student; she never complained again': Barista student schools Karen customer after one too many coffee ‘remakes’

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'They are not qualified': Worker blocks old coworker and boss's applications when they interview at worker's new company

Don’t want to be asked for anything more? Okay. No problem. | So a few years ago I worked as an administrator at a finance company. It was my job to create contract documents and ensure everything was secure and legit. E

'He was getting ruder every time we spoke': Scammy business guy tries to bully administrator and gets shut down, loses sale

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'Block me in, I'll block you in': Couple blocks guy's car in lot, guy blocks their car from exiting, watches them drive over spikes

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'They had to move': Woman gets her neighbors evicted following their excessive complaints

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'That’s what he gets for cutting you off': Guy recognizes reckless driver in his store, gets revenge by throwing him out

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'You should not have any more problems': Couple discovers neighbor's questionable AirBnB ring, leasing office shuts it down