

30 Hardly Working Memes for Overworked Employees

30 Hardly Working Memes for Overworked Employees

Being lazy on the job is something every single worker has experienced. No matter how good of a worker you are, or even how much you love your job, everyone has downtime in which they simply need to be a little lazy. There are actual studies that show that out of the 8 hours a day that people work, the average amount of time workers actually get work done is 3 hours. This means that 5 hours of those 8 are for workers to simply idle by, scroll on their phones, or stare into the abyss. Hopefully,…
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Construction worker offers former micromanager a job, setting the record straight and teaching him a valuable lesson in humility despite of the claim that he will ‘never amount to anything’

Construction worker offers former micromanager a job, setting the record straight and teaching him a valuable lesson in humility despite of the claim that he will ‘never amount to anything’

There will be those who want you to fail and those who want you to succeed. However, regardless of who is around you, you should constantly strive to be the best version of yourself. The story below tells the tale of a resentful construction worker. Despite all the challenges, the Original Poster (OP) started his own construction company. To put things in perspective, during his undergraduate years, OP looked for a part-time job that could help him balance his academics and become somewhat fina…
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'I was too stunned to speak': Boss tries to earn social approval by mocking overworked employee during meeting, coworkers back them up instead of taking his side

'I was too stunned to speak': Boss tries to earn social approval by mocking overworked employee during meeting, coworkers back them up instead of taking his side

The relationship you have with your boss is almost as important as your personal relationships at home. Employees spend more than 8 hours a day with their employers, and likely rely on them with every step they take on their job. They don't have to become best friends, but it is still important to maintain a good relationship with the person who is basically in charge of your professional life. I would not call the relationship that is being described in this Reddit post a ‘good working relatio…
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Clever employee beats micromanager at her own play of power, micromanager caves to employees request to work from home

Clever employee beats micromanager at her own play of power, micromanager caves to employees request to work from home

There are a few key elements to take into account when searching for a job. The salary is undoubtedly the first, followed by the employees in second place, and the boss in third. The story below is an account of a frustrated and underappreciated employee. The Original Poster (OP) had worked for the same business for a considerable amount of time. OP enjoyed his job and loved his manager. However, as luck would have it, OP's manager resigned to pursue greater opportunities, and the manager appoi…
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'I'm being singled out': Boss ‘quietly fires’ employee after they report upper management for taking their tips

'I'm being singled out': Boss ‘quietly fires’ employee after they report upper management for taking their tips

If there is one thing that employers cannot stand, it is their employees speaking up for their own rights. You should be as quiet as possible in the workplace, and never ever even consider raising issues that are related to your work and/or your employers. An employee who does this kind of thing will probably regret it later on. Much like the employee in this Reddit story, who thought they were doing the right thing, but their employer definitely did not agree. OP (original poster), noticed tha…
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‘That’s not how bonuses work': Employees refuse to accept bonus after boss announces they would have to put in extra hours to get it

‘That’s not how bonuses work': Employees refuse to accept bonus after boss announces they would have to put in extra hours to get it

A quick message to any employer who might be reading this–if you want to make your employees feel appreciated, rewarding them by making them work more is never the right answer. Never. Don't even try to think about it. Instead, try and reward them with the only thing that is actually considered a reward for any working adult… money (shocking, I know). Simply give them a nice bonus or holiday treat or whatever you want to call it, because trust me when I say that the only way your hardworking em…
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'Keeping up with inflation is not a raise': Employee quits after getting a 50 cent raise, then finds a job that pays double, leaving company in the dust

'Keeping up with inflation is not a raise': Employee quits after getting a 50 cent raise, then finds a job that pays double, leaving company in the dust

Every young adult who has a job these days, in this economy, has realized how impossible it is to keep up with inflation. No matter how many graphs have been published showing how much the cost of living has risen in the past 20 years, compared to the average monthly pay, the gap just keeps on growing. So when an employee asks for a raise in their pay, after being a top performer and doing an exceptional job, raising their salary to keep up with inflation, doesn't actually count as a raise. It…
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'You need me more than I need you...': Undervalued employee refuses to back down after company goes after him for quitting, despite earning them $1.5 million

'You need me more than I need you...': Undervalued employee refuses to back down after company goes after him for quitting, despite earning them $1.5 million

People will stop at nothing to climb the corporate ladder and achieve success in the competitive field of business. Having said that, how would you react if an individual in a position of power attempted to coerce you into following their instructions? Would you let your fear overcome you, or would you outsmart their sly tactics and advance toward your goal? The story below is an account of a hard-working individual. The Original Poster (OP) has spent a considerable amount of time employed by t…
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‘With one click I lost everything’: Boss assigns employee with complicated task unrelated to his field, employee makes mistake that costs him his job

‘With one click I lost everything’: Boss assigns employee with complicated task unrelated to his field, employee makes mistake that costs him his job

People make mistakes, that is not news to anyone here. People make mistakes in relationships, friendships, with family, at school, and yes, at work as well. You can't expect people to be completely perfect, and if you do, well, that is another mistake to throw in the mix. The employee in this Reddit story has made a grave mistake on the job, and he owns up to it, even if it wasn't 100% his fault. The boss asked him to help with a task that was unrelated to OP's (original poster) job description…
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‘Too little, too late’: Employee quits job after HR cuts 30% of his pay, management begs employee to stay claiming they didn't know about the pay cut

‘Too little, too late’: Employee quits job after HR cuts 30% of his pay, management begs employee to stay claiming they didn't know about the pay cut

Some employers have an incredibly hard time grasping the idea that their actions have consequences, even when it concerns their trusty employees. As an employer, you might think you can put your employees through basically anything without them doing anything about it, but thankfully, that is often not the case. Much like the story of this employee on Reddit. The employee, OP (original poster), had been working incredibly hard to get his company to achieve all its targets and succeed in its fie…
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‘This would bankrupt me’: Company demands employee pay back their entire yearly salary after they find out about their second job

‘This would bankrupt me’: Company demands employee pay back their entire yearly salary after they find out about their second job

Many companies have unexplained issues with the concept of their employees working a second job. While it is understandable that a company would want to make sure that their employees won't also work for a competitor, when a company forbids an employee from working another job altogether, that is a major red flag. A place of work should not dictate what an employee does on their time off, no matter what. The employee in this Reddit story had to deal with a lot of red flags regarding their job.…
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'If you say so...': Employee settles score with CEO who demands workers follow alarm protocol, leading to an amusing car chase with the authorities

'If you say so...': Employee settles score with CEO who demands workers follow alarm protocol, leading to an amusing car chase with the authorities

When you first start working in the business sector, you might believe that you have to invest more time and energy into the company as a whole in order to please your supervisors. The same supervisors that, ideally, will offer you increases in pay and promotions when they become available. This seems like a fantastic idea in theory: you overinvest in the company, demonstrating on a daily basis how important your work is to you, in the hopes that your superior will ultimately understand who bel…
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Overworked IT worker is denied overtime pay, he collects data to file a lawsuit against the company demanding compensation for all employees: 'Never mess with the IT guy’

Overworked IT worker is denied overtime pay, he collects data to file a lawsuit against the company demanding compensation for all employees: 'Never mess with the IT guy’

It is unbelievable how companies treat IT employees, even though they know these employees pretty much carry the entire company on their shoulders. They have access to almost every important detail, and you would be surprised at how easy it would be for them to cause chaos for the entire company. The only thing they are asking in return for their hard work is to be appreciated and compensated. And still, you constantly hear of IT employees who are overworked and underpaid. Much like the employe…
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Boss takes server's tips for himself under claims he hasn't 'earned them', servers builds a case to report boss: 'He won't get away with this'

Boss takes server's tips for himself under claims he hasn't 'earned them', servers builds a case to report boss: 'He won't get away with this'

When it comes to tipping culture, there are two types of customers: You either firmly believe that servers should be paid normally and not have to rely on tip money (and maybe because of that you don't even tip yourself, depending on where you live), or you feel for the serves who barely make enough money to exist, and probably overtip because of that. The main problem, regardless of how the customers themselves feel about tipping, is that many establishments still pay servers with the money th…
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'It's not my fault': Client pays IT specialist $1000 after sharing the administrator password with entire team, leading to major technical issues

'It's not my fault': Client pays IT specialist $1000 after sharing the administrator password with entire team, leading to major technical issues

Workplace politics can be just as challenging and taxing as your actual job. Workplace politics can sometimes make your job harder than it needs to be. Just imagine how much easier life would be if we could speak our minds without fear and conquer every obstacle as it comes along. A cynical IT worker describes a client interaction he had in the story that follows. The Original Poster (OP) has been working in the IT industry for a while now. His experience enables him to distinguish between genu…
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‘Is this some kind of joke?!’: Undervalued employee demoted to workstation near restroom as an office is ‘above her pay grade’

‘Is this some kind of joke?!’: Undervalued employee demoted to workstation near restroom as an office is ‘above her pay grade’

In the realm of business, there will always be those at the top and bottom of the corporate ladder. It's your responsibility to gradually establish your position at the top. But let us not fool ourselves; the only reason they are there instead of you is because they had the audacity to be born ten years ahead of you. The employee who was left speechless and booted from her office as it was 'above her pay grade' is recounted in the story below. To put things in perspective, the Original Poster (…
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