

family drama adult daughter entitled parents university college applying kids father daughter fatherhood entitled father bad parenting grown daughter parenting entitled r-entitled Reddit college parents entitled people - 24312837

'In retrospect, I might HAVE been too harsh': Father takes making-a-point too far and gets a dose of reality when grown daughter goes no-contact

When you become a father, you are now a father 24-7 for the rest of your life. Even if you choose to ignore those duties, that is still you affecting your child as a father, a bad father, but still a father. One of the biggest struggles parents tend to have is letting their child be free to do what they want. Parents want their kids to not make the mistakes they did growing up, so they forbid them from it. But the thing is, that isn't going to stop them, especially once they are grown…
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reddit aita college college-fund pay money tuition loans loan student students university single-mom mom parent parents parenting spoiled aita reddit

Single Mom Gives $2,000/per Semester to Her Spoiled Daughter's College Tuition, Girl Complains ‘[Mom] Should Be Paying More’

College is expensive, yet it's widely believed that to be a successful (employed) adult, you need a degree. As if a little piece of paper with fancy script and the name of the overpriced university you attended is going to prove that you're responsible. In our next story, one college girl proves that there are a lot of life lessons and privileges that are completely ignored during your college years– especially if you're an entitled brat.
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'I'm not paying you, it's your car': Young man demands roommates pay $500 for his car maintenance, they refuse

'I'm not paying you, it's your car': Young man demands roommates pay $500 for his car maintenance, they refuse

You roll the dice when moving in with new people, and I don't say that lightly. Even if you guys are besties from the second grade, nobody is safe from a good old roommate horror story. I had my fair share of entitled roommates, and I can honestly say that paying double for my own tiny studio apartment is worth it, because after everything I went through, I'm over it. Wait till you hear what happened in this story… 'I gave you a ride, a couple of times' was OP's roommate's excuse for demanding…
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Top Dad Jokes of the Month (January 25, 2024)

Top Dad Jokes of the Month (January 25, 2024)

It may be a new year, but dads will always be dads. Everyone may want to pretend that they don't love a dad joke, but there is something to be said for the number of times we guffawed while compiling this list. Here's the thing about what dad jokes produce. It's never loud laughter. It's never a cackle. But there is value in a guffaw. A guffaw is almost involuntary, and because we are often socialized to roll our eyes at dad jokes, the fact that these jokes provoked a guffaw out of us shows the…
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reddit thread family drama aita childfree children child kids having-kids parent parents parenting in-laws wife husband married marriage babies baby pressure couple

'Back off and wait for us to be ready': Childfree couple snaps when tenacious parents pressure them to have kids immediately

When you're in your late 20's or your early 30's, if you've been in a semi-stable relationship for more than 5 minutes, nosy relatives start coming out of the woodwork. You've heard the phrase ‘it takes a village’, but never thought it meant the village coming after your ever-fruitful loins, chasing you with baby-mongering pitchforks and flaming fertility torches.
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server server-life service-industry restaurant parent parenting parents toddler toddlers baby babies tip tips tipped tipping waiter waitress reddit

'Babies heads are hard': Server gets tipped 40% after accidentally kicking a breakaway toddler on a busy night, chill mom proves to be down-to-earth

Every server feels their stomach drop when they see a toddler seated in their section. Like any service industry member with PTSD, for a split second, they'll imagine the terrors of cleaning melted ice cream from the corners of the booth seats, Karenish mothers yelling at them for a side of ranch, and scrubbing the crayon scribbles off the tabletop...
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pro revenge landlord revenge landlords parenting renting petty-revenge-reddit revenge-stories revenge-stories-reddit - 24100357

'I stopped paying rent': Tenant gets back at terrible landlord by building a case against them and taking them to court

Renting a home is a challenging experience, living in a place that isn't really your own under some degree of scrutiny from a landlord whose asset you're paying off for them… and that's the situation in the best of circumstances. There are plenty of landlords who won't uphold their basic obligations of maintaining their property to liveable standards, charging you more and more in rent—yet, regarding their tenants as an unfortunate inconvenience to their “investment”—refusing to fix anything wh…
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'The best customers I've had in weeks were kids': Longtime servers share memorable moments of kids outshining the adults as ideal customers

Kids get a bad reputation in the service industry. However, anyone who has ever worked at a family restaurant know the truth—it's always the parents. Kids will be kids, we all know that, and it's up to the parents or guardians to teach their kids how to behave. So when an adult allows their tiny human to run around a restaurant like it's their personal playroom, of course everyone working there is going to be annoyed. Other than the fact that it's a real danger for your kid to be doing that whi…
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teacher teachers school schools snow-day snow-days snow bad-weather weather frozen freeze canceled school-is-canceled parents parent bad-parents bad-parenting

'People don't like their own kids': Teacher openly roasts the parents complaining about snow days

To kids, snow days are magical. You've woken up to a white blanket of frozen fun covering your neighborhood, then all of your dreams come true when your mom gets that fateful call from your teacher. School is canceled! Without the worries of driving on icy roads or working to put food on the table, all you're left with is the insatiable desire to have the best day ever with whichever parent is forced to stay home with you.
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neighborhood neighbor wholesome cute adorable kids neighborhood-kids snow snow-shovel shovelling-snow business business proposition kiddo cute-kids parenting parents

‘I am the leader/boss. I am also cool and nice’: Heartwarming local boys win over the neighborhood with their lovable snow shoveling business proposal

Remember when local kids used to set up their lemonade shops' on the corner with ramshackle tables, styrofoam cups, mom's antique water pitchers, and the biggest tub of lemonade you've ever seen? Although there's much to question about the food safety involved when buying fruit juice from a child with marker all over their fingertips from making their poster-board signage, any adult with a heart feels the gravitational urge to buy a cup.
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'He needs more money than his brother': Father gives younger son bigger inheritance than the older, based on their in-laws’ financial state

'He needs more money than his brother': Father gives younger son bigger inheritance than the older, based on their in-laws’ financial state

Money is never an easy subject to bring up within a family. No matter how close you are to your parents or siblings, talking about salaries, inheritances, or wills will always be awkward. That is why I think as parents, you have to be sensible and honest if you end up in a spot where you have to bring these subjects up. Do not try to sugarcoat anything, but talk to your kids like the adults they probably are. That is the advice I would personally give this person who turned to Reddit for advice…
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kid kids child son parenting parent parents funny bring-to-work work workplace quit quitting resign resignation spill-the-beans employee worker employees ceo bosses funny boss lol family

'DADDY'S LOOKING FOR A NEW JOB!': Employee's kid spills the beans to the whole office that his dad is on the verge of quitting

Kids say the darndest things...
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reddit stories family drama amitheahole aita parenting parenting stories family - 23942149

Aunt wants niece to change her name, adoptive mom's not having it: 'She was being ridiculous'

Names are a dime a dozen, and—a bit like an ileum… everyone has one. The first time in your life that you meet another kid with the same name as you is also the first time you realize that you're quite as special as mommy says you are… You're just one in a sea of hundreds of thousands with the same name as you. Heck, as you get older and learn how to search your name on Google, you realize that you aren't even the only one around with the same first and last name combination—queue a lifelong fe…
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reddit, petty-revenge, r-pettyrevenge, failblog, mom-revenge, 8-months-pregnant, parking-spot-fued

‘I was so fed up’: Guy keeps parking in spot designated for woman who is 8 months pregnant, HOA doesn't allow towing him, so mom-to-be takes matters into her own hands

Everyone knows not to upset a pregnant woman. Even if you don't know, you should be able to deduce from the state that woman is in that you need to be extra careful around her. It's a common thing in many species, not just humans, that a pregnant mama-to-be will mess you up if you cross her. A very real example is this Reddit story . This mom-to-be was pregnant in the height of heat during the summer days. She had a designated parking spot in front of her townhouse so she wouldn't have to walk…
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‘She never planned to pay me’: Woman places a $250 order for same-day pick up, then flips the script when presented with products

‘She never planned to pay me’: Woman places a $250 order for same-day pick up, then flips the script when presented with products

You need to be careful when you sell products online because oftentimes, people will say anything to get what they want. They will make up a whole family to get a discount if they have to. One person was selling some Christmas products (prefilled stockings) on Marketplace when she was contacted by a mother who wanted to make a large order for her kids. At first, the lady asked for a discount, which OP felt was reasonable as it was such a big order. They agreed on the price of $250, and made a p…
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‘He gave them a perfect score’: Student's parent spends $6 on their class assignment to get back at the teacher, leading to 70 kids getting 110% scores on their class final

‘He gave them a perfect score’: Student's parent spends $6 on their class assignment to get back at the teacher, leading to 70 kids getting 110% scores on their class final

Teachers go through a lot. Kids are a tough crowd, and it isn't easy to spend 8 hours with 30 of them. They're loud, they're grumpy, they're energetic. Moody, frustrated, and sometimes, entitled. But I can say the same for teachers… we're all human. This teacher would not let the class forget about his glory days as a college football player and did not really care to teach the class properly. One of the student's parents found out that he had given the class an assignment that would be graded…
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