
'It's obviously the spot that everyone wants': Worker with injured knee questions if they're wrong for taking the parking spot their pregnant coworker keeps requesting

'It's obviously the spot that everyone wants': Worker with injured knee questions if they're wrong for taking the parking spot their pregnant coworker keeps requesting

'My HOA will learn that I absolutely live by the letter of the law': HOA tells car collector not to park cars in their own driveway, car collector slows traffic with parking solution

'My HOA will learn that I absolutely live by the letter of the law': HOA tells car collector not to park cars in their own driveway, car collector snarls traffic with parking solution

'I'm going for the high score': Person gets note from entitled neighbor on their car nonstop for 4 weeks, collects them like Pokémon cards since they're parked legally

'I'm going for the high score': Person gets note from entitled neighbor on their car nonstop for 4 weeks, collects them like Pokémon cards since they're parked legally

'We quickly picked up the car end by end': High school kids prank selfish guy for stealing old lady's parking space

'We quickly picked up the car end by end': High school kids prank selfish guy for stealing old lady's parking space

parking parking-thief thief stolen steal thief parking-lot park car cars driving parking-lot revenge petty-revenge petty reddit reddit-thread college collegiate prank

‘They all lifted the car… successfully moving it to the CENTER of the road’: Parking thief gets taught a lesson after stealing a college girl's spot

'Well my boss said they are transferable': Employee finds loophole in bogus parking policy, maliciously complies until he gets what he wants

'Well my boss said they are transferable': Employee finds loophole in bogus parking policy, maliciously complies until he gets what he wants

cart-narc cart-narcs shopping cart carts shopping-carts grocery parking parking-lot lazy petty revenge reddit disabled

'Abandoned shopping carts are my pet peeve': Cart narcs unite when a disabled woman publicly shames a shopper by laboriously returning the stranger's cart

landlord housing road parking space car legal landlords yard cars driving driver no parking parking apartment malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit grass - 22261509

'Landlord tries to keep [my] security deposit... um, no': Landlord tells tenants to 'park anywhere you want,' then fines them $1500

mom moms mother mothers motherhood parenting parents parent wheelchair son handicapped disabled parking doorman hotel

'My mum got in his face': Parent stands up for her wheelchair-bound son, flexing the full power of their car's handicapped sticker as petty revenge on a stickler doorman

'Hurry it up!': Impatient Karen refuses to wait until parking space becomes available, other woman takes her sweet time

'Hurry it up!': Impatient Karen refuses to wait until parking space becomes available, other woman takes her sweet time

karen karens karen-customer customer grocery loblaws pregnant pregnancy trimester baby parents parenting entitled parent mother reddit expectant-mother parking

Self-Important Karen Makes a Pregnant Lady Cry After Stealing an ‘Expectant Mother’ Parking Spot at the Supermarket; Heroic Civilians Teach the Karen a Lesson in Decency

People of Walmart karens karens in the wild Walmart karen parking-drama parking space parking lot parking - 22065413

'That's my car!': Dude watches enraged male-Karen mistakenly destroy his own car

impatient customer grocery shopper shopping bulk rushed reddit petty revenge

'Do not mess with me at Costco': Patient bulk-shopper gets rushed for his parking spot while unloading his groceries; proceeds to move at a glacial pace as payback

parking-drama neighbors parking space neighborhood-drama bad neighbors terrible neighbors parking neighbor - 21945093

'[Our neighbor's mother] will just take the spot whenever she wants': Neighbor's mother demands couple's reserved parking spot

parking-drama neighbors neighborhood neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories Bad Neighbor parking neighbor - 21943557

'Enjoy your tiny driveway': New landlord neighbor tries to commandeer couple's driveway, loses and ends up with a tiny driveway

'I booked 6 hours of overtime': Worker complies with supervisor's request to park bike in designated spot, leading to 6 hours overtime

'I booked 6 hours of overtime': Worker complies with supervisor's request to park bike in designated spot, leading to 6 hours overtime