

'We can't and won't help you': Front desk clerk refuses to help entitled hotel guest after he complained that his car got blocked while parking in a management-reserved spot

'We can't and won't help you': Front desk clerk refuses to help entitled hotel guest after he complained that his car got blocked while parking in a management-reserved spot

Why is it so hard for people to just read a sign and follow what it says? I agree, some signs can be really confusing. I once spent 15 minutes in front of a frustratingly unclear sign that was supposed to tell me whether or not I could park my car in that spot. Eventually, after consulting with some passersby, I decided it was not worth the potential parking ticket, and continued to look for a different parking spot for another 15 minutes. Even so, if there is a sign that says “Private Parking”…
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‘I dutifully called the towing company’: Restaurant owner gets their car towed after parking in neighbor's assigned spot following manager's demands that neighbor 'stop calling them'

‘I dutifully called the towing company’: Restaurant owner gets their car towed after parking in neighbor's assigned spot following manager's demands that neighbor 'stop calling them'

Assigned spots are assigned for a reason, or so you would think. One restaurant owner felt entitled to his neighbor's spot in the parking garage because it served him in the sense that it was close to the restaurant he owned. At first, OP, the neighbor, had no idea that it was the restaurant owner. All they knew was that there was someone parking in their assigned spot. OP would call the restaurant again and again, asking them to move the car, and to stop parking there. Restaurant management co…
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karen karens karens-in-the-wild holiday holidays holiday-shopping shopping season handicapped parking parking-spot Christmas public-freakout funny

'YOU'RE IN MY SPOT': Not-so-merry Karen tries to to steal a guy's parking spot to get her holiday shopping done, gets put in her place

The holiday season can be earmarked by chaos, mayhem, and grouchy shoppers. Although every Hallmark movie boasts about cheerful worldly interactions and whimsical holiday shopping, any home-grown American can tell you that all decorum and merriment is thrown out the window the moment you set foot in the department store parking lot.
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'Park anywhere you want': Tenant sues landlord and wins after landlord tries to keep security deposit over parking dispute

'Park anywhere you want': Tenant sues landlord and wins after landlord tries to keep security deposit over parking dispute

Landlords seem genetically engineered to find all the possible ways to get as much money out of their tenants as possible. The problem for them is they have to be just as careful about what they say because smart tenants can and most definitely will use their words against them when the time is right. Here we have a silly landlord who told their tenant they could park wherever they wanted and then later tried to keep their security deposit because he told them that their parking spot had damage…
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Update: 'While I could have argued... I had a better plan': Neighbor warns college kid that if her lawn isn't mowed, she'll report them to HOA

Update: 'While I could have argued... I had a better plan': Neighbor warns college kid that if her lawn isn't mowed, she'll report them to HOA

Common sense isn't gifted to every person. Sometimes things will seem so crystal clear to you, and so obvious, that you can't understand how anyone could mess it up. But without common sense, people do dumb things. This woman in particular had a bone to pick with her neighbor, and I bet you can guess why her neighbor was refusing to mow her lawn for her. While some people really dislike mowing the lawn , others find it cathartic. If you can listen to music or a podcast over the crazy loud sound…
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'They fined me for leaving my garage door open': 25 Overeager HOAs who love peeking over fences and slinging fines at their residents

'They fined me for leaving my garage door open': 25 Overeager HOAs who love peeking over fences and slinging fines at their residents

HOAs are determined to keep their neighborhoods looking pristine , no matter what. If you happen to live a neighborhood rules by a home owner's association, you don't always have a lot of choice about how to keep your home. For example, you might want to paint your home a nice warm yellow color, but lots of HOAs have a strict color palette you need to choose from. So the HOA could easily reject your request , and insist you paint your place a boring gray color instead.
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‘I got my first official parking ticket’: Bewildered Philly drivers share the hilarity of the parking situations in their neighborhoods

‘I got my first official parking ticket’: Bewildered Philly drivers share the hilarity of the parking situations in their neighborhoods

Sometimes you get so annoyed you just have to laugh, and Philly drivers know this feeling so well. Driving in major cities is a special kind of nerve wracking. Most of us learn to drive by navigating back roads and highways. People tend to obey the laws here, and if you pick a remote enough area, you can have plenty of space to practice. In a city, though, it's like the rules just don't apply half the time. It's all about what you can get away with. Just tell that to the person whose car is roc…
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boss workplace-stories jobs job bosses work coworkers cars driving human resources workplace parking - 22971653

'I parked in their space... somebody else got jealous and tattled to HR': IT worker conspires with their boss to snag a good parking spot through malicious compliance

This company's HR department has nothing better to do than make up creative punishments for their employees. Human Resources is supposed to be there for employees, or so they say. But, repeat after me: HR is there to protect the company , not the individual employees. They're there to protect the company from legal issues that could arise from things employees do, which is why HR is able to hire and fire people as they wish. No matter how great the HR is at your company, in the long run, they w…
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driver driving traffic traffic-stop parking cops wasted-time waste-my-time malicious-compliance mc reddit reddit-thread funny sassy snarky

'I went on a long monologue': Innocent driver endures endless interrogation at a traffic stop, decides to waste the officer's time in return

Waste my time? I'll waste yours.
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win wins bluff calling-someones-bluff story reddit reddit-malicious-compliance malicious-compliance parking parking-police police parking-ticket ticket bluff money driver driving fine-print epic

‘I called their bluff’: Frugal driver saves $80 on a parking ticket by pushing back on the fine print and threatening legal action

Parking tickets are objectively the worst. As drivers, all we ever really want is to pull up with ease, park right away, and move on with our lives, but if you live in a city, your odds of finding a parking spot immediately are slim. Sharks lurk in their tiny parking police golf carts, waiting for impatient drivers to slip up, so they can slap an irksome fee on your windshield. Heed my words, never mess with the parking police– unless they mess with you first!
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'Throwing a baby shower for themselves': 25+ socially unacceptable things people do all the time

'Throwing a baby shower for themselves': 25+ Socially unacceptable things people do all the time

Whether it's taking up two parking spots with one car or interrupting conversations incessantly, there are both written and unwritten rules about how people should behave in public. But of course, not everyone follows said rules. In fact, the audacious folks among us actively do the socially unacceptable thing in public, sometimes because these rules are ludicrous and sometimes because they have no level of self-awareness. Before we reveal the various “uncool” things people do in public all the…
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'I was shocked at how petty it was': Guy with six cars parks in front of neighbor's house, neighbor gets HOA-sanctioned payback

'I was shocked at how petty it was': Guy with six cars parks in front of neighbor's house, neighbor gets HOA-sanctioned payback

This dude has many problems, the first of which is the fact that he bought a house with a two-car garage despite owning six cars. What was he thinking? If it's a situation where that was the best he could afford, then this dude needs to sell four of those cars. Personally, I cannot wrap my brain around someone who feels the need to own that many vehicles in the first place. If it's your “hobby,” it sure is an expensive one that you cannot afford, sir. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyr…
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pro revenge petty-revenge-reddit revenge revenge-stories road rage petty revenge drivers driver truck revenge-stories-reddit trucks parking-drama parking space parking lot parking - 22800389

'[I] let the air out': Guy gets even with aggressively parked lifted truck driver who parked too close to his vehicle

There's something about driving vehicles that gets that “monkey rage” part of our brain all riled up, just simmering there, ready to do unspeakably feral things as if we're suddenly no more socially developed than a caveman during the caveman days… If you ask an expert (I'm not one), they'll probably tell you that it has something to do with the degree of separation we experience when we're cruising around in the relative safety of our own two-ton metal box that is continually propelled by a se…
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malicious compliance petty revenge shopping carts Parking revenge reddit absurd car parking lot spots grocery store entitled Couple rude

'[They were] mean-mugging through their car window': Couple leaves their shopping cart in the parking lot, guy blocks their exit and returns abandoned carts for 15 minutes

Abandoned carts in a parking lot are the WORST. I can't even count the number of times I've been cruising through a parking lot at a snail's pace, scouting for a sweet spot, only to spot the perfect one, mentally busting out a happy dance, and then bam, there's a darn cart smack in the way. It seriously tests your faith in humanity, doesn't it? Well, our OP must deal with this parking lot madness daily because this one fateful day, it was the final straw.
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'It's obviously the spot that everyone wants': Worker with injured knee questions if they're wrong for taking the parking spot their pregnant coworker keeps requesting

'It's obviously the spot that everyone wants': Worker with injured knee questions if they're wrong for taking the parking spot their pregnant coworker keeps requesting

This person is not going to be making many friends at their office place. Every now and again, there's a post made to r/AmItheA******, and none of the commenters can agree on who's wrong in the scenario. This is one of those tales. U/NeopolitanGuy1 sparked the debate with their story about a parking space. Every workplace has at least one “good spot,” which is usually close to the entrance. It'll be hard to get that spot, though, because it'll be taken by whichever early bird gets to the office…
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'My HOA will learn that I absolutely live by the letter of the law': HOA tells car collector not to park cars in their own driveway, car collector slows traffic with parking solution

'My HOA will learn that I absolutely live by the letter of the law': HOA tells car collector not to park cars in their own driveway, car collector snarls traffic with parking solution

One HOA keeps changing the neighborhood rules , and one car collector keeps being affected by the changes. It's almost as if the HOA dislikes having a car collector living in their jurisdiction! Car collectors sure do get into their hobby. Lots of people enjoy buying cars that are fixer-uppers, then spending weekend after weekend putzing around and working on it. It's a fun group activity too---if your friends come over, they can pop the hood and stand around and look at the car with you. Then,…
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