

‘CEO sends dozens of emails every day’: CEO demands employees responds to all the emails he sends, leading to office dispute when employees can't get any work done other than answering emails

‘CEO sends dozens of emails every day’: CEO demands employees responds to all the emails he sends, leading to office dispute when employees can't get any work done other than answering emails

Are you familiar with the saying 'This could have been an email'? For those of you who don't, this saying refers to times when employees are asked to attend a meeting that could have definitely been avoided by simply sending an email about the topic. Well, as much as that saying can be true on some occasions, the amount of useless emails people get from their colleagues is unreal sometimes, and we could all agree that answering them can be the most annoying part of the work day. This brings up…
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‘The CEO just quit’: New hire ignores company's red flags until CEO unexpectedly resigns, leaving employee on a sinking ship

‘The CEO just quit’: New hire ignores company's red flags until CEO unexpectedly resigns, leaving employee on a sinking ship

How can a new hire identify that they are boarding a sinking ship? Usually, employers are very careful when they are in the process of hiring someone new, so as not to let them see the true colors of the company, and hide everything that might deter the candidate from the job. So how can someone know that the shiny new job they are after might not be so shiny after all? I wish I could have a straightforward answer, but the truth is, many people end up accepting that new job and only start to se…
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'I should get a raise, not a pay cut': Boss convinces ex-employee to reclaim her position after they fail to find a replacement, only to later reveal that her paycheck will be less than before

'I should get a raise, not a pay cut': Boss convinces ex-employee to reclaim her position after they fail to find a replacement, only to later reveal that her paycheck will be less than before

Finding the perfect job is almost an impossible task, but we all go on this impossible pursuit to find the most perfect place of work. For one to actually have the perfect job, there is probably a long list of criteria that the job has to have for it to be the exact right fit - it could depend on location, salary, coworkers, managers, job title, and yes, even the job itself. A place that ticks all of these criteria and probably a lot more is hard to come by… That is why when it comes to a workp…
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‘I haven’t got a raise in years': Employee discovers inexperienced new hire is offered the same salary as him, gets told to stop comparing himself to others

‘I haven’t gotten a raise in years': Employee discovers inexperienced new hire is offered the same salary as him, gets told to stop comparing himself to others

One of the biggest differences in the work ethics between the generation of today's young adults, and the generation of their parents, is the so-called 'commitment' to keep working in the same workplace for years upon years. Younger people, don't feel obligated to stay in the same place if it does not benefit them, and are ready to job hop as soon as a better offer comes along, creating a resume that is assembled by a collection of jobs that usually do not last more than two years. Their parent…
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'You don't get special treatment for completing the race': Marathon employee puts runner in her place when she reaches the finish line and tries to enter staff grounds

'You don't get special treatment for completing the race': Marathon employee puts runner in her place when she reaches the finish line and tries to enter staff grounds

The characteristics we recognize in ourselves but decide not to express are often the characteristics that irritate us most in others. But what would happen if you had no control over the object of your gaze? Do you convey all that's on your mind, or do you treat them in the same manner you would treat yourself—ignore the negative and concentrate on the positive? This is the account of a disgruntled marathon worker. The original poster (OP) was employed for the local marathon. At first, everyth…
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boss workplace-stories employee manager job tales-from-the-workplace reddit story ceo overworked-employees workplace Reddit company funny - 25844485

‘Go (work somewhere else) team’: Company cuts employees' hours but demands they double the sales, employees collectively decide to do the bare minimum instead.

When will be the day that employers realize that the best way to make the business successful is by treating their employees like human beings? It's not like it is an extremely hard thing to do, they simply have to pay them what they're due and encourage them to perform well by providing them with good rewards. Why do employers still go for the tactic of ‘We’re talking away everything good about this company, good luck'? When has it ever in the history of any business, worked out for the best b…
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'By the time she'll notice, I'll be long gone': Employee quits job, micromanager demands they send onboarding documents for next hire, employee sends glitched files instead

'By the time she'll notice, I'll be long gone': Employee quits job, micromanager demands they send onboarding documents for next hire, employee sends glitched files instead

When leaving a place of work, some people leave while still maintaining a good relationship with their boss and coworkers, and some people.. well, not so much. Most of it depends on the ongoing relationship they had with those people while still at that place of work, but it also depends on the reason they eventually leave. The person in this Reddit story resigned from their job after an unpleasant working experience, so their relationship with the people they worked with was not the best, espe…
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38 Memes for Employees With the Monday Blues

38 Memes for Employees With the Monday Blues

Another Monday comes and goes.
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‘Your company deserves to fail’: Overworked employee quits job without notice after years of carrying company on their back, boss claims he'll sue for losses

‘Your company deserves to fail’: Overworked employee quits job without notice after years of carrying company on their back, boss claims he'll sue for losses

There is an extremely thin line between being a valued employee with a balanced workload and being an overworked employee who has way too much depended on them. Many employees, in an understandable attempt to be an asset to their company, cross that line and create an unhealthy relationship with their work when they suddenly realize they have taken on too much. Much like the employee in this Reddit story, who had been stuck in a company for 3 years, overflowing with workload by their boss, and…
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Hiring manager expects employee to beg for the job, employee refuses, manager promises to ensure the candidate never works in the industry again

Hiring manager expects employee to beg for the job, employee refuses, manager promises to ensure the candidate never works in the industry again

The business world is not always kind. In order to attract the attention of potential employers, you must not only stand out from the competition but also outperform every other application seeking the exact same position. In other words, your only options are to play and win the corporate game or to fail horribly. To put it plainly, the game is tedious and never-ending. An employee who was taken aback is described in the story below. The original poster (OP) has been actively participating in…
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'Thanks for nothing...': Part time employee fills in for full time coworker, boss chastises him for going the extra mile instead of thanking him

'Thanks for nothing...': Part time employee fills in for full time coworker, boss chastises him for going the extra mile instead of thanking him

The world of business isn't always enjoyable. In the corporate hierarchy, there are those at the top and those at the bottom. Having said that, even if initiative may wind up being rewarded, some managers would prefer you stay in your lane and focus solely on your designated task. The following story is from the point of view of a disgruntled part-time worker. The original poster (OP) works part-time for an organization that fulfills orders. At first, everything was going smoothly; OP was satis…
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‘I work with a toddler’: Employee gets silent treatment from manager after they leave manager's team for a big promotion

‘I work with a toddler’: Employee gets silent treatment from manager after they leave manager's team for a big promotion

If you can't be happy for your employees when they get a great promotion and manage to prove their worth inside or outside of the company, then you should probably not be a manager. This might sound harsh, but being a good manager is more than just about professional skills, a lot of it is simply being supportive of the people you actually manage, even when you don't feel like it. The manager in this Reddit story is an example of a person who is not a great pick for a management position. OP (o…
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'You're about to be real short-staffed': Overworked employees take on extra shifts only for management to announce they are cutting the bonus pay so they can hire more staff

'You're about to be real short-staffed': Overworked employees take on extra shifts only for management to announce they are cutting the bonus pay so they can hire more staff

This advice might be obvious to every employee out there, but just in case there is someone who wasn't aware of this crucial piece of information, here it is written down – Always have things written down. This advice means that you should always have written proof of anything you talk about verbally with anyone related to your job. For example, if you talk with your boss about an upcoming raise, and your boss tells you - 'You are going to get a raise in May', as soon as you step out of their o…
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'Never gonna happen': Micromanager assigns overworked employee more responsibilities, then cuts his pay in half, leading employee to leave company high and dry

'Never gonna happen': Micromanager assigns overworked employee more responsibilities, then cuts his pay in half, leading employee to leave company high and dry

The world of business isn't always fair. People would do whatever it took to succeed and build a name for themselves in the industry. That being stated, how would you react if your employers, who were strapped for cash, decided to offer you a fake promotion along with a pay cut? The story below is an account of a frustrated employee. The original poster (OP) had been employed by the same company for over a year. A few weeks ago, OP's managers approached him and said they would like to give him…
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'Don't answer them': Recruiters continuously call an employee on the weekend, offering part time job that pays $250 per hour, internet informs employee it's a fraud

'Don't answer them': Recruiters continuously call an employee on the weekend, offering part time job that pays $250 per hour, internet informs employee it's a fraud

At 5:30 am, one person was enjoying some sleep on their weekend, when they heard a ‘ding’ from their phone. Who on earth would text at this hour? Well, lots of people, if it were an emergency. But it wasn't… it was a recruiter, and they were offering the person a job. This job sounded enticing indeed, as it was part-time, and it was $250 per hour. Or… was it? I can smell a scam from a mile away, and anyone who texts me that isn't on my contact list raises my immediate suspicion. Who are you, ho…
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‘I already moved on’: Manager demands former employee train new hire, despite them already starting a new job

‘I already moved on’: Manager demands former employee train new hire, despite them already starting a new job

Not every employee who quits their job does it because they hated it. Some actually have a good relationship with their manager and hold a special place in their hearts for their place of work. Because of that, when the moment to leave arrives, they are actually happy to train the new hire and help the company as much as they can before they leave. Unfortunately, that dream situation doesn't happen to many, and a lot of employees don't enjoy the process of training their replacement, like the p…
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