
21-year-old college student sabotage's terrible roommate's chances at getting into her sister's sorority: 'She’ll never ever be in that particular chapter'

21-year-old college student sabotages terrible roommate's chances at getting into her sister's sorority: 'She’ll never ever be in that particular chapter'

Guy gets even with neighbor by planting 50 plastic pink flamingos all over his assigned parking space: 'Best $200 I've ever spent'

Guy gets even with neighbor by planting 50 plastic pink flamingos all over his assigned parking space: 'Best $200 I've ever spent'

 teens teenager petty-revenge-reddit teenagers revenge revenge-stories petty revenge petty football High school sports

'He looked shocked when he saw us walk in': Group of teenage girls confront their "very strict" high school football coach

 petty revenge petty petty-revenge-reddit revenge revenge-stories entitled entitled people demanding Cousins family kids babysitting babysitter

'Never got asked to babysit again': Teenager gets petty revenge on older cousin who insists they clean her house each week

‘I’m still talking’: Stubborn Dad keeps cutting off his 28-year-old daughter mid-sentence, she gets even by cutting off his electricity

‘I’m still talking’: Stubborn Dad keeps cutting off his 28-year-old daughter mid-sentence, she gets even by cutting off his electricity

 karen karens in the wild karens entitled entitled people demanding karen story work workplace Jobs job workplace-stories petty revenge petty petty-revenge-reddit revenge revenge-stories

'My teenage self took petty revenge': 16-year-old beauty salon employee gets back at Karen coworker

 petty revenge petty petty-revenge-reddit revenge revenge-stories neighbors neighborhood neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors fence

Neighbors disagree over 4cm fence measurement: '[My] neighbor was petty... I'm going to make him replace his whole fence'

 counseling counselor student counsel Students teenagers Teens high school school petty revenge petty petty-revenge-reddit revenge revenge-stories

'My guidance counselor told me I wasn’t "university material"': Former student gets petty revenge on guidance counselor years later

Mom makes it her mission to sabotage teacher's career after teacher unfairly picked on her 7-year-old kid: 'I wanted only to ruin her'

Mom makes it her mission to sabotage teacher's career after teacher unfairly picked on her 7-year-old kid: 'I wanted only to ruin her'

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'My CPA was laughing so hard he almost fell out of his chair':"Fake engineer" buys entire meal for bragging dinner guests to prove a point

 petty revenge petty petty-revenge-reddit revenge revenge-stories work workplace Jobs job Boss bosses workplace-stories

'It is very satisfying firing a customer': Customer fakes $3,000 discount at car dealership, employee and GM team up to fire their own customer

'My coworker has it out for me': 29-year-old bartender on closing shift gets back at work enemy by making her opening shift the next day more difficult

'My coworker has it out for me': 29-year-old bartender on closing shift gets back at work enemy by making her opening shift the next day more difficult

'Wrecked my landlady's flower garden': Duplex resident discovers landlady stole from her garden, she enacts petty revenge

'Wrecked my landlady's flower garden': Duplex resident discovers landlady stole from her garden, she enacts petty revenge

Neighbor's kids sneak into resident's pool despite him refusing them repeatedly, leading resident to put up a fence to stop them from getting near the property: ‘You got fenced’

Neighbor's kids sneak into resident's pool despite him refusing them repeatedly, leading resident to put up a fence to stop them from getting near the property: ‘You got fenced’

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IT Guy gets back at a hacker by hacking them back, beating them at their own game: 'I took every single online account he had'

'Granny on a mission': 82-year-old grandmother fights grandkid's Karen neighbor for tossing debris into their garden

'Granny on a mission': 82-year-old grandmother fights grandkid's Karen neighbor for tossing debris into their garden