

'If the company's holding your car, get taxis everywhere': Boss lets employee take petty revenge on secretary who refuses to give them back their vehicle

'If the company's holding your car, get taxis everywhere': Boss lets employee take petty revenge on secretary who refuses to give them back their vehicle

One employee found themself without a car, and it was only because their workplace refused to give it up. It was a weird situation to be in! The employee, u/FMLitsSML, shared their story of the petty revenge route they had to take just to get their own car back. Layers of bureaucracy don't help any employee to be independent in their work. This person was responsible for showing clients around and entertaining them. It's pretty common practice in certain industries: it's a way to reassure payin…
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'They dinged my car': Guy gets even with bad driver, makes it impossible for him to pull out of his parking spot

'They dinged my car': Guy gets even with bad driver, makes it impossible for him to pull out of his parking spot

It's remarkable how immature people get when they're called out on their nonsense! We tend to associate this kind of “it wasn't me!” behavior with children when their parents catch them breaking the rules. However, we should be honest with ourselves at this point and admit that adults do this literally all the time. Here, we have an insensitive dude who aggressively got out of his car and dinged the neighboring driver's car in the parking lot. The other driver saw it happen and looked at them i…
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'Sorry, you can't just park your RV here': Demanding landlord informs tenant he's going to park RV in his backyard, doesn't take ‘no’ for an answer

'Sorry, you can't just park your RV here': Demanding landlord informs tenant he's going to park RV in his backyard, doesn't take ‘no’ for an answer

Property owners, also known as landlords, can be quite annoying to deal with if they ignore basic lease rules and go with the flow of whatever their heart desires. For example, this dude explained how his demanding landlord texted him, promptly informing him that 'next week, we'll come to park the RV on your property'. Um, come again? So the dude quickly wrote back, 'No', which led to a conversation that made no sense. Why do landlords think they can just do whatever they want? The tenant pays…
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Condescending cop gives unjust parking ticket, woman calls his lieutenant and gets him reprimanded

Condescending cop gives unjust parking ticket, woman calls his lieutenant and gets him reprimanded

This dude was clearly just filling a quota while operating on his superiority complex. It comes as no surprise that most parking tickets are nonsensical, and nine times out of ten, you do not get the opportunity to argue your way out of getting a ticket as it's being handed to you. Sure, you can contest a parking ticket after the fact, but even that is always a process . This young woman saw an officer give her parents' car and several other cars in the neighborhood tickets because of a tempora…
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‘This was his response’: Resident requests neighbor leave more space in driveway for mother who is visiting in a wheelchair, neighbor blocks it instead

‘This was his response’: Resident requests neighbor leave more space in driveway for mother who is visiting in a wheelchair, neighbor blocks it instead

If someone requests you make their handicapped mother's life easier, then there is no question that you should absolutely do so. Especially if all they ask you to do is park your car somewhere else. Preferably not on their driveway. More preferably not on the road that leads to their house, which would obstruct them from accessing their own vehicle easily. This person uploaded a story to Reddit where they explained how their neighbor was purposely making their life harder. Their handicapped mot…
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'You want a free ride? Fine, I'll take you to Mexico': Ride-share driver gets back at driver who canceled the ride mid-trip

'You want a free ride? Fine, I'll take you to Mexico': Ride-share driver gets back at passenger who canceled the ride mid-trip

This ride-share passenger is going to be telling this wild story for the rest of her life. You would too, if your ride-share driver took you out of the country without your knowledge! Ride-sharing apps are popular all over the place, from cities to rural areas to tourist traps. It's the thing to do if you don't have a friend to drive you to work, or the ride you take home from a party at 2 AM to avoid going on public transportation. It's a little treat for most people, but not everyone views it…
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'Is this a joke?': Neighbor demands to buy elderly woman's driveway for $1, she refuses and builds a fence between them instead

'Is this a joke?': Neighbor demands to buy elderly woman's driveway for $1, she refuses and builds a fence between them instead

It has gotten to a point where it is extremely common to hear about neighborhood drama, and about entitled neighbors who think they own everything around them. Some stories are more dramatic than others, but everyone has probably dealt with a demanding neighbor at some point in their lives. That being said, there is one line that a neighbor should never ever cross, and that is taking advantage of elderly people. Like the person in this Reddit post. This man asked his elderly neighbor if he coul…
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'He had it coming': Resident gets car towed from neighbor's driveway after parking it there for days, resulting in $3000 fines

'He had it coming': Resident gets car towed from neighbor's driveway after parking it there for days, resulting in $3000 fines

What does one should do when a strange car all of a sudden gets parked in one's private parking? Should they look for the car's owner and get them to move it? Should they hold tight and see if the owner will simply move their car on their own? Or should they get the car towed right then and there and let the owner deal with the rest? The Redditor who wrote this petty revenge story tried a few of the ways listed above when their neighbor decided to park their car in the Redditor's driveway. OP (…
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'She's in for a reality check': Aspiring van-life YouTubers are "floored" that no one will let them park in their driveways

'She's in for a reality check': Aspiring van-life YouTubers are "floored" that no one will let them park in their driveways

This aspiring YouTube couple are having some awkward realizations about their friends. One person took to Reddit to share the story of their mother and father's hijinks. It seems that as the reach retirement age, these parents are planning to sell their house. They've already bought a fifth wheel, which is the style of RV that is pulled behind a person's truck. Many a retiree would love to embark on a trip with their own RV, and plenty of them do. But these parents aren't just doing this for fu…
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'The cops [and tow company] laughed at her': Woman throws tantrum for getting ‘unreasonably’ towed after parking in front of neighbor's driveway before leaving to ‘Burning Man' for a week, gets laughed at

'The cops [and tow company] laughed at her': Woman throws tantrum for getting ‘unreasonably’ towed after parking in front of neighbor's driveway before leaving to ‘Burning Man' for a week, gets laughed at

One of the perks of living in a quaint neighborhood are the kind neighbors. It gives you a feeling of secuirty and safety, being surrounded by all these people who you usually at least know on a first name basis. So what happens when someone moves in and lives in their own little entitled world?
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parking space parking lot tow truck malicious compliance parking ticket revenge parking drama towing parking stories petty revenge parking - 24537861

'[My] car is gone': Tenant pays in small change for fraudulent towing charge when their car is incorrectly towed from their snowy apartment complex parking lot

There will be plenty of times in your life when things seem completely unfair. Plenty of these times will involve incorrectly awarded parking infringements… Should this tenant have just moved their vehicle like everyone else so that the snow plow could do a clean sweep of the lot? Sure. But, by the time they had gotten out there and removed the remaining snow from around their vehicle that should have been the end of it. Just because a rule exists doesn't mean it needs to be enforced to the let…
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‘You don’t own this street': Demanding neighbors claim ownership of neighborhood parking, man parks a broken-down car in front of their house for 6 months straight as payback

‘You don’t own this street': Demanding neighbors claim ownership of neighborhood parking, man parks a broken-down car in front of their house for 6 months straight as payback

Living in an area with little to no parking spaces can get extremely frustrating very fast. Having to wander around the street for 15 minutes after work just to find a parking space, which is usually at least another five-minute walk back to your home, is a routine none of us want to go through. That obviously leads to people sometimes parking in front of other people's houses, simply because that is the only free space they managed to find. Now, I get that this could be annoying for the people…
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'I will call a tow truck if I have to': 20 People who are irritating their neighbors

'I will call a tow truck if I have to': 20 Inconsiderate people who are irritating their neighbors

These people told the internet all about their worst neighbors . Apparently, it's quite a relatable topic! Numerous people showed off their neighbor's bad parking jobs, passive-aggressive notes, and way-too-bright outdoor lights. Out of all the things neighbors do to annoy us , I think the worst has to be constant noise. Some people have thin walls, so you can hear everything they say, plus every song they play. Other people have dogs who bark all day long while their owners are at work. If you…
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'[I] threw all of the snow on her vehicle': Neighbor buries Karen's car in snow after she steals parking spot

'[I] threw all of the snow on her vehicle': Neighbor buries Karen's car in snow after she steals parking spot

Never underestimate the power of a shovel! This Karen tried to get away with stealing a neighbor's parking spot while the neighbor was literally shoveling snow to make room for her boyfriend's car. Did this entitled lady think that her neighbor was simply making room for her own car? It takes a certain kind of audacity to take something that's not yours right in front of that person! But that's the kind of warped mindset Karens have when they want something. It doesn't matter who it belongs to;…
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'Guess I need to bring my horse': College student's parking request gets denied, student rides horse to school

'Guess I need to bring my horse': College student's parking request gets denied, student rides horse to school

This college freshman really wanted their horse to come to school with them. Depending on where you live, that might be a completely normal thing to do. Lots of people ride horses around their neighborhoods as a means of transportation, and it works out just fine. I mean, that's what people did before the existence of cars anyway. Before cars ruled the streets, you had to get around on foot. If you wanted to get somewhere fast, you could get there at whatever speed your horse could run. These d…
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Entitled Neighbor Steals Parking Space for Four Months, Resident Covers Car With Dog’s Mess: 'It was absolutely disgusting and honestly I feel pretty proud of myself'

Entitled Neighbor Steals Parking Space for Four Months, Resident Covers Car With Dog’s Mess: 'It was absolutely disgusting and honestly I feel pretty proud of myself'

Sometimes, neighbors act out of ignorance; other times, their actions are deliberate and, therefore, worthy of payback. It is custom to give someone the benefit of the doubt the first time they inconvenience you. They may even get a second opportunity to mess up but perhaps you kindly alert them this time. However, once we arrive at three grievances, it's time to take matters into your own hands and to give these reckless fools a taste of their own medicine. Here, we have a resident who was liv…
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