

Update: Neighbors demand to park their car in next-door's driveway because they 'don't use it': 'It's not my problem that you decided to buy a vehicle that didn't fit your property'

Update: 'I'm going to have it towed': Neighbors demand to park their car in next-door's driveway because they 'don't use it'

This person told their neighbor over and over that they simply could not park on their property. Some people just don't like to take no as an answer. Instead of hearing “no,” they hear “ask again tomorrow!”. Instead of hearing “you can't park your car here," this neighbor heard, “you can park your car here and deal with the consequences.” On the r/entitledparents subreddit, u/Jeleki2020 posted a very, very long tale about their crazy neighbor. It's a long read, but the story and subsequent upda…
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'They charged me $500 for leaving a glass cup on the BBQ': 20+ HOA horror stories

'They charged me $500 for leaving a glass cup on the BBQ': 20+ HOA horror stories

When you want to be charged several hundred dollars for decorating your home as you wish, the HOA is your organization. These notorious corrupt groups seem to love handing out massive fines for tiny little violations. Home Owner's Associations , or HOAs, are groups of people who are supposed to look out for the well-being of their community. But instead, they seem to spend an awful lot of time messing around. For example, one person's HOA horror story involved them painting their house a new co…
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‘Please don't tow my parents car': College tenants parents arrive to celebrate their graduation, landlord demands $200 for 1 hour parking

‘Please don't tow my parents car': College tenants parents arrive to celebrate their graduation, landlord demands $200 for 1 hour parking

I can still remember that one landlord who was so stingy that it was almost remarkable he owned any land at all. The roof had been leaking for months, and one night it began cascading down the wall like a small waterfall. I called my perpetually absent landlord up but he never answered. Voicemail… great. He never did fix that roof and I ended up moving, but I can understand what having a cheap landlord is like. A couple of college students were living together throughout their semester, and the…
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Entitled driver blocks accessible ramp, guy gets petty payback and blocks his BMW: '90% of BMW owners give the rest a bad name'

Entitled driver blocks accessible ramp, guy gets petty payback and blocks his BMW: '90% of BMW owners give the rest a bad name'

Sometimes, being a good samaritan and getting petty revenge go hand in hand. Yes, one would think that this would be a strange juxtaposition. However, when an entitled person takes advantage of a vulnerable one, the hero of the story is the guy who gives that entitled dude a taste of his own medicine. Here, we have a BMW driver who parked right in front of the accessible ramp that a frequent churchgoer named Kyle uses to get inside the building. The good samaritan of this story noticed the BMW…
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‘Enjoy your long walk home’: Resident blocks man's car after he parks it in their private spot, forcing man to abandon his car and find another way home

‘Enjoy your long walk home’: Resident blocks man's car after he parks it in their private spot, forcing man to abandon his car and find another way home

When one looks for a place to live, they have to consider all kinds of different elements that would allow them to have the best experience living there. Some of those may be - The size of the house, the cost, the neighborhood, and how close it is to a supermarket, a mall, or even a school. Those are all different elements that people have to think about when they are in the process of looking. Another extremely important element is the parking situation in the area and making sure you have you…
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'I deal with people like you all the time': Pompous landlord claims tenant only deserves 1/3 of security deposit, tenant sues and wins

'I deal with people like you all the time': Pompous landlord claims tenant only deserves 1/3 of security deposit, tenant sues and wins

It's rare to see a tenant win one over his landlord. All matters of negotiations and disputes may feel stacked against the tenant, but every so often, justice decides to show up and be useful. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/LandlordLove subreddit by u/LS-CRX , who shared the story of how he broke his lease and was almost given just one-third of his security deposit despite a prior agreement. His landlord thought he could get away with claiming that the conditions of the apartment were les…
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Entitled Karen blocks dude's driveway during school pickup, he blocks her right back: 'Ma'am I live here and I'd like to get into my garage'

Entitled Karen blocks dude's driveway during school pickup, he blocks her right back: 'Ma'am I live here and I'd like to get into my garage'

This lady was asking for trouble. She was picking up her kid from school and decided to park on a neighbor's driveway. Now according to the neighbor, who shared this thread on the r/pettyrevenge subreddit, it is quite common for parents to back into his driveway during pickup as it can get especially crowded at that time. He is normally ok with this, as it seems to come with the territory of living across the street from a school. However, this time, the Original Poster was on his way home when…
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'Sorry Mirranda, I was just doing what you told me to do': Homeowners agree to pave their driveway, HOA still sends violation letter

'Sorry Mirranda, I was just doing what you told me to do': Homeowners agree to pave their driveway, HOA still sends violation letter

This couple got some exceptionally good revenge on their petty HOA manager . What are HOAs good for? Well, they're supposed to be used for things like telling your neighbors not to leave their trash cans on the street 24/7, or telling people not to park on the sidewalks. Instead, a lot of HOA organizations try to enact their own petty rules. These rules don't benefit anyone but them! This person, u/houseofnim, has been having an issue with fitting their vehicles on their property . With two pic…
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'[She] gives me the most infuriating little wave': Guy waits in line to refill his tires, entitled Karen cuts him off, cue payback

'[She] gives me the most infuriating little wave': Guy waits in line to refill his tires, entitled Karen cuts him off, cue payback

Cutting in line is always a dangerous game. Not only are you showing that you lack any sort of moral code, but also you are likely making enemies out of the other people in line, and their retaliation may be far more intense than just an eye roll. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit by u/turtlesh0es , who was waiting to refill his tires at his local Wawa when an entitled Karen asked if she could go before him. The Redditor had already been waiting for some time and polit…
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karen karens karens-in-the-wild reddit malicious-compliance motorcycle motorcycles biker bikers bike parking park parking-spot claim shut-down funny deserves

Biker shuts down the neighborhood Karen using 7 motorcycles to claim every parking spot in the apartment complex: ‘Yeah, all 7 of my motorcycles'

Nothing enrages a person quite like the search for parking, which is why the biker in our next story was such a considerate neighbor–although, the Karen next door didn't see it that way.
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'There is no world where $250 was an appropriate offer': Choosing beggar demands to buy $2K tires on marketplace for $250, owner makes him work for it

'There is no world where $250 was an appropriate offer': Choosing beggar demands to buy $2K tires on marketplace for $250, owner makes him work for it

One has to wonder if this entitled choosing beggar felt like this odyssey was worth it in the end. This Redditor was selling tires that were originally sold at $2K for $1K on Marketplace when he started to get a barrage of messages from our story's choosing beggar demanding to have the tires for $250. At first, the original poster (OP) rejected the offer and blocked the guy because it seemed like he wouldn't quit. Well, he didn't. Instead, he messaged OP from a second and third account and refu…
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‘Nice try’: Resident claims public neighborhood area as her personal parking space, leading neighbor to a clever payback

‘Nice try’: Resident claims public neighborhood area as her personal parking space, leading neighbor to a clever payback

This might sound completely ridiculous, but before anyone thinks of buying a car, they should really consider whether or not they have a space to park it where they live. If they don't, then they simply should not buy a car. Another thing they should absolutely not do is assign a random public area in their neighborhood to be their own personal parking space because A. It's illegal, and B. It is just going to create an uncomfortable situation with the neighbors. But still, some people buy cars…
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college student students college-student parking parking-permit permit broke ticket campus tickets petty revenge reddit win university

'Never paid a cent': Witty student calls the university's bluff, breaking the parking permit system by refusing to pay for tickets

Parking permits are a scam in college. Schools know that broke students are barely scraping together enough pocket change to eat instant noodles every night, so why not squeeze out an extra $300 per semester to allow them to park on campus? Clearly, it's a luxury to park your car half a league from your classroom, but not one that every student can afford.
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karens parking lot shopping demanding karens in the wild entitled pregnant karen story karen parking entitled people - 25345029

'You’re obviously not that sorry': Entitled woman confronts pregnant shopper over parking space

This pregnant woman wasn't afraid to confront another driver . And luckily for her, a bunch of bystanders also had her back. Going through a pregancy changes everything, and the last trimester can be the trickiest for a lot of new parents. That's the stage where a pregnant woman's belly is too big for her to tie her shoes or get up from the floor when bending down. She might need to sit down frequently—carrying a whole baby around in your body gets tiring. And in general, pregnant women are sup…
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'She thinks [...] he has a right to park there': Roommates confront student's boyfriend who keeps hogging shared parking spot

'She thinks [...] he has a right to park there': Roommates confront student's boyfriend who keeps hogging shared parking spot

Fighting over limited parking spaces is one of those universal experiences that connects even the most different individuals. Here , we have a group of five college students whose off-campus apartment included just two parking spaces in their driveway, which unfortunately meant that three of the tenants needed to rely on street parking regularly. One of the students who claimed one of those two desired spots at the beginning of their lease had their car towed. However, instead of giving her spo…
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'An especially egregious occurrence:' Handicap driver reports truck blocking 8 handicap parking spots, truck driver hits a pole mid-complaint while trying to make his getaway

'An especially egregious occurrence:' Handicap driver reports truck blocking 8 handicap parking spots, truck driver hits a pole mid-complaint while trying to make his getaway

Watching karma in action.
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