

'That's 14 people in a small kitchen': Landlord brings young children to showings at the home of another couple with youngsters

'That's 14 people in a small kitchen': Landlord brings young children to apartment showings at the home of another couple with youngsters, tenants complain she's being 'very unprofessional'

How would you feel if you knew your landlord was bringing a baby and a toddler to your place while she showed it to prospective tenants? I think most people would protest that, yet one landlord thinks she's actually perfectly fine bringing the kiddos along. As a parent, you love your kid more than anything else, and you think everything they do is cute and sweet and perfect. Even though you're head over heels in love with them, not everyone is as enamored with your little ones' antics. Parents…
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'The internet was evil and full of lies': 20+ so-called 'facts' everyone was taught in school that have since been disproven

'The internet was evil and full of lies': 20+ so-called 'facts' everyone was taught in school that have since been disproven

We all had a teacher back in the day who claimed something was true that occasionally made you suspicious. As you have gotten older, you have learned that your skepticism was not unwarranted and that you were absolutely right to question some of the nonsense this so-called educator was spewing. Over the years, we have all collected these bizarre “facts” that we have since disproven. They're often fun anecdotes to share at a party. For instance, did you know I was taught that I was taught that I…
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'I got a detention for pretending to be a Pokemon': 25+ Kids who were reprimanded for the silliest reasons

'I got a detention for pretending to be a Pokemon': 25+ Kids who were reprimanded for the silliest reasons

We should really just let kids be kids . You only get so long to have a carefree childhood. As a child, you avoid adult responsibilities and can spend all day either playing or at school (and then playing once school lets out). That's your time to frolic in the grass, make up games, play on the playground, and run around with your friends. Knowing that you only get to be a child once, some teachers and parents are still crazy strict with their little ones. People who answered the question poste…
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'And I would NEVER lock my cats outside': Audacious mom attempts to force the company Christmas party host into making drastic changes, gets put in her place

Childless adults get a pretty bad rep amongst people who have children, especially in the workplace. Perhaps we're just not ready to have grubby fingerprints on every surface of our home and Cocomelon playing on loop, but for some reason, Stephanie in accounting seems keen on weighing in on our lifestyle choices.
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karens entitled parents karen-customer heather culture heather karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people air travel aita parenting air Parenting Fail airplane - 23010821

'[The kids] basically cried the whole way': Entitled mother doesn't understand why other airline passengers are upset with her noisy kids, thinks it's worse for her

Having kids is the greatest joy one could experience, or so any new parent will tell you, despite that they haven't slept since the night before they became parents, and the bags under their eyes tell a different story. In fact, it's more than likely that this entire sentiment is really just a combination of sleep deprivation-fueled delusion and resigned coping with the fact that there's no going back.
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'Our family is split on who is wrong': Parents give financial support to their 2 daughters but not their son based on a decision he made 8 years ago

This is a tricky situation, but most of Reddit seems to be on the parents ' side. Let us know what you think: When these 3 siblings became adults, their parents gave them a choice on whether or not to live with them. If they did, they had to pay rent, but the rent went into a savings account that they got access to later in life. The 2 daughters went this route; however, the son thought that parents should not charge their children to live with them, so he parted ways. Fast forward 8 years, and…
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'She'd been stealing from our house for months': Parents confront daughter's friend after she steals $4,900 watch, discovers she's been stealing for a while and selling their stuff online

'She'd been stealing from our house for months': Parents confront daughter's friend after she stole $4,900 watch only to discover she'd been selling their stuff online for a while

Thanks to Reddit , this family was able to uncover their thief. The story originally started with a missing $4,900 watch. After reviewing their security footage, the family discovered that it was their daughter's friend who had stolen the watch from the father's home office. Surprisingly, the daughter had a suspicion it was her friend because she had noticed a few of her jewelry pieces missing. For context, she has three other siblings, so when her stuff went missing, she honestly thought it wa…
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'HR is NOT on your side': 30+ adulting moments that are the grown up versions of learning Santa Claus isn't real

'HR is NOT on your side': 30+ adulting moments that are the grown up versions of learning Santa Claus isn't real

Everyone has those unfortunate moments during childhood when you learn something isn't true. For many kids, it's the discovery that a heavy bearded fellow in a red suit doesn't dive down everyone's chimneys annually to give gifts. It's one of those fantasies that you wonder in hindsight how you believed that nonsense in the first place. Well, while we speak a lot about kids becoming disillusioned, no one ever really talks about the upsetting discoveries you have during adulthood. We're talking…
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'He tried to fight... [so] I got security involved': Entitled parents at a metal concert bully the crowd into letting their small children squeeze to the front; woman puts the dad in his place

Metal concerts are intense. For anyone who loves accidental punches to the face, getting their toes stomped, and eating the floor before having a 250lbs man help them back to their feet knows that a mosh pit is not a place for the weak. And it's certainly no place for a small child.
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dads funny dads fatherhood dad jokes parenting dad reddit thread Reddit Parenting Fail Father Parenting FAILS - 22891269

Top Dad Jokes of the Week (November 4, 2023)

Part of being a Dad means falling flat on your face a million times over and getting back up to do it all over again. On the other hand, part of having a Dad means getting embarrassed a million times over, only to have it happen all over again the next day. Yet somehow, Dad Jokes operate in that strange space where fathers have a chance to get away with being annoying, and, on special occasions, they may even make their kids crack a smile. Now, of course, their kids won't actually admit that th…
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school elementary school mother principal crazy things parents say teachers teacher parenting back to school dad elementary teacher-stories mom Parenting Fail parents Father - 22879749

'The parents want to meet with me': Teacher scolded for ripping up cheating students' tests

When you do something wrong, you should feel bad about it and accept there are going to be repercussions. This is called a consequence, and without experiencing that negative stimulus, how on earth are you going to learn not to do it again? Still, the punishment needs to fit the crime, and making a public display when a young child makes a mistake isn't really the way to go about it. Ironically, this teacher hasn't learned her own intended lesson, as evidenced by the fact that she doesn't feel…
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toddler tantrum pilot plane flying flight airline airplane flying travel traveling traveling-with-kids kid kids parent parents parenting win wholesome heartwarming faith-in-humanity

'All crying stopped': Wholesome airplane pilot saves a woman's toddler from having a meltdown on a flight, restoring faith in humanity

Sometimes humans can be bros. It's not very often that we meet genuinely amazing strangers out in public, but sometimes, in the most wholesome moments, our faith in humanity is restored. Usually we don't expect those moments when we're anywhere near our local airport, but apparently people can surprise us.
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work workplace workers worker coworkers employee employees manager managers boss cool shift supervisor mom moms parent parents parenting kids job

'No real man wants to disappoint their mom': Manager lets a 22 year old employee rush home during his shift to hide contraband from his mommy in a wholesome act of understanding

Nobody wants to disappoint their parents– especially their mothers. In fact, it was ingrained deep into our psyche at an early age that when our parents got mad at us, that was sort of okay, but if they were disappointed in our rebellious behavior, there was no greater pain on Earth. Obviously as we all grew up and moved out of the house, we became accustomed to our own illicit activities, but mom doesn't need to know what we do with our spare time or what vices we hide under our pillows.
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fender guitar vintage stepson son stepmom mom moms mother mommy parenting stepdad dad daddy parenting-fail fail parents stories college music priceless

'[He] wants my 1963 Fender': Musician refuses to give her $3,000 vintage guitar to her teenaged stepson; stands her ground even when accosted by family

Kids don't understand the value of things. It may sound old school, but the only way to really know what something is worth, is to work really hard to acquire it. And just like we learned when watching Antiques Roadshow at 2AM, when it comes to vintage, classic, or collector's valuables, there's more than just the monetary value to something– that lazy-eyed clown doll may seem worthless, but to the clown collecting bag lady, it's priceless.
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'I have no choice': Single parent pressured to bring kid into work this Christmas because daycare is closed, rejecting her PTO request

'I have no choice': Single parent pressured to bring kid into work this Christmas because daycare is closed, Scrooge boss rejects her PTO request

We're nowhere near the Holidays, and yet we already have employers being awful about time off on Christmas. Here, we have a single parent who works as a dietary aide at a medical facility. We trust her when she says this is not exactly an environment she is comfortable bringing her kid to work in on any day, especially Christmas. When she recently learned that the daycare where she sends her kid would be closed on Christmas, and she realized she had no other alternative but to request time off,…
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'All she does is pitch fits': Karen Mom calls the cops on her 5-year-old daughter for crying, cops arrest Karen

'All she does is pitch fits': Karen Mom calls the cops on her 5-year-old daughter for crying, officer arrests Karen

Just because you don't know how to parent doesn't mean you can just dial 9-1-1 on your five-year-old! Seriously, what was this impatient Karen thinking when she thought the best way to discipline her child for stomping around the room was to call the police five times and have them deal with it? News flash: all five-year-olds have the occasional behavioral fit, and if you really need a second pair of hands, consider working with her teachers or a professional. Otherwise, you're wasting time and…
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