
After manager gets fired, his last act is to tell his employee that they are next on the list to be fired, leaving employee unsure who to believe: 'I'm so confused'

After manager gets fired, his last act is to tell his employee that they are next on the list to be fired, leaving employee unsure who to believe: 'I'm so confused'

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employee employment-discussion job work employees overworked-employees workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace i quit quit quitting - 37973253

Management blames worker for their own decisions, accusing them of sabotaging the company: 'They started blaming me even though I had nothing to do with the decision'

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employee employment-discussion job work employees overworked-employees workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 37918725

Customer complains after employee refuses to help them while on their lunch break, boss takes customer's side: 'My boss sat me down and told me I should have just helped her'

work workplace employment Job Jobs workplace discussion in the workplace employment issues antiwork Horrible Bosses workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job employee employees overworked-employees

'My boss just decided water isn’t free anymore': Warehouse worker shares their frustration when their boss declares employees now need to buy water

work workplace employment Job Jobs workplace discussion in the workplace employment issues antiwork Horrible Bosses workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job employee employees overworked-employees

Employee faces retribution from employer after critically answering "anonymous" survey: 'It quickly became clear she could guess who wrote what'

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Micromanager demands employee rush through a major inventory check, employee outs her when $1K+ of inventory is missing from the books and scores a bonus as a result

Job Jobs workplace discussion in the workplace employment issues antiwork Horrible Bosses workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job employee employees overworked-employees quitting quit i quit

Boss begs employee to stay when they quit after being denied a raise: 'I can give you what ever you want'

New hire gets fired 10 minutes into their shift after boss claims they were ‘not being proactive’, coworker reveals it was not the first time this happened: ‘I was the 4th person they hired’

New hire gets fired 10 minutes into their shift after boss claims they were ‘not being proactive’, coworker reveals it was not the first time this happened: ‘I was the 4th person they hired’

After years of carrying the company on his back, employee reaches breaking point when his boss informs him he needs more ‘coaching’: ‘Do you even know how to do the work?’

After years of carrying the company on his back, employee reaches breaking point when his boss informs him he needs more ‘coaching’: ‘Do you even know how to do the work?’

‘There's nothing you can say to make me stay’: Employee resigns after constant mistreatment from boss, only to receive an email in response demanding they change their mind

Employee refuses to respond to boss's email asking to reconsider their resignation, instead decides to air out everything they think about their boss: ‘[You] are useless’

Boss contacts former employee asking for forgotten passwords, employee refuses to comply without being paid the $10,000 they were owed before leaving: ‘Pay me first’

Boss contacts former employee asking for forgotten passwords, employee refuses to comply without being paid the $10,000 they were owed before leaving: ‘Pay me first’

employment issues antiwork Horrible Bosses workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job quitting quit i quit employee employees overworked-employees

'Leaving was the best thing I did': Employer of 3 years hires new employee at $30k higher than experienced worker, they quit

After being denied a raise, employee resigns and accepts job at rival company, boss rejects the resignation and offers a 50% raise instead: ‘I couldn't refuse’

After being denied a raise, employee resigns and accepts job at rival company, boss rejects the resignation and offers a 50% raise instead: ‘I couldn't refuse’

work workplace employment Job Jobs workplace discussion in the workplace employment issues antiwork Horrible Bosses workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion

Experienced worker gets passed over for promotion after her manager witnesses how she speaks to new hires: 'I was fuming. I hate it when people type like that on social media'

Boss demands employee rewrite their job description with more responsibilities, but refuses to give them raise in return, employee arrives empty-handed instead: ‘I'll stick with that, thanks’

Boss demands employee rewrite their job description with more responsibilities, but refuses to give them raise in return, employee arrives empty-handed instead: ‘I'll stick with that, thanks’

Employee stands up for themselves when boss reaches out to him after working hours solely to belittle him, refuses to have his boundaries overstepped

‘‘Can I set some boundaries here?’: Boss starts company group chat to text employees outside of working hours, one employee is fed up with boss's entitlement and fires back