

'Throwing a baby shower for themselves': 25+ socially unacceptable things people do all the time

'Throwing a baby shower for themselves': 25+ Socially unacceptable things people do all the time

Whether it's taking up two parking spots with one car or interrupting conversations incessantly, there are both written and unwritten rules about how people should behave in public. But of course, not everyone follows said rules. In fact, the audacious folks among us actively do the socially unacceptable thing in public, sometimes because these rules are ludicrous and sometimes because they have no level of self-awareness. Before we reveal the various “uncool” things people do in public all the…
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'I was shocked at how petty it was': Guy with six cars parks in front of neighbor's house, neighbor gets HOA-sanctioned payback

'I was shocked at how petty it was': Guy with six cars parks in front of neighbor's house, neighbor gets HOA-sanctioned payback

This dude has many problems, the first of which is the fact that he bought a house with a two-car garage despite owning six cars. What was he thinking? If it's a situation where that was the best he could afford, then this dude needs to sell four of those cars. Personally, I cannot wrap my brain around someone who feels the need to own that many vehicles in the first place. If it's your “hobby,” it sure is an expensive one that you cannot afford, sir. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyr…
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pro revenge petty-revenge-reddit revenge revenge-stories road rage petty revenge drivers driver truck revenge-stories-reddit trucks parking-drama parking space parking lot parking - 22800389

'[I] let the air out': Guy gets even with aggressively parked lifted truck driver who parked too close to his vehicle

There's something about driving vehicles that gets that “monkey rage” part of our brain all riled up, just simmering there, ready to do unspeakably feral things as if we're suddenly no more socially developed than a caveman during the caveman days… If you ask an expert (I'm not one), they'll probably tell you that it has something to do with the degree of separation we experience when we're cruising around in the relative safety of our own two-ton metal box that is continually propelled by a se…
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malicious compliance petty revenge shopping carts Parking revenge reddit absurd car parking lot spots grocery store entitled Couple rude

'[They were] mean-mugging through their car window': Couple leaves their shopping cart in the parking lot, guy blocks their exit and returns abandoned carts for 15 minutes

Abandoned carts in a parking lot are the WORST. I can't even count the number of times I've been cruising through a parking lot at a snail's pace, scouting for a sweet spot, only to spot the perfect one, mentally busting out a happy dance, and then bam, there's a darn cart smack in the way. It seriously tests your faith in humanity, doesn't it? Well, our OP must deal with this parking lot madness daily because this one fateful day, it was the final straw.
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'It's obviously the spot that everyone wants': Worker with injured knee questions if they're wrong for taking the parking spot their pregnant coworker keeps requesting

'It's obviously the spot that everyone wants': Worker with injured knee questions if they're wrong for taking the parking spot their pregnant coworker keeps requesting

This person is not going to be making many friends at their office place. Every now and again, there's a post made to r/AmItheA******, and none of the commenters can agree on who's wrong in the scenario. This is one of those tales. U/NeopolitanGuy1 sparked the debate with their story about a parking space. Every workplace has at least one “good spot,” which is usually close to the entrance. It'll be hard to get that spot, though, because it'll be taken by whichever early bird gets to the office…
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'My HOA will learn that I absolutely live by the letter of the law': HOA tells car collector not to park cars in their own driveway, car collector slows traffic with parking solution

'My HOA will learn that I absolutely live by the letter of the law': HOA tells car collector not to park cars in their own driveway, car collector snarls traffic with parking solution

One HOA keeps changing the neighborhood rules , and one car collector keeps being affected by the changes. It's almost as if the HOA dislikes having a car collector living in their jurisdiction! Car collectors sure do get into their hobby. Lots of people enjoy buying cars that are fixer-uppers, then spending weekend after weekend putzing around and working on it. It's a fun group activity too---if your friends come over, they can pop the hood and stand around and look at the car with you. Then,…
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'I'm going for the high score': Person gets note from entitled neighbor on their car nonstop for 4 weeks, collects them like Pokémon cards since they're parked legally

'I'm going for the high score': Person gets note from entitled neighbor on their car nonstop for 4 weeks, collects them like Pokémon cards since they're parked legally

Before getting petty with someone, especially a neighbor, maybe double check the laws in your area. You might be stirring up some bad blood for no reason. We're all about the common person getting justice, especially when it's against an entitled person like a Karen. But you gotta make sure you're right, dude… For example, this person who was parking their car completely legally and still starting getting aggressive notes from some Karen neighbor about how they can't park there. If you're unfam…
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'We quickly picked up the car end by end': High school kids prank selfish guy for stealing old lady's parking space

'We quickly picked up the car end by end': High school kids prank selfish guy for stealing old lady's parking space

People seem to be split about the ethics of this prank. On the one hand, these high school kids were defending the little old ladies who apparently everyone knows unofficially have these parking spots so that they can be close to the accessible ramps. However, on the other hand, you can't exactly move someone else's car without their permission. Even if he's not a stand-up guy for taking this one lady's spot. Technically, they don't own the parking spot, as great as it is that the community res…
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parking parking-thief thief stolen steal thief parking-lot park car cars driving parking-lot revenge petty-revenge petty reddit reddit-thread college collegiate prank

‘They all lifted the car… successfully moving it to the CENTER of the road’: Parking thief gets taught a lesson after stealing a college girl's spot

There are a few things in life that can make any driver enraged beyond reason: DMV appointments, losing your keys when you're running late, and having someone blatantly steal your assigned parking spot. Particularly when you have a car in the city, your parking spot in a crucial lifeline connected to your sanity– if that delicate balance is disrupted, rage-mode gets engaged.
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'Well my boss said they are transferable': Employee finds loophole in bogus parking policy, maliciously complies until he gets what he wants

'Well my boss said they are transferable': Employee finds loophole in bogus parking policy, maliciously complies until he gets what he wants

If you have to fight for a parking space at work, your employers are not taking care of you. That was certainly the case for this Redditor , who worked in security at a luxury hotel that had one parking lot for all employees and guests. When his employers updated the policy to ensure that at least one-fourth of the spaces were reserved for employees, OP and his coworkers were told to apply for parking permits. Now, if you don't necessarily drive the same car to work every day, you would run int…
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cart-narc cart-narcs shopping cart carts shopping-carts grocery parking parking-lot lazy petty revenge reddit disabled

'Abandoned shopping carts are my pet peeve': Cart narcs unite when a disabled woman publicly shames a shopper by laboriously returning the stranger's cart

Everyone hates when they're trying to finagle a tight spot in a parking lot and their path is blocked by a wayward shopping cart. Is it really so challenging for shoppers to return their carts to the designated areas? Or is walking an extra 20 feet too challenging? Apparently so.
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landlord housing road parking space car legal landlords yard cars driving driver no parking parking apartment malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit grass - 22261509

'Landlord tries to keep [my] security deposit... um, no': Landlord tells tenants to 'park anywhere you want,' then fines them $1500

At one cheap apartment , this couple found themselves faced with massive fines. When you're young, sometimes the only housing you can afford is a cheap and tiny little room. Lots of landlords charge outrageous amounts of money for these little tiny shoeboxes of apartments. They seem to know that if you don't have a lot of money, you may also be low on housing options. Then, you end up signing paperwork that gives the landlord an advantage over you. This person, u/Clintosaurus_Rex, and their gir…
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mom moms mother mothers motherhood parenting parents parent wheelchair son handicapped disabled parking doorman hotel

'My mum got in his face': Parent stands up for her wheelchair-bound son, flexing the full power of their car's handicapped sticker as petty revenge on a stickler doorman

Handicapped people get dibs on the choice parking spots– and they deserve to! Life is hard enough when you're struggling to be mobile, the least the rest of society can do is let you park right in the front. For most folks, it is second nature to be lenient to people with disabilities, even if there is no technical handicapped spot, but for one doorman, a real stickler, the rules of the street would NOT be bent on his watch.
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'Hurry it up!': Impatient Karen refuses to wait until parking space becomes available, other woman takes her sweet time

'Hurry it up!': Impatient Karen refuses to wait until parking space becomes available, other woman takes her sweet time

This Karen could not bother to wait a minute until this grocery store customer was done loading her food into her truck. Of course, Karen wanted something: the other woman's precious parking spot. Did she make it known to the woman that she was waiting? You betcha! Did she need to honk after just a few seconds of waiting? Of course not, but she wouldn't be a Karen then, now would she? Thankfully, this lady was not having any of Karen's nonsense. She shared her side of the story via this thread…
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karen karens karen-customer customer grocery loblaws pregnant pregnancy trimester baby parents parenting entitled parent mother reddit expectant-mother parking

Self-Important Karen Makes a Pregnant Lady Cry After Stealing an ‘Expectant Mother’ Parking Spot at the Supermarket; Heroic Civilians Teach the Karen a Lesson in Decency

Pregnancy is intense. You gain 50lbs, your feet swell, your back hurts, and strangers are always trying to touch your belly– but what a lot of people forget is particularly exhausting, is that you have to carry on with regular life anyways! So even though you're a walking, talking baby factory, life goes on.
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People of Walmart karens karens in the wild Walmart karen parking-drama parking space parking lot parking - 22065413

'That's my car!': Dude watches enraged male-Karen mistakenly destroy his own car

The story that follows is a poetic, almost mythological, series of events that highlights the importance of not being impulsive and controlling one's temper—and of the folly to which pursuing a path of vengeance can lead… We've all probably been here at some point, wearily wandering out of the supermarket towards our vehicle, groceries in hand, laboriously making our way toward our vehicle, keys ready in our one free hand. Approaching the car, you press the button on the doohickey to unlock the…
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