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'I called the cops': Neighbor repeatedly blocks new parents' driveway, gets towed, blames them

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'Block me in, I'll block you in': Couple blocks guy's car in lot, guy blocks their car from exiting, watches them drive over spikes

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'I will fill your car with snow': Guy gets ice-cold revenge on a parking spot stealer during actual blizzard

'This is not an HOA': Resident files stacks of complaints against neighbor, neighbor has enough and gets resident's motor home towed

'This is not an HOA': Resident has their motorhome towed after filing stacks of complaints against their neighbor

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'She thinks [...] he has a right to park there': College students confront roommate's boyfriend after he keeps parking in their driveway

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'He got five tickets': Dude parks boat across all handicapped parking spaces at restaurant, diner gets revenge

Neighbor took my parking spot after I shoveled. I poured water in his windshield.

'I poured water on his windshield': Man freezes out his neighbor after snow shoveling snafu

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'I placed [the check] behind a windshield wiper of the bin lorry': Scottish guy gets back at local parking enforcement by using their own tricks

Can't get my car back from a company car park? Enjoy loads of taxi fare charges! (+ extra petty revenge from my boss!)

'Do not try and enter again': Power-tripping secretary refuses to give employee their car back for seven weeks

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'I've been waiting for someone to bring this up': Dude gets parking ticket for literally no valid reason, fights it in court and WINS

‘I said I'll report them for insurance fraud; they refunded me straight away': HOA hires towing company to ensure ‘aesthetic’ parking, towing company mess with wrong resident, leading to resident destroying them both

‘I said I'll report them for insurance fraud; they refunded me straight away': HOA hires towing company to ensure ‘aesthetic’ parking, towing company mess with wrong resident, leading to resident destroying them both

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'Fainting doesn't look like that': Entitled Karen gets caught using accessible parking space, lies about condition and faints in front of police

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'The sense of entitlement puts me in a rage': Jerk uses accessible parking spot without a pass, guy gets petty revenge by surrounding his car with shopping carts

Take my parking spot?? What goes around comes around

'What goes around comes around': Delicious revenge on parking spot thieves

Entitled Parent Parks In My Driveway

'You don't live here, you don't park here': Entitled Mom parks on private property to pick up kid from school, resident gets revenge

HOA Tried To Tow My Legally Permitted Vehicle Twice in One Day!

'I sent a Cease and Desist letter to the HOA': Nurse seeks advice after car is repeatedly targeted