

‘Don’t contact me again': Boss demands unpaid intern to work extra hours, intern quits on the spot and blocks boss's number

‘Don’t contact me again': Boss demands unpaid intern to work extra hours, intern quits on the spot and blocks boss's number

Unpaid internships should not be a thing. No matter how small the job that they are doing, if it is a job, they should be getting paid for it. The whole concept of unpaid internships only allows employers to take advantage of young people who desperately need to gain experience in order to get a real job, and that's just wrong. Employers can afford to pay them even a minimum hourly rate, instead of bossing them around for nothing whatsoever. This is why I was extremely proud of the intern in th…
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‘I handed you my two weeks' notice… two weeks ago': Boss schedules employee to work even after they quit their job, resulting in a dispute when they don't show up

‘I handed you my two weeks' notice… two weeks ago': Boss schedules employee to work even after they quit their job, resulting in a dispute when they don't show up

Bosses don't have to be nice to their employees. Sometimes to gain respect you have to be firm with your employees, and they probably not going to like you for that, which is completely fine by a lot of employers, as long as things get done on the job. But still, many bosses managed to create a successful work environment while still having a good relationship with their employees, which is truly admirable. That being said, even if your boss isn't nice to you, there are still parts of the job t…
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‘I'm done': Overworked employee finds out that the job they've been hired to do doesn't exist, boss was using them to do her own job

‘I'm done': Overworked employee finds out that the job they've been hired to do doesn't exist, boss was using them to do her own job

Some stories make it really hard to decide where to begin explaining what is going on, but let's give it a go. The person who shared this story (OP) has been working with a certain company for about 7 months. From the first day, it was clear something was off, as OP's boss kept giving them more and more responsibilities, even though they were new, and definitely didn't get extra pay for all the additional work they got. Then, other employees kept quitting, and guess who had to take over their w…
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‘Fix your mess’: IT worker skillfully complies with micromanager, puts in 16 hours on a two-hour task, resulting in client's refusal to pay the hourly rate

‘Fix your mess’: IT worker skillfully complies with micromanager, puts in 16 hours on a two-hour task, resulting in client's refusal to pay the hourly rate

Large companies function like machines. The managers and employees are in charge of keeping the machine operating as efficiently and profitably as possible. But occasionally, people become so engrossed in their work that they lose sight of what needs to get done right now and what can wait. In the story below, a devoted IT worker has had enough of his supervisors' ridiculous expectations. Since the Original Poster (OP) has been employed by the same company for quite some time, he is familiar wi…
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‘I'm getting fired, aren't I?’: Sole QA employee gets blamed for a mistake that affects thousands of customers, CEO refuses to take responsibility for team being understaffed

‘I'm getting fired, aren't I?’: Sole QA employee gets blamed for a mistake that affects thousands of customers, CEO refuses to take responsibility for team being understaffed

The constant threat of getting fired from a job is looming on pretty much any employee. Even if you only made a tiny mistake, or even if you haven't made a mistake at all, it always feels like someone is watching you and that someone is not happy. So when you do make a mistake, possibly a huge mistake that might affect the entire company, well, then you might as well pack your bags and leave without a word. Much like the employee in this Reddit story. The employee (OP, original poster) is an ov…
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‘You got what you asked for’: CEO announces a 15% pay cut for every employee as a way to ‘reduce costs’, resulting in mass walkout by all employees

‘You got what you asked for’: CEO announces a 15% pay cut for every employee as a way to ‘reduce costs’, resulting in mass walkout by all employees

One of the best ways to determine whether a company is overall a good company, specifically with how the employees are treated, is by checking how long the employees have been there. If the company has existed for longer than 10 years and no employee has been there for more than a year, then something must be wrong. The employee in this Reddit story has been feeling that something is wrong with the company for quite some time. Mostly because of the CEO, who has been treating OP (original poster…
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‘Take it, I'm leaving’: Coworker demands the receptionist's office after she spends her free time fixing it up, she complies by leaving the company altogether

‘Take it, I'm leaving’: Coworker demands the receptionist's office after she spends her free time fixing it up, she complies by leaving the company altogether

For some reason in modern offices, an employee rarely gets to have their own office. The concept of ‘open work space’ in which everyone, even high-up employees, has to work in one big space with no separation from each other. This concept might have been cute for a little while, but now it seems like the only reason why it's still around is because it saves the company a lot of money, since they can rent much smaller offices. Which is what I thought about while reading this story of this employ…
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'The company collapsed without me': Overworked employee quits after being put on probation, company fires entire management team shortly after that

'The company collapsed without me': Overworked employee quits after being put on probation, company fires entire management team shortly after that

This might be petty, but it is extremely satisfying to hear that the toxic company you worked for and carried on your back is crumbling without you. Even though you might actually care about the work or the clients, if you left (or even asked to leave) without being appreciated, it feels good to know that at least karma had your back. Which is what happened to this employee in this Reddit story. After OP (original poster) threw their back out at the job, they were put on a performance improveme…
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‘Good luck, you're going to need it’: Overworked employee deletes company data from software he created after CEO fires him without an explanation

‘Good luck, you're going to need it’: Overworked employee deletes company data from software he created after CEO fires him without an explanation

Being an employee or being self-employed, there is a constant feud about which one is better. Some would prefer being independent because you get to control the hours in which you work, you don't have anyone to answer to, and you are free to make your own decisions. Others would say that being an employee is actually a lot easier, working the 9 to 5 and then enjoying carefree evenings, without having to carry the burden of being your own boss. Another huge disadvantage of being an employee is t…
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 ‘Get off your high horse’: Condescending teen claims to be better than the hardworking door-to-door salespeople, employee teaches young teen a lesson in humility

‘Get off your high horse’: Condescending teen claims to be better than the hardworking door-to-door salespeople, employee teaches young teen a lesson in humility

While not all occupations are ideal, they enable you to pay your bills and make ends meet, therefore we should never criticize someone based solely on their line of work. Most likely, every diligent person strives to support both themselves and their family. So, how would you respond if a young, entitled employee willingly showed up for work and declared that the job was not worth his time and effort? The story that follows is the tale of a grumpy yet diligent worker. An arrogant adolescent who…
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'You can't be serious...': Employee quits after PTO for wedding and honeymoon is denied by micromanager, leaving company high and dry

'You can't be serious...': Employee quits after PTO for wedding and honeymoon is denied by micromanager, leaving company high and dry

There are brutal individuals in the corporate world. They would stop at nothing to make sure they succeed, and they are willing to pay whatever price to do so—even if it means compromising their morals, closest friends, and most reliable colleagues. Having stated that how would you respond if the latest hire sought to seize control by instilling fear? Regardless of how absurd her demands were, would you submit to them in silence or would you resist and hold your ground? The story that follows,…
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‘Tomorrow they will wake up with none of their files’: Employee deletes thousands of hours of work from old job after being fired for requesting a raise

‘Tomorrow they will wake up with none of their files’: Employee deletes thousands of hours of work from old job after being fired for requesting a raise

One former employee was bitter towards their old job, and rightfully so. You know when you're putting in a lot of overtime, basically pouring your heart and soul into a job, only to be rewarded with minimum wage? Who am I kidding, of course you do. Everyone has worked at a toxic company at one point or another in their lives. And unfortunately, not many of us get the chance to get back at them after we move on to better things. This employee, on the other hand, got their chance. When they had w…
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25+ Most Entertaining Memes and Posts for Employees With One Foot Out the Door

25+ Most Entertaining Memes and Posts for Employees With One Foot Out the Door

Each day that passes you are one step closer to opening that door with a sticky note slapped on it that reads 'Quit'. Maybe one of your coworkers is a Karen, and you can't stand working on one more project with them. Perhaps your job has no benefits, or your salary sucks. It's possible your boss happens to be the king or queen of micromanaging. There are so many different reasons that employees choose to quit… Most of the time, it's not because they lack work ethic, although that's what compani…
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‘You can’t leave, you're my only employee': Boss demands overworked employee not to quit after he gets a better offer, but refuses to give him a raise

‘You can’t leave, you're my only employee': Boss demands overworked employee not to quit after he gets a better offer, but refuses to give him a raise

It is one thing to like your boss as a person and another thing to like your boss as a boss. They can be wonderful people, and you can have a lot in common with them, but still be terrible at managing people, and give you a hard time at the job. This is why it is important to separate between the two and remember that even though you might like your boss outside the work, they are still the person who is in charge. The employee in this Reddit story also learned that although his boss was genera…
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Terrible coworker is always late getting her nails done, employee gets payback: 'Have fun opening coins with those nails'

Terrible coworker is always late getting her nails done, employee gets payback: 'Have fun opening coins with those nails'

Having long nails can be a challenge at work. We mean absolutely no shade to those who choose to keep their nails long; in fact, we marvel at your ability to open doors, envelopes, and file cabinets with them. However, if you are also the type of coworker who frequently shirks their responsibilities and leaves your fellow employees to take on extra tasks, you'd be surprised to learn that your coworkers can use your long nails against you as this employee did. They shared their side of the story…
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36 Wholesome Posts for Overworked Employees Who Need a Vacation

36 Wholesome Posts for Overworked Employees Who Need a Vacation

Yuck. I mean, yawn . Eh, same, same… Do you know what you're doing in life? I don't. I haven't a clue. Eat, sleep, work, repeat. The days drag on and turn into weeks that turn into months. Winter is crawling by at a snail's pace, and I wonder when the sun will come out (properly) and shine again. When does the cold end? Why is it still dark out past 5 pm? Summer, where are you? I wish I could fly somewhere and take a break, but money-wise, that's a problem. I bet for most people it's a problem.…
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