

Entitled driver forces pedestrian out of 'their' parking space with their car, bystanders confront the driver: ‘What do you think you're doing?'

Entitled driver forces pedestrian out of 'their' parking space with their car, bystanders confront the driver: ‘What do you think you're doing?'

Those who are prone to road rage are capable of creating real messy situations for themselves and the people around them. Although we all feel the anger bubbling inside us whenever we are stuck in traffic, or can't find a parking spot, some people tend to give in to that anger and let it consume them, and that can be pretty dangerous. Take the woman in this Reddit story for example, after letting her anger get the best of her, she was willing to push a stranger with her car just so she could pa…
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'Your mailbox isn't shiny enough': 15 HOAs with ridiculous rules

'Your mailbox isn't shiny enough': 15 HOAs with ridiculous rules

We don't take kindly to silly HOA rules ‘round these parts. You might say that this town ain’t big enough for the two of us! Seriously though, HOAs are a giant pain in the rear for just about everyone who's moved into their territory. A lot of first-time home buyers will find their dream home, fall in love with the property, and move in ASAP. But then when they arrive, they're told they'll need to pay hundreds of dollars per month to the local Homeowner's Association (HOA). Hundreds! Every mont…
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petty revenge reddit thread lol funny justice deserved parking ticket tickets pay payment autopay checks office enforcement downtown hilarious lol

'Never again would I have to pay the $45': Guy floods the parking enforcement office with busy work, making himself immune to late fees while wreaking havoc

Dude figures out how to out-petty the pettiest of government workers
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Petty driver gets back at annoying teenagers for refusing to move from his parking space: 'Never seen teenagers run that fast before'

Petty driver gets back at entitled teenagers for refusing to move from his parking space: 'Never seen teenagers run that fast before'

Never underestimate bored teenagers with nothing to do except for causing trouble. There is an argument to be made that this age is perhaps the most excruciating age of humans. While we can attempt to avoid interacting with the “youth” as much as possible, sometimes we have no other choice but to confront them Here, we have a driver who was pulling into the one empty space in a busy parking lot by a popular pizza chain. The only thing stopping the driver from completing his parking job was a gr…
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25 passive-aggressive notes calling out bad parking jobs: 'Congratulations! You have won the Inconsiderate Parkers Prize'

25 passive-aggressive notes calling out bad parking jobs: 'Congratulations! You have won the Inconsiderate Parkers Prize'

Nothing frustrates people more than someone else's bad parking job. It's the kind of inconvenience that will make a shy, non-confrontational person snap and become a Karen. It also might be the kind of rare inconvenience that makes a Karen justified in their frustrations. Now, as someone who is admittedly a bad driver, I can understand how a poor parking job happens. That being said, I would never take up two parking spots and just leave it like that. My people-pleasing self would take as much…
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Impatient Male Karen driver yells at pedestrian in a quiet suburb, karma rears its head: 'He drove smack into [a] ditch'

Impatient Male Karen driver yells at pedestrian in a quiet suburb, karma rears its head: 'He drove smack into [a] ditch'

Sometimes, karma takes a while to come back with a vengeance, but other times, she chooses to show up just when she needs to… Here, we have a male Karen driver in a quiet suburb who could not stand the fact that road work was being done and was creating a minor traffic jam. A resident of the neighborhood explained that while the road work was minimal, there was a ditch in the area that could easily be avoided if cars were moving slowly and carefully enough… hence, the minor traffic jam. When th…
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'What you need to do is leave me alone': Private security tries to tell concert guest that her car will be towed, guest insists on ignoring security

'What you need to do is leave me alone': Private security tries to tell concert guest that her car will be towed, guest insists on ignoring security

Rules are rules, whether you ignore them or not. One concert-goer found this out the hard way , as u/VigilantInfidel shared in their excellent story of malicious compliance. You don't have to follow the rules if you can bend them without breaking them, but that doesn't mean you'll get away with it, either. This is especially true when it comes to security measures. For example, if you show up to the airport and you haven't read a single security measure , the TSA is going to take your bag and d…
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Karen claims resident's backyard is her property, neighbor proves otherwise: 'She tried to tell me I parked illegally on my own property'

Karen claims neighbor's backyard is her property, neighbor proves otherwise: 'She tried to tell me I parked illegally on my own property'

In every neighborhood, there is one resident who somehow thinks they are entitled to more property than they actually own. Oftentimes, this person has been living in the area longer than anyone else and therefore thinks they can get away with stretching the truth. No one wants to start a feud, so no one argues with them. However, all this does is give that resident a false sense of authority, and who knows where that can lead them? The next thing you know, they are claiming rights to your entir…
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Entitled couple parks in front of neighbor's driveway, neighbor dumps gravels all over their car: 'I didn't stop until they left'

Entitled couple parks in front of neighbor's driveway, neighbor dumps gravel all over their car: 'I didn't stop until they left'

Sometimes, the only way to get through to someone is by demanding their attention. Entitled folks aren't necessarily deriving joy and pleasure from walking all over others; in many instances, these people have such little self-awareness that they are not even aware that they are causing you trouble. In these scenarios, you can try to reason with these people through words and explanations, but nine times out of ten, that will not be enough. The only way to demonstrate to entitled people like th…
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'What are you gonna do about it?': Tenant gets Karen neighbors evicted for blocking their driveway for over a year

'What are you gonna do about it?': Tenant gets Karen neighbors evicted for blocking their driveway for over a year

It's hard to respect thy neighbor when thy neighbor is asking for it. Here, we have two Karens living in the neighboring apartment who were practically begging for some petty revenge. Not only did they frequently park their car in such a way that blocked this Redditor's driveway, but also they ignored the numerous attempts and requests for them to amend their behavior. Things escalated pretty quickly when the Redditor found the notes they left for the Karen nuisances back on their doorstep. The…
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'They told us we couldn't use hoses in our backyard': 20+ HOA rules that were petty and useless

'They told us we couldn't use hoses in our backyard': 20+ HOA rules that were petty and useless

The HOA patrols are back out in force, ready to protect your neighborhood from things like trucks parked in driveways, or trash cans left outside on trash day. These heroic homeowners associations are always ready to save the day by… doling out large fines designed to stress families out. They're doing things like helping the victims of house fires. Wait, scratch that: they actually had the nerve to fine a family who had a house fire because they thought the place looked unsightly. Wow, it's al…
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Gas station attendant gets back at entitled teenagers who refuse to follow no parking rules: 'Try parking there now!'

Gas station attendant gets back at entitled teenagers who refuse to follow no parking rules: 'Try parking there now!'

Dealing with rebellious teenagers at your job is not for the faint of heart. As someone who used to work with folks within this age range regularly, I can attest to that fact. However, I was working in the education space; whether I liked it or not, I signed up to work with entitled kids. This, of course, does not apply to everyone and certainly not to this gas station attendant . Dealing with kids who refuse to follow simple rules was not within his job description, yet it seemed to become a p…
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Cranky neighbor crashes kid's birthday party to complain about parking, they get her back by blocking her driveway: 'Ok, I'll block parking in front of your house'

Cranky neighbor crashes kid's birthday party to complain about parking, they get her back by blocking her driveway: 'Ok, I'll block parking in front of your house'

This cranky neighbor suffers from such a serious case of main character syndrome that she has the audacity to crash and ruin a kid's birthday party. There are many layers to her uncalled-for behavior, starting with the fact that she refuses to engage with these residents because they are renters and now owners. Next, there's the fact that she refuses to let folks park in front of her house despite the fact that it's free street parking that she has absolutely no jurisdiction over. Still, people…
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Man reports truck driver for blinding headlights, igniting fierce debate about road etiquette

Man reports truck driver for blinding headlights, igniting fierce debate about road etiquette

Before getting behind the wheel, a driver should exercise additional caution for the safety of other drivers as well as themselves. Therefore, observing the rules and regulations is crucial. Having said that, how would you react if your co-worker blatantly broke one of the most fundamental traffic laws—bright headlights visible from space? In the story below, the driver is agitated and trying to make it to work in one piece. The original poster (OP) describes how he was compelled to report a ca…
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'Update: I found a loophole!': Home owner shares their tactic to get around HOA "bald spot" ruling

'Update: I found a loophole!': Home owner shares their tactic to get around HOA "bald spot" ruling

“Tell them to sod off," quipped one person who was thrilled at this homeowner's HOA workaround . When you picture your dream home, maybe you imagine a big lawn for your kids to run around in. Maybe you envision a wrap-around porch where you and your friends can sip lemonade in the summer. Perhaps you dream of a home where you can decorate it in any color or style: your imagination is the limit. Well, you can forget most of your housing dreams the moment you move into any neighborhood run by an…
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'All flora must be HOA approved': Neighbors discover clever HOA workaround that lets them grow their favorite plants

'All flora must be HOA approved': Neighbors discover clever HOA workaround that lets them grow their favorite plants

HOAs rule with an iron fist, controlling even the tiniest of details. Home Owner's Associations (HOAs) are a thorn in the side of everyone who happens to plant themselves in HOA territory. Not every neighborhood has one, but the ones that do are able to spring huge fines on the residents. The group is known for fining people hundreds of dollars for parking in their own driveway, or keeping their boat outside where they can see it, or painting their house a slightly wrong shade of brown. Instead…
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