
'Granny on a mission': 82-year-old grandmother fights grandkid's Karen neighbor for tossing debris into their garden

'Granny on a mission': 82-year-old grandmother fights grandkid's Karen neighbor for tossing debris into their garden

'Cut me in line?': Babysitter and 3-year-old kid get back at entitled line-cutting Karen by blocking her from leaving the parking lot

'Cut me in line?': Babysitter and 3-year-old kid get back at entitled line-cutting Karen by blocking her from leaving the parking lot

'You don't get to invite unwanted guests': Couple elopes privately so they don't have to deal with bride's entitled Karen Mom

'You don't get to invite unwanted guests': Couple elopes privately so they don't have to deal with bride's entitled Karen Mom

'Take up 7 seats': 40-year-old Karen lets kids take up too much space on crowded train, passenger gives Karen a tough time for the next 20 minutes

'Take up 7 seats?': 40-year-old Karen lets kids take up too much space on crowded train, passenger gives Karen a tough time for the next 20 minutes

Automation employee gets back at entitled boss by adding a code line to company's budget sheet that makes it impossible to give boss a raise: ‘I don't feel guilty’

Automation employee gets back at entitled boss by adding a code line to company's budget sheet that makes it impossible to give boss a raise: ‘I don't feel guilty’

'Fire me and I fire back': Irresponsible telemarketer gets let go, enacts payback by stinking up the bathroom for 6 months

'Fire me and I fire back': Irresponsible telemarketer gets let go, enacts payback by stinking up the bathroom for 6 months

'It’s not his fault if I can’t sleep': Tenant gives neighbor who always plays loud music a taste of his own medicine, sabotaging his party

'It’s not his fault if I can’t sleep': Tenant gives neighbor who always plays loud music a taste of his own medicine, sabotaging his party

karens teens teen teenager petty-revenge-reddit snow teenagers revenge revenge-stories snowboarding petty revenge petty karens in the wild snowy karen story karen

'The neighbors complain that I might break their fence': 13-year-old snowboarder lets entitled neighbor "speak to the landowner," neighbor's plan backfires

Entitled resident's dog goes to the bathroom on neighbor's lawn every day, neighbor finally gets payback: 'I emptied that box into their garbage can and waited'

Entitled resident's dog goes to the bathroom on neighbor's lawn every day, neighbor finally gets payback: 'I emptied that box into their garbage can and waited'

Picked-on employee resigns and gives boss piece of his mind, tapes a tuna sandwich under his desk in return for years of torment

Boss gets handed revenge that reeks when scorned employee tapes a tuna sandwich under his desk, never to be found again: ‘Well played, Petty Crocker’

employee revenge petty revenge pro revenge petty-revenge-reddit revenge-stories-reddit revenge-stories Jobs employment issues antiwork Horrible Bosses employment-discussion job quitting quit i quit Fired getting fired laid off

Employee laid-off by new owners gets even via remote access, uninstalling personal software: 'You should've been nicer when you laid me off'

Prank-calling teens are signed up for 600+ texts a day by vengeful restaurant manager, proving harmless revenge is best-served digitally

‘I finally hit my limit’: Restaurant manager gets revenge on prank-calling teens by signing them up for an information service text chain they can't unsubscribe from

Employee finds out a coworker is living in a tent and spreads the information around the office, coworker teaches him a valuable lesson in response: ‘Don't dish it out if you can't take it’

Employee finds out a coworker is living in a tent and spreads the information around the office, coworker teaches him a valuable lesson in response: ‘Don't dish it out if you can't take it’

'It is not my job to continuously walk over and deliver him things': Entitled tenant refuses to change wrong address on package deliveries, neighbor starts eating his food

'It is not my job to continuously walk over and deliver him things': Entitled tenant refuses to change wrong address on package deliveries, neighbor starts eating his food

Arrogant boss gets ultimate karma when he picks on fresh new grad through sipping on a strong, piping-hot cup of joe he demanded the new grad to make for him

‘No BS degree in coffee making’: New grad is berated by boss for having a college degree and is demanded to be on office coffee duty, so he retaliates ‘strong[ly] but bitter[ly]’

Burnt-out employee requests PTO and management threatens to fire him, so he finds a better job and quits the old one, demanding all of his unused PTO days be paid in his last paycheck

‘As you wish’: Overworked employee requests PTO for vacation and messy management threatens to fire him, so he quits and demands all PTO days be paid in his last paycheck