

Lawyer refuses to update business cards, random guy keeps receiving his client's calls: 'That's when I had a great thought of how to get my petty revenge'

Lawyer refuses to update business cards, random guy keeps receiving his client's calls: 'That's when I had a great thought of how to get my petty revenge'

In decades past, getting constant phone calls was a real nuisance. I mean, it's still kind of an issue today, but at least now our iPhones tell us who's calling and if there's a likelihood the call is spammy. We now know exactly who's calling us, and the newest feature is that you can read a transcription of the voicemail someone is leaving you in real time! This is very cool and useful tech, and it would've dazzled people in the 1990s who were used to getting bombarded with phone calls . These…
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new tech employees mess up and try to cover it up, other employees call them out on their sneaky behavior and it backfires on the new tech employees

‘Crashed the site’: New tech leaders try to cover up a massive mistake by blocking employees from downloading software, employees retaliate beautifully

Own up to your mistakes or things can get very messy!
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Customer enacts petty payback on barista for refusing to let him order off the kids menu: 'So you’d rather I not order anything [...] than give you business because of a silly rule?'

Customer enacts petty payback on barista for refusing to let him order off the kids menu: 'So you’d rather I not order anything [...] than give you business because of a silly rule?'

Why is the kids menu always the best? There should not be an age restriction for eating tater tots, chicken tenders, and pigs in a blanket. Those are objectively great-tasting dishes that all humans are entitled to enjoy, and yet, in this instance , we have a coffee shop that denied service to an adult customer simply because he wanted an item on the kids menu. Look, one might assume that there are more important issues than a 29-year-old adult getting denied the right to a bagel because of his…
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Entitled kid kicks back of passenger's seat on red-eye flight, cue petty payback: 'Have a nice flight!'

Entitled kid kicks back of passenger's seat on red-eye flight, cue petty payback: 'Have a nice flight!'

Red-eye flights can be brutal, especially if you have a kid kicking the back of your seat and making your experience all the more difficult. When you're getting on a long flight and hoping for at least a good hour of sleep, the likelihood of a smooth, relaxing experience all comes down to your immediate surroundings. Are you stuck in the middle of two inconsiderate strangers? Are you next to a strange and overly talkative person? Is there a screaming child? Here, we have a passenger who was, at…
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'Don't play with me': Employee almost gets fired because of coworker's sabotage, gets even by getting him fired instead

'Don't play with me': Employee almost gets fired because of coworker's sabotage, gets even by getting him fired instead

Have you ever had a coworker who seemingly will stop at nothing to get you fired? Before we get into this story of how an employee managed to save themselves from getting unfairly dismissed by instead getting their work nemesis fired first, let's unpack how these kinds of work rivalries happen. Most of the time, like most elements of a work environment, it all comes from the top down. If the system is built upon a foundation of unhealthy competition, that will almost never fare well for employe…
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Neighbor gets back at entitled Karen for tossing smelly, unbagged food in her trash: 'I literally dumped the entire can out'

Neighbor gets back at entitled Karen for tossing smelly, unbagged food in her trash: 'I literally dumped the entire can out'

Getting back at one's neighbor is always tricky. One's actions must be passive-aggressive enough for one's annoying nuisance of a neighbor to get the picture, but one's action must also not be so dire that it starts the kind of all-out conflict that could end grimly for all parties involved. Here, we have a neighbor who started to notice that the Karen next door was dumping trash into the Redditor's trash bin. Of course, the first offense could be interpreted as a one-time thing, but once it st…
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Resident blocks neighbor's gate with waste, ensuring they can't leave their house, as payback for neighbor refusing to clean up when trimming his trees: ‘Ever heard of a dumpster?’

Resident blocks neighbor's gate with waste, ensuring they can't leave their house, as payback for neighbor refusing to clean up when trimming his trees: ‘Ever heard of a dumpster?’

People who tend to procrastinate know how hard it is to complete even the smallest of tasks. That is why many procrastinators will testify that they find different methods to get themselves to complete their tasks. One of the most popular methods that people follow is the 2-minute rule – If the task is going to take you less than two minutes to do, don't let yourself ignore it or add it to your to-do list, do it immediately. That is what the neighbor in this Reddit story should have done, becau…
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Student glues classroom door shut and locks teacher inside as payback for unfair treatment all semester: 'The fire department had to come to free him'

Student glues classroom door shut and locks teacher inside as payback for unfair treatment all semester: 'The fire department had to come to free him'

Everyone has that one teacher who gave them a hard time in high school. If life were a movie, there would be some sort of inspirational and emotional arc to that teacher where the two of you come to understand, appreciate, and respect one another. However, in reality, there usually isn't much of an arc at all. Most of the time, the two of you end the year still resenting one another. The only real ending is one of you leaving the school and no longer being a part of one another's lives. This th…
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Petty driver gets back at annoying teenagers for refusing to move from his parking space: 'Never seen teenagers run that fast before'

Petty driver gets back at entitled teenagers for refusing to move from his parking space: 'Never seen teenagers run that fast before'

Never underestimate bored teenagers with nothing to do except for causing trouble. There is an argument to be made that this age is perhaps the most excruciating age of humans. While we can attempt to avoid interacting with the “youth” as much as possible, sometimes we have no other choice but to confront them Here, we have a driver who was pulling into the one empty space in a busy parking lot by a popular pizza chain. The only thing stopping the driver from completing his parking job was a gr…
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Woman replaces shampoo with vinegar to figure out which roommate is using her products: 'I called them out'

Woman replaces shampoo with vinegar to figure out which roommate is using her products: 'I called them out'

Sharing may be caring, but using without permission is cause for petty revenge… Sure, roommates share things all the time but those items are usually agreed upon by both parties. It's not even about being possessive of one's belongings; it's financial as well. If you and your roommate share groceries, then the cost for groceries should be split evenly amongst everyone in the household. Some of you are probably wondering why this needs to be addressed, but you'd be surprised how many entitled ro…
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'I shut my mouth and planned my revenge': Controller discovers they're being underpaid while boss brings on wife as overpaid consultant

'I shut my mouth and planned my revenge': Controller discovers they're being underpaid while boss brings on wife as overpaid consultant

For this worker, the only thing more infuriating than being underpaid was finding out that others were making much, much more money. In case no one's told you lately, you should discuss your salary with your coworkers. Even when—no, especially when—it's very awkward, you should still bring it up politely. You and your coworkers may benefit from it. If you all know what you're making, you have the ability to question your bosses about your value to the company compared to others. Higher-ups don'…
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Stubborn couple argue over a bag of licorice, woman makes boyfriend eat the whole bag: 'Be grateful for my gift'

Stubborn couple argue over a bag of licorice, woman makes boyfriend eat the whole bag: 'Be grateful for my gift'

When couples fight about the little things, it's always really about something greater. No one is ever just mad about their partner leaving dishes in the sink. At the end of the day, they're ultimately upset because they feel like their boundaries, space, and rules have been ignored and therefore disrespected. Here , we have a couple who erupted into an argument over a bag of licorice, but really, both parties were just giving each other a hard time. Essentially, the boyfriend is known for dete…
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Scorned deli employee gets revenge on boss by outing his cheating habits to his wife: 'She looked at him. Looked at me. And couldn't say a word'

Scorned deli employee gets revenge on boss by outing his cheating habits to his wife: 'She looked at him. Looked at me. And couldn't say a word'

This person realized that it's never too late to get petty with a bad boss. In fact, sometimes waiting to reveal your hand can make things worse for that person! Up next, these people explained what it's like to be around their out-of-touch wealthy friends, like one woman who encouraged a commercial flight to hurry up by telling another passenger, “ Go have a word with the captain … Tell him who you are.”
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Tenants feud with former landlord for withholding security deposit, they collect the full amount plus interest and fees: 'Needless to say, we are very happy with the outcome'

Tenants feud with former landlord for withholding security deposit, they collect the full amount plus interest and fees: 'Needless to say, we are very happy with the outcome'

Landlords really do not seem to care about leaning into the parody versions of themselves. Every summer, I cringe at the lease renewal process that I have to undergo in order to argue my way out of a ridiculous rent increase. The worst part of it all is that most landlords I have had to interact with are not even savvy negotiators, yet the desperation to not have to move always ends up taking over. Here, we have a couple of tenants who were specifically told by their landlord that he would be d…
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'Have fun failing the final': Dedicated student gets petty revenge on classmate who demands their notes

'Have fun failing the final': Dedicated student gets petty revenge on classmate who demands their notes

This student is getting really fed up with their classmate's annoying habit. The student, u/chewy200, is in that awkward position of being the person who gives notes to their classmate . They always take plenty of notes on the lesson (oh, and they regularly show up to class, which their classmate can't seem to do either). They shared that their classmate isn't very appreciative of the work they do, either. But how does one get out of sharing notes? After all, they already have to be in the clas…
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Entitled golfer tells clubhouse employee how to do his job, employee makes sure he gets charged more money: 'Enjoy the $40 fee'

Entitled golfer tells clubhouse employee how to do his job, employee makes sure he gets charged more money: 'Enjoy the $40 fee'

Working at a fancy golf club likely means having to deal with obnoxious wealthy folks on a regular basis. This dude must really love that sport to continue enduring the job for over two years in exchange for mediocre pay and some free time on the course. Now, when you have been working in any field for over two years, you probably do not enjoy a random person coming up to you and telling you how to do your job well. Well, that's what happened to this clubhouse employee when an entitled Kevin de…
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