
Entitled ‘small-town rockstar’ demands his band's guitarist drive him to shows, guitarist puts him in his place: ‘Get mommy to take you’

Entitled ‘small-town rockstar’ demands his band's guitarist drive him to shows, guitarist puts him in his place: ‘Get mommy to take you’

'Inconsiderate roommate wouldn't stop eating my food': Tenant gets even with entitled roommate by feeding him expired milk and raw eggs

'Inconsiderate roommate wouldn't stop eating my food': Tenant gets even with entitled roommate by feeding him expired milk and raw eggs

jobs malicious compliance workplace malicious compliance revenge petty revenge pro revenge petty-revenge-reddit revenge-stories-reddit revenge-stories coworkers coworker terrible coworkers employee

'Maybe It’s a Glitch?': Employee sabotages their own spreadsheet in order to expose slothful coworker who hasn't been doing any own work

Flight attendant discovers pilot boyfriend has another girlfriend, she sabotages his apartment while he's away: 'She soaked his carpets and curtains in water'

Flight attendant discovers pilot boyfriend has another girlfriend, she sabotages his apartment while he's away: 'She soaked his carpets and curtains in water'

family drama hilarious drama petty-revenge-reddit iconic revenge niece petty aunt entitled family payback entitled people - 36971781

'Then came petty, petty revenge': Entitled aunt brings 8 friends on trip for family member's wake expecting them to cover accommodations, niece finds out and leaves them all stranded

'I purposely picked all the wrong answers': Student sabotages cheater by feeding him incorrect answers, switches to correct ones when he's not looking

'I purposely picked all the wrong answers': Student sabotages cheater by feeding him incorrect answers, switches to correct ones when he's not looking

opinion ask reddit petty-revenge-reddit funny stories revenge work coworkers revenge-stories bad roommates askreddit petty revenge petty family roommates funny opinions - 36966405

'One day, I had enough of it...[I] typed four simple words': 20+ Petty people share their funniest moments of payback

'Please send messages for me directly to me': Employee gets back at petty coworker by only pointing out his errors in the team's group chat

'Please send messages for me directly to me': Employee gets back at petty coworker by only pointing out his errors in the team's group chat

Boss scams employee out of $100 after he kindly buys food for entire office, employee uses boss's words against him to get delicious payback

‘You should've gotten it in writing’: Boss scams employee out of $100 after he promises to reimburse him, employee uses boss's words against him when he's needed for an urgent project

Slacker student gets his when he is exposed for his non-participation in group project, professor is in on the plan

Straight-A student conspires with professor and group mate to expose slacker student's non-participation in major group project: ‘[This] is going to be fun’

'I reported him for HOA violations I don't actually care about': Guy gets back at petty neighbor by overwhelming him with HOA fines until he moves

'I reported him for HOA violations I don't actually care about': Guy gets back at petty neighbor by overwhelming him with HOA fines until he moves

Best friend paints woman's entire apartment pink, woman gets payback by enlarging her friend's head in all her photos: 'She looks like a bobble head in every one'

Best friend paints woman's entire apartment pink, woman gets payback by enlarging her friend's head in all her photos: 'She looks like a bobble head in every one'

Student trickster uses his kindness to get a 10/10 on a school project he doesn't contribute to, in a tasteful turn of events that makes this petty revenge wholesome

‘The least you could do is repay me’: Student is left to do the heavy lifting for a school project, decides to trick his group mate into getting him a 10/10 on their next project and ends up on top

'Oh, were you behind me that whole time': Grocery store shopper gets revenge on entitled Karen for taking wrong parking spot

'Oh, were you behind me that whole time?': Grocery store shopper gets revenge on entitled Karen for taking wrong parking spot

‘Hope you like the fine you get’: Entitled neighbors demand resident put their trash back in yard after he clears it out as a favor, resident complies, then reports them to the HOA

‘Hope you like the fine you get’: Entitled neighbors demand resident put their trash back in yard after he clears it out as a favor, resident complies, then reports them to the HOA

'I was the one who actually did a lot of the work': New lieutenant embarrasses incompetent boss during important meeting after doing the bulk of the work

'I was the one who actually did a lot of the work': New lieutenant embarrasses incompetent boss during important meeting after doing the bulk of the work