

'Please come back': Undervalued chef quits after boss refuses to pay full salary, restaurant collapses as boss begs him to come back

'Please come back': Undervalued chef quits after boss refuses to pay full salary, restaurant collapses as boss begs him to come back

There are challenges in the food industry. Drama, anxiety, and unforeseen events abound every day and must be managed to keep things running according to plan. What would happen, though, if your manager—who specifically sought you out for the position—tried to play the corporate game with you? Do you stay in your current role and work alongside those who make you detest the career you once loved, or do you leave to pursue better and more exciting opportunities far, far away from it all? The sto…
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‘Be careful what you wish for…’: New manager cuts employee's deal with old boss, rearranging their work hours, only to find out former deal benefited company

‘Be careful what you wish for…’: New manager cuts employee's deal with old boss, rearranging their work hours, only to find out former deal benefited company

Hierarchy is the cornerstone of corporate business. Because of this, it is very likely that when the time comes and a new management enters the picture, she or he will want to completely revamp the scene in an attempt to assert their authority. The story that follows recounts the story of a clever employee. The Original Poster (OP) and his former manager had an unspoken understanding that allowed OP to arrive early and depart early. Basically, as long as he completes his work and puts in the ne…
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Undervalued retail employee gets written up for attempting to prevent a $400 store theft

Undervalued retail employee gets written up for attempting to prevent a $400 store theft

Retail is like the Wild West: it's vast and untamed. And who needs to maintain composure in the midst of such mayhem, in your humble opinion? That's the customer service agent, of course. The story that follows is from a disappointed sales department employee. The Original Poster (OP) holds a job at a small business located in the neighborhood shopping center. The business has had to deal with an increase in theft lately. Unfortunately, due to the shopping center's numerous rules and restrictio…
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Manager urges undervalued employee who was laid off to view termination as a 'learning opportunity' and instructs him to train new hire

Manager urges undervalued employee who was laid off to view termination as a 'learning opportunity' and instructs him to train new hire

Nothing in the business sector is ‘personal’, everyone is interchangeable, and the entire industry runs like one large corporate machine. Securing the flow of funds is of the utmost significance for those in positions of authority. In order to succeed in the business world, one must be prepared to give up everything or anybody who stands in the way of success. Here's the account of a Fortune 500 firm employee who was left speechless. The Original Poster (OP) has dedicated the last six years of…
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'You can't do this to me': New manager demands employee cancel $6,000 vacation following company layoffs, then refuse to reimburse them

'You can't do this to me': New manager demands employee cancel $6,000 vacation following company layoffs, then refuse to reimburse them

We work to live, not the other way around. It's difficult to find an occupation that fulfills our ambitions and desires. When we finally find that one individual in the workplace who is friendly and supportive, it might be difficult, to put it mildly, to let go. A furious software developer who works for an organization that offers ‘unlimited PTO’ shares his story below. OP has been organizing an amazing, once-in-a-lifetime international trip. Before starting the preparations, he made sure seni…
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40 Customer Service Memes for Overworked Employees on a Budget

40 Customer Service Memes for Overworked Employees on a Budget

Those working in customer service know what it feels like to work a lot for a little.
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‘Yes, sir!’: Manager demands team leader motivate an overqualified employee to do boring tasks, so team leader motivates him to quit

‘Yes, sir!’: Manager demands team leader motivate an overqualified employee to do boring tasks, so team leader motivates him to quit

There are unwritten rules and workplace politics in the corporate world that you have to abide by if you want to keep your job. The story that follows is from a tech consulting company's team lead. OP was in charge of two teams, each consisting of three members, for a total of six persons. OP was given a project at the time that required the assistance of all six members of his team. The company decided against pursuing new, cutting-edge technology in favor of sticking with what they knew in or…
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'I'm outta here...': Web developer leaves company high and dry after upper management shut down his concerns regarding launch of new product, company crumbles

'I'm outta here...': Web developer leaves company high and dry after upper management shut down his concerns regarding launch of new product, company crumbles

The business world is not always kind. You are but a small component in this game. You should never feel too comfortable when you finally 'land' that job you believed would be the culmination of your desire since everyone can be replaced. What they fail to mention, though, is that occasionally—just occasionally—one cog is what keeps the entire empire afloat; without it, everything crumbles down.
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‘You ask and you shall receive’: After failing in his attempt to overshadow the waitress and impress his date, customer spends the entire evening eating out of to-go bags

‘You ask and you shall receive’: After failing in his attempt to overshadow the waitress and impress his date, customer spends the entire evening eating out of to-go bags

It is usually advisable to stay away from people who are impolite when dealing with staff. Ultimately, the waiters are there to assist you in having a good time and planning your next visit. However, what would happen if your guests mistreat the staff for no apparent reason? They turn an evening that could have been genuinely amazing into a major headache. The story recounts the tale of a frustrated server who found a perfect way to exact revenge on an obnoxious customer. Surprisingly, no elabo…
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Laugh Along to These Memes Instead of Your Boss’s Orders

Laugh Along to These Memes Instead of Your Boss’s Orders

Haha, boss, you're so funny!
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'Two can play that game...': Overworked hotel employee gets even with upper management following their refusal to accommodate his medical condition

'Two can play that game...': Overworked hotel employee gets even with upper management following their refusal to accommodate his medical condition

The business world is cruel. They take great pride in their well-known motto, which emphasizes the value of family and how they treat their staff as one large, happy family. But when the chips are down, who gets pushed aside first? Yes, exactly. Think about that for a moment. The story that follows is from a dissatisfied hotel employee. At the time of the incident, OP had been managing multiple duties. He drove the shuttle for one of the airline crews and was responsible for loading and unloadi…
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'You expect me to work an 18 hour shift without extra pay?': Overworked bookkeeper finds a way to get even with upper management after their refusal to allow changes in work shifts

'You expect me to work an 18 hour shift without extra pay?': Overworked bookkeeper finds a way to get even with upper management after their refusal to allow changes in work shifts

Working in a corporate setting sometimes means having to silently give in to senior management. Whether or not we agree with their business tactics is irrelevant; what matters is that we ease their burden by complying with all of their requests without causing any trouble. The story below is an account of a bookkeeper who works for a huge home improvement store. For whatever reason, despite the rigorous hours, upper management insisted for years that bookkeepers close and open the store. To put…
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'You asked for this!': Team of employees humble micromanaging boss by taking four times as long to complete a task

'You asked for this!': Team of employees humble micromanaging boss by taking four times as long to complete a task

I think we've all had to deal with a smug and entitled manager at some point in our lives. My personal experience has shown me that it's simpler to find a method of working with them as opposed to confronting them outright. The story that follows is about a dissatisfied employee who works in a shipyard that specializes in ship repair and refitting. We are talking about a hardworking blue-collar worker. But things take a bitter turn when the entitled manager—who is occasionally referred to as EB…
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‘You can’t do this': Manager cuts 3 hours out of senior employee's wages after employee's 13.5-hour shift ‘didn’t meet his standards', then backpedals when employee turns to HR

‘You can’t do this': Manager cuts 3 hours out of senior employee's wages after employee's 13.5-hour shift ‘didn’t meet his standards', then backpedals when employee turns to HR

New management just always seems to mess up the thriving environment they arrive in, taking senior employees for granted and playing with their wages as if salaries are part of a game. This manager was only two weeks into his new job, and already wreaked the type of havoc that can result in mass resignations… He told one of the senior employees, OP, that he was cutting three hours of work out of a shift because he had looked at the cameras and seen that OP wasn't ‘working’ to his standard. OP h…
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'Don't you dare speak to me like that!': Entitled couple arrives at restaurant 30 minutes before closing demanding royal treatment and trying the patience of the staff

'Don't you dare speak to me like that!': Entitled couple arrives at restaurant 30 minutes before closing demanding royal treatment and trying the patience of the staff

Consider this: You have been working for what seems like forever. Just as you are about to clock out, a couple enters the restaurant and asks to be seated. You obviously attend to the unwelcomed couple, and then just like that you realize that you're not going home anytime soon. As if that weren't awful enough, the couple now treats you like they own the restaurant, giving you the run-around, yelling at you, and expecting you to treat them like royalty. Well, that's exactly what happened to our…
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'I'm not working a minute of overtime!': Supervisor targets top performing mechanic due to five minute hold up; supervisor gets fired

'I'm not working a minute of overtime!': Supervisor targets top-performing mechanic due to five minute hold up; supervisor gets fired

For the rest of our lives, we can work ourselves to the bone every day and never receive credit for our commitment and hard work. Nobody can argue, though, that there is nothing better in the world than that moment of triumph when we are finally acknowledged and validated. The story below is of a hardworking and underappreciated CNC mechanic. OP, also known as Bobby, is the highest-producing mechanic in the company. However, it is important to note that his outstanding performance is a product…
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