

Driver honks horn until entitled dude gets off the phone and moves his car so driver can leave: 'Was I petty? Yes. Did it feel good? Also yes!'

Driver honks horn until entitled dude gets off the phone and moves his car so driver can leave: 'Was I petty? Yes. Did it feel good? Also yes!'

Sometimes, you have no choice but to treat people how they deserve to be treated. Reason and kindness can work with sensible strangers, but this insensitive dude was anything but sensible. If anything, he was just insensitive. Not only did he leave the door to his driver's seat open in such a way that blocked the Redditor's vehicle from leaving the parking garage, but also when the Redditor tried to signal to this guy to close his door, the guy refused to listen as he was on a so-called “import…
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hoa lawyer house laws home owners association home parking - 37163525

'We emailed back and forth trying to understand why we were being fined': HOA spends 4+ years suing tenant who insist they're "misappropriating our funds"

Up next, these scorned exes got some very petty revenge on their former partners , like one person who admitted they “took all of the knobs and handles off of everything—TV, dresser, stereo...”
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neighbors entitlement driveway work homeowner neighborhood-drama parenting entitled Reddit mom karen son parking - 37113605

'She called ME pathetic': Entitled Karen and son park in homeowner’s driveway, blocking her from getting in after work and claiming they’d only be a few minutes

After a long, exhausting day of work, the last thing anyone wants is another annoyance to keep them from going home and rotting on the couch. Imagine pulling into your street, just wanting to park, get inside, and finally relax—only to find someone else's car sitting in your driveway. That's exactly what happened to this homeowner. She came home after a tiring day, only to be blocked from her own property by an entitled Karen and her son, who had parked in her driveway without a second thought.…
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hoa house home owners association driveway home parking - 37148165

'He needs to own a nice car': HOA volunteer repeatedly tries to get neighbor's boss to stop bringing old car into the neighborhood

This HOA member has never learned to mind her own business! It's free and it keeps you out of trouble, not to mention the peace of mind you gain from not having to worry about other people's problems in life. But some people really enjoy getting into other' people's business: they like to be a bit bossy and try to get everyone to conform to their exact wishes. This woman, an HOA member that u/Emancipatedtreesnake keeps running into, has a completely petty gripe. She doesn't think this person's…
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‘I don’t make the rules, I just follow them': College students share clever methods to get out of paying unjustified parking tickets

‘I don’t make the rules, I just follow them': College students share clever methods to get out of paying unjustified parking tickets

Being a college student already puts you at a difficult starting point when it comes to your financial state. There is simply so much one has to pay for in college, and physically being in school also means you can't really work to pay for everything college demands. One of the most infuriating things colleges usually take money for is parking. Apparently, the tuition is not enough to secure a place to park on campus, so colleges resort to asking even more money for parking passes or permits. T…
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 parking space malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit cars driving malicious compliance reddit parking tow truck

'If you walk away, I can have your car towed': Wellness store employee gets back at impolite parking spot thief with "bad karma"

This dude stole a parking spot and had no idea he was about to majorly inconvenience himself. Up next, read about this train passenger who “instantly went into entitled Karen mode” when she discovered who she had to share a train carriage with.
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'Oh, were you behind me that whole time': Grocery store shopper gets revenge on entitled Karen for taking wrong parking spot

'Oh, were you behind me that whole time?': Grocery store shopper gets revenge on entitled Karen for taking wrong parking spot

This Karen parked in a spot that was clearly designated for wheelchair users and did not have a placard. She was not a wheelchair user herself but felt that her proximity to the entrance of the local grocery store was more important than someone who actually deserved the right to that spot. When another shopper noticed her little bending of the rules, they decided it was worth an extra 20 minutes to ensure that her shopping experience was a nightmare. The Redditor then embarked on a mission to…
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hoa house home owners association driveway home parking housing neighbors neighborhood mailbox paint neighborhood-drama apartments neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors complaint apartment - 36740101

'They want a $10 fee for overnight guests': 20+ HOA rules that were completely arbitrary

Home is supposed to be a sanctuary. We all want to have a place where we can kick off our shoes after a long day of work, put our feet up, eat dinner with our families, throw parties, play in the yard with the kids, and spend time with the ones we love. It's supposed to be the one place you can relax and be yourself… but not if these strict HOAs have anything to do with it. Homeowner's Associations are like the hall monitors of the adult world. Their whole job is to keep the neighborhoods looki…
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'Some people think rules don't apply to them': Neighbor steals guy's parking spot, guy blocks him from leaving and makes him apologize

'Some people think rules don't apply to them': Neighbor steals guy's parking spot, guy blocks him from leaving and makes him apologize

Sometimes, the only way to teach someone a lesson is by blocking them into the parking spot they stole from you and refusing to let them leave. This isn't an ideal scenario, but neither was having your officially designated parking space taken from you. This Redditor came home from work only to find a car in his one parking spot. That car turned out to belong to his neighbor's friend, who was visiting for the evening. This gave the Redditor plenty of opportunity to keep the friend from leaving…
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customer service karens entitled parents parking lot karen-customer customers parking lot drama karens in the wild entitled karen parking entitled people - 36304133

Karen demands to be let out of packed parking lot ahead of everyone else: 'Can you guys just move! We're trying to get out of here!'

There's nothing more infuriating than being stuck in traffic or otherwise stuck in some other horde of slow-moving masses of people. It's claustrophobia inducing and defies your internal logic: you could and should be able to get where you're going faster than this so why can't everyone just get out of your way? Why is everyone else going to the same place at the same time you are? This, of course, is a selfish way to think and act, and most of us know this even when we find ourselves getting f…
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Resident gets back at vacationing neighbor after damaging his car: 'I graciously helped myself to half a freezer's worth of meat'

Resident gets back at vacationing neighbor after damaging his car: 'I graciously helped myself to half a freezer's worth of meat'

What a silly idea for this dude to damage his neighbor's car and then have the audacity to ask for favors! That's right. After refusing to take the blame for clearly causing damage to this Redditor's car, the dude next door went on an extended outdoorsy vacation and asked for the Redditor to watch his home because he was the only person to be trusted. Well, as it turns out, that was a major lapse in judgment. While the neighbor was gone, there was a huge storm and the neighbor was impossible to…
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entitled HOA board member illegally tows man's truck and trailer during a community building event, man seeks removal of board member as a result

‘I can't believe the audacity’: Man gets his truck and trailer illegally towed out of his driveway per request of HOA board member, is seeking board member removal as a result

Sometimes the only way to beat an HOA is to become a board member
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tantrum parking space entitlement drama passenger karens in the wild boomers entitled family Reddit karen parking entitled people - 36218373

'I [lost] my cool': Entitled and able-bodied Karen throws tantrum over car snagging handicap parking spot, ignoring that she dropped off handicap passenger at the door

Usually, when someone parks in a handicapped spot, you don't question them. In fact, there are many people with invisible disabilities out there, so even if someone is being really selfish and snagging the handicap spot for themselves, you don't question it. Unless you're this Karen. A family pulled into a parking lot and took the first handicapped spot they saw. As soon as they parked, an angry Karen in the handicapped spot across the way immediately got out of her car and started telling...
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‘The tow truck is on the way’: Driver refuses to move his truck after it constantly blocks office entrance, employees report him as payback, leading to a costly dispute

‘The tow truck is on the way’: Driver refuses to move his truck after it constantly blocks office entrance, employees report him as payback, leading to a costly dispute

Much like the neighbors in your own home, it is important to have a good relationship with the neighbors in your place of work. Usually, those neighbors are other companies that reside in the same office building as your company, but some people have to deal with rather unexpected kinds of neighbors that are hard to come by. Imagine having a chemical plant as your work neighbor. Think about all the things you would have to deal with when sharing a neighborhood with a plant that deals with chemi…
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Guy gets payback on entitled Karen driver by making her late after incessant honking:  'All I could think to do was just laugh and clap'

Guy gets payback on entitled Karen driver by making her late after incessant honking: 'All I could think to do was just laugh and clap'

There's nothing like a nice, peaceful drive on the road being upended by another annoying, entitled driver who thinks that their busy schedule is more significant than everyone else's. It's these unique individuals that can make one of the more solitary and restful activities for some folks unbearable. Personally speaking, I am not one of the individuals who thinks driving is a peaceful activity, nor am I one of the individuals who enjoys engaging in aggressive behavior on the road. My conflict…
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Entitled driver forces pedestrian out of 'their' parking space with their car, bystanders confront the driver: ‘What do you think you're doing?'

Entitled driver forces pedestrian out of 'their' parking space with their car, bystanders confront the driver: ‘What do you think you're doing?'

Those who are prone to road rage are capable of creating real messy situations for themselves and the people around them. Although we all feel the anger bubbling inside us whenever we are stuck in traffic, or can't find a parking spot, some people tend to give in to that anger and let it consume them, and that can be pretty dangerous. Take the woman in this Reddit story for example, after letting her anger get the best of her, she was willing to push a stranger with her car just so she could pa…
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