

Laugh Along to These Memes Instead of Your Boss’s Orders

Laugh Along to These Memes Instead of Your Boss’s Orders

Haha, boss, you're so funny!
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'Two can play that game...': Overworked hotel employee gets even with upper management following their refusal to accommodate his medical condition

'Two can play that game...': Overworked hotel employee gets even with upper management following their refusal to accommodate his medical condition

The business world is cruel. They take great pride in their well-known motto, which emphasizes the value of family and how they treat their staff as one large, happy family. But when the chips are down, who gets pushed aside first? Yes, exactly. Think about that for a moment. The story that follows is from a dissatisfied hotel employee. At the time of the incident, OP had been managing multiple duties. He drove the shuttle for one of the airline crews and was responsible for loading and unloadi…
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'You expect me to work an 18 hour shift without extra pay?': Overworked bookkeeper finds a way to get even with upper management after their refusal to allow changes in work shifts

'You expect me to work an 18 hour shift without extra pay?': Overworked bookkeeper finds a way to get even with upper management after their refusal to allow changes in work shifts

Working in a corporate setting sometimes means having to silently give in to senior management. Whether or not we agree with their business tactics is irrelevant; what matters is that we ease their burden by complying with all of their requests without causing any trouble. The story below is an account of a bookkeeper who works for a huge home improvement store. For whatever reason, despite the rigorous hours, upper management insisted for years that bookkeepers close and open the store. To put…
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'You asked for this!': Team of employees humble micromanaging boss by taking four times as long to complete a task

'You asked for this!': Team of employees humble micromanaging boss by taking four times as long to complete a task

I think we've all had to deal with a smug and entitled manager at some point in our lives. My personal experience has shown me that it's simpler to find a method of working with them as opposed to confronting them outright. The story that follows is about a dissatisfied employee who works in a shipyard that specializes in ship repair and refitting. We are talking about a hardworking blue-collar worker. But things take a bitter turn when the entitled manager—who is occasionally referred to as EB…
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‘You can’t do this': Manager cuts 3 hours out of senior employee's wages after employee's 13.5-hour shift ‘didn’t meet his standards', then backpedals when employee turns to HR

‘You can’t do this': Manager cuts 3 hours out of senior employee's wages after employee's 13.5-hour shift ‘didn’t meet his standards', then backpedals when employee turns to HR

New management just always seems to mess up the thriving environment they arrive in, taking senior employees for granted and playing with their wages as if salaries are part of a game. This manager was only two weeks into his new job, and already wreaked the type of havoc that can result in mass resignations… He told one of the senior employees, OP, that he was cutting three hours of work out of a shift because he had looked at the cameras and seen that OP wasn't ‘working’ to his standard. OP h…
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'Don't you dare speak to me like that!': Entitled couple arrives at restaurant 30 minutes before closing demanding royal treatment and trying the patience of the staff

'Don't you dare speak to me like that!': Entitled couple arrives at restaurant 30 minutes before closing demanding royal treatment and trying the patience of the staff

Consider this: You have been working for what seems like forever. Just as you are about to clock out, a couple enters the restaurant and asks to be seated. You obviously attend to the unwelcomed couple, and then just like that you realize that you're not going home anytime soon. As if that weren't awful enough, the couple now treats you like they own the restaurant, giving you the run-around, yelling at you, and expecting you to treat them like royalty. Well, that's exactly what happened to our…
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'I'm not working a minute of overtime!': Supervisor targets top performing mechanic due to five minute hold up; supervisor gets fired

'I'm not working a minute of overtime!': Supervisor targets top-performing mechanic due to five minute hold up; supervisor gets fired

For the rest of our lives, we can work ourselves to the bone every day and never receive credit for our commitment and hard work. Nobody can argue, though, that there is nothing better in the world than that moment of triumph when we are finally acknowledged and validated. The story below is of a hardworking and underappreciated CNC mechanic. OP, also known as Bobby, is the highest-producing mechanic in the company. However, it is important to note that his outstanding performance is a product…
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'Billionaires aren't innovators, WE ARE, they just get to swoop in and take the credit': Employee laid off after finishing a major project for his company

The OP of the story raises a really interesting point. He dedicated countless hours to developing a new app for his company, a project that was supposed to bring in millions of dollars in revenue. So, how was he repaid? He was promptly let go. Shockingly, this isn't uncommon, as several other employees in the comment section shared similar experiences and offered advice. One worker responded, "I, too, was laid off immediately after finishing a project. Just sitting in my car with a...
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'You brought this on yourself': Entire team of employees left short-staffed after one worker persuades manager to enforce their suspension

'You brought this on yourself': Entire team of employees left short-staffed after one worker persuades manager to enforce their suspension

We will always be affected by favoritism. Parents make an effort to convince us that there is no such thing as favoritism and that people evaluate us based on our qualifications or lack thereof. As someone who has worked at over a dozen jobs, attended roughly six different schools during her life, and is one of twenty grandkids, I can vouch for the fact that favorites exist. The story below is of a strong single mother who is having a hard time providing for her kid. OP is a hard-working waitre…
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'Good luck paying employees!': Overworked employee complies with manager's orders to 'stick to his job title', leading to 50 employees walking out after they aren't paid

'Good luck paying employees!': Overworked employee complies with manager's orders to 'stick to his job title', leading to 50 employees walking out after they aren't paid

Isn't it annoying when you get asked to do something that is NOT in your job title without anything in return? If it's not part of your role, and you're not really getting paid for it, then why do it? I don't mean people shouldn't be innovative or try to move up in their line of work, but I am no stranger to employers taking advantage of their employees just to save money and time. Here, there's an incredibly devoted employer who was actually fine with taking on more responsibilities in his lin…
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'I just proved my worth to another company': Overworked analyst attempts to climb the corporate ladder, but is dismissed by higher management

'I just proved my worth to another company': Overworked analyst attempts to climb the corporate ladder, but is dismissed by higher management

Before signing a contract, there are a few things to watch out for. Above all, a shared goal of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Secondly, employers tend to underestimate how much employees yearn for peace and quiet. In other words, we expect nothing but silence after five o'clock. No phone calls, no meetings, and most definitely no unnecessary bonding time with coworkers after office hours. The story below is from a devoted analyst who worked for a multinational construction materials…
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'You won't get away without paying me': New owner refuses to give employee his moneys worth, employee finds a creative way of getting it all back

'You won't get away with not paying me': New owner refuses to give employee his money's worth, employee finds a clever way to get paid anyway

From roughly the age of 15 to 22 (fresh out of college), we are expected to accept any position, as long as someone will hire us, regardless of the duties and responsibilities. Hold your horses; what I mean to say is that every position, within 'normal bounds', is acceptable. As a result, I believe we can all agree that for nearly ten years, we have been changing jobs frequently in the hopes of finding one that won't be emotionally or physically taxing. The jobs differ according to age, prefere…
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'I decline, do it yourself': Overworked employee quits after dealing with upper management's double standards

'I decline, do it yourself': Overworked employee quits after dealing with upper management's double standards

I think that people only choose to become pettish when they are pushed to the brink. But if you ask me, the tale below makes a somewhat abrupt shift from magnificence to pettiness, leaving me astounded by the management team's lack of professionalism and arrogance. But instead of taking my word for it, let me give you a quick rundown of the events so you can be the judge. The story goes like this: OP says he has been looking for work for a while, therefore he is thrilled to be hired. However, a…
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antiwork workplace-stories employee toxic-workplace manager thanksgiving teenagers work movie theater petty toxic-boss overworked-employees workplace reddit thread Reddit entitled people - 23191557

'They decided that a 16-year-old should work 30 hours in 4 days': Understaffed employer gaslights teen into working all Thanksgiving weekend

If you have ever worked part-time or seasonal jobs, you know how hectic schedules can get, especially during holidays when most people take time off to travel or be with their family. The open shifts are sadly diverted to the few employees who can still work, leaving them slammed with overtime for their so-called part-time gig.
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'Do these smell like the right pants to you?': 20+ Times retail workers had to answer funny questions from customers

'Do these smell like the right pants to you?': 20+ Times retail workers had to answer the world's silliest questions from customers

Kudos to these workers who didn't burst out laughing after hearing these customers' questions. I'm sure it wasn't easy to hold in laughter when customers get things so unbelievably wrong. When you work at a retail store , you quickly learn that customers don't ask a wide range of questions. Even though you spend 40 hours per week at the job, it's potentially a customer's first time there. You end up answering questions like, “Is everything included in this store-wide sale?” or “What aisle is to…
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'Boss threw out 7+ years of employee files': 25+ Employees with completely nonsensical bosses

'Boss threw out 7+ years of employee files... because she hated paper': 25+ Employees with completely nonsensical bosses

If you've ever had a boss that you are clearly smarter than, you know it can get pretty awkward really fast. We all want to think we're super smart and sophisticated, especially in the workplace . Many people try really hard to appear on top of things and in tune with exactly what's going on at their workplace from day to day. However, some bosses just don't care. It's baffling — they'll have a whole job that involves giving a darn about a workplace, and yet they'll happily sit in a back office…
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