
Entitled resident throws a lawn party and trashes neighborhood as a result, neighbor collects the garbage for her, only to dump it all at her doorstep: ‘What did you really expect?’

Entitled resident throws a lawn party and trashes neighborhood as a result, neighbor collects the garbage for her, only to dump it all at her doorstep: ‘What did you really expect?’

Employee grows tired of unknown coworker stealing their lunch, so they cleverly replace it with disguised dog food, forcing coworker to stop: ‘Sure enough, the theft stopped within a week’

Employee grows tired of unknown coworker stealing their lunch, so they cleverly replace it with disguised dog food, forcing coworker to stop: ‘Sure enough, the theft stopped within a week’

Woman keeps stealing roommate's makeup, roommate swaps foundation with self-tanner: 'She waltzed out of the bathroom with an orange face'

Woman keeps stealing roommate's makeup, roommate swaps foundation with self-tanner: 'She waltzed out of the bathroom with an orange face'

'Y’all are my heroes for real': International swarm of callers floods scam center after woman shares the number online, causing them to shutdown operation

'Y’all are my heroes for real': International swarm of callers floods scam center after woman shares the number online, causing them to shutdown operation

Wife chastises husband for purchasing ugly Christmas cards, husband pulls prank with the help of his friends: 'Their mantelpiece was covered in identical cards'

Wife chastises husband for purchasing ugly Christmas cards, husband pulls prank with the help of his friends: 'Their mantelpiece was covered in identical cards'

Passenger overhears taxi driver gossip about her on the phone in another language, she gets payback after revealing she got every word: 'You shouldn't make comments like that'

Passenger overhears taxi driver gossip about her on the phone in another language, she gets payback after revealing she got every word: 'You shouldn't make comments like that'

Employee gets even with lazy ‘office golden boy’ by tracking his every move via spreadsheet, then ‘accidentally’ presents the document during a routine meeting

Employee gets even with lazy ‘office golden boy’ by tracking his every move via spreadsheet, then ‘accidentally’ presents the document during a routine meeting

 birthdays birthday raining restaurant host father in law in laws mother in law hostess rain petty revenge petty petty-revenge-reddit revenge revenge-stories

'I got a text from the restaurant... It was beginning to rain': Host of double birthday party writes 10 different 1-star reviews at upscale restaurant that denied them service

'[I'm] filling her house with my garbage': 40-year-old gets back at unfaithful ex-wife hoarder by giving away anything broken

'[I'm] filling her house with my garbage': 40-year-old gets back at unfaithful ex-wife hoarder by giving away anything broken

Guy gets back at entitled truck driver's incessant honking, giving parking spot to nice old lady instead: '[I] gave the truck nowhere to go'

Guy gets back at entitled truck driver's incessant honking, giving parking spot to nice old lady instead: '[I] gave the truck nowhere to go'

Bystander offers to change struggling woman's tire but she firmly refuses, he pettily changes his own tire in front of her and drives off: ‘So desperate for attention’

Bystander offers to change struggling woman's tire but she firmly refuses, he pettily changes his own tire in front of her and drives off: ‘So desperate for attention’

Entitled sister-in-law makes too many food demands for Thanksgiving dinner she's not even hosting, host gets even with leftovers: 'Radio silence after that!'

Entitled sister-in-law makes too many food demands for Thanksgiving dinner she's not even hosting, host gets even with leftovers: 'Radio silence after that!'

Entitled truck driver honks at car in front of him for going slightly above the speed limit, cue malicious compliance: 'We both enjoyed the last 80% [of the drive] at the exact speed limit'

Entitled truck driver honks at car in front of him for going slightly above the speed limit, cue malicious compliance: 'We both enjoyed the last 80% [of the drive] at the exact speed limit'

housing neighbors petty-revenge-reddit snow neighborhood revenge revenge-stories neighborhood-drama apartments cars neighborhood-stories petty revenge terrible neighbors petty shovel apartment - 37912325

Freezing snow shoveler gets ice-cold revenge on audacious neighbor: 'I must have poured about ten gallons of water on his car'

Restaurant manager demands $50 from each of her servers' tip money, server reports her to the owner: 'She's getting fired as soon as she gets back from vacation'

Restaurant manager demands $50 from each of her servers' tip money, server reports her to the owner: 'She's getting fired as soon as she gets back from vacation'

 boyfriend dancing rival petty-revenge-reddit revenge revenge-stories dancer petty revenge petty dancers dance dating

Tango dancer gets back at rival dancer who insulted their BF: 'He always wanted... dance with someone who actually knew what they were doing'