
Impatient Male Karen driver yells at pedestrian in a quiet suburb, karma rears its head: 'He drove smack into [a] ditch'

Impatient Male Karen driver yells at pedestrian in a quiet suburb, karma rears its head: 'He drove smack into [a] ditch'

'What you need to do is leave me alone': Private security tries to tell concert guest that her car will be towed, guest insists on ignoring security

'What you need to do is leave me alone': Private security tries to tell concert guest that her car will be towed, guest insists on ignoring security

Karen claims resident's backyard is her property, neighbor proves otherwise: 'She tried to tell me I parked illegally on my own property'

Karen claims neighbor's backyard is her property, neighbor proves otherwise: 'She tried to tell me I parked illegally on my own property'

Entitled couple parks in front of neighbor's driveway, neighbor dumps gravels all over their car: 'I didn't stop until they left'

Entitled couple parks in front of neighbor's driveway, neighbor dumps gravel all over their car: 'I didn't stop until they left'

'What are you gonna do about it?': Tenant gets Karen neighbors evicted for blocking their driveway for over a year

'What are you gonna do about it?': Tenant gets Karen neighbors evicted for blocking their driveway for over a year

'They told us we couldn't use hoses in our backyard': 20+ HOA rules that were petty and useless

'They told us we couldn't use hoses in our backyard': 20+ HOA rules that were petty and useless

Gas station attendant gets back at entitled teenagers who refuse to follow no parking rules: 'Try parking there now!'

Gas station attendant gets back at entitled teenagers who refuse to follow no parking rules: 'Try parking there now!'

Cranky neighbor crashes kid's birthday party to complain about parking, they get her back by blocking her driveway: 'Ok, I'll block parking in front of your house'

Cranky neighbor crashes kid's birthday party to complain about parking, they get her back by blocking her driveway: 'Ok, I'll block parking in front of your house'

Man reports truck driver for blinding headlights, igniting fierce debate about road etiquette

Man reports truck driver for blinding headlights, igniting fierce debate about road etiquette

'Update: I found a loophole!': Home owner shares their tactic to get around HOA "bald spot" ruling

'Update: I found a loophole!': Home owner shares their tactic to get around HOA "bald spot" ruling

'All flora must be HOA approved': Neighbors discover clever HOA workaround that lets them grow their favorite plants

'All flora must be HOA approved': Neighbors discover clever HOA workaround that lets them grow their favorite plants

Update: Neighbors demand to park their car in next-door's driveway because they 'don't use it': 'It's not my problem that you decided to buy a vehicle that didn't fit your property'

Update: 'I'm going to have it towed': Neighbors demand to park their car in next-door's driveway because they 'don't use it'

'They charged me $500 for leaving a glass cup on the BBQ': 20+ HOA horror stories

'They charged me $500 for leaving a glass cup on the BBQ': 20+ HOA horror stories

‘Please don't tow my parents car': College tenants parents arrive to celebrate their graduation, landlord demands $200 for 1 hour parking

‘Please don't tow my parents car': College tenants parents arrive to celebrate their graduation, landlord demands $200 for 1 hour parking

Entitled driver blocks accessible ramp, guy gets petty payback and blocks his BMW: '90% of BMW owners give the rest a bad name'

Entitled driver blocks accessible ramp, guy gets petty payback and blocks his BMW: '90% of BMW owners give the rest a bad name'

‘Enjoy your long walk home’: Resident blocks man's car after he parks it in their private spot, forcing man to abandon his car and find another way home

‘Enjoy your long walk home’: Resident blocks man's car after he parks it in their private spot, forcing man to abandon his car and find another way home