

'Hiked a mountain... a monkey stole my water': 20 Times the great outdoors were mildly infuriating

'Hiked a mountain... a monkey stole my water': 20 Times the great outdoors were mildly infuriating

Time to take a break from your screens for a few hours and enjoy the great outdoors . After spending ten hours a day glued to your iPhone screen, it's so refreshing to take a few hours to reconnect with some trees and grass . It can be so relaxing to hike in the sunshine, breathe in fresh air, and listen to the birds sing and the bugs hum. Hiking itself can also be a rewarding activity. Alongside the exercise, many paths lead up to a gorgeous vantage point or waterfall. However, things don't al…
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'I saw people trying to take selfies with a bear': 15+ Tourists who were unprepared for the national parks they were visiting

'I saw people trying to take selfies with a bear': 15+ Tourists who were wildly unprepared for the national parks they were visiting

You may be smarter than a bear, but there's no way you're stronger or faster! And if you think you could take on a charging bear, then the bear is also smarter than you. The USA is full of gorgeous national parks . No two are alike, and they vary greatly from state to state. Some are great for hiking and exploring mountains, while others, like Yellowstone, have hot springs and natural beauty that draw in lots of admirers. You'd think visitors would want to read up on park information, or check…
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'Don't mess with my gardens': City officials tell family their garden is 'overgrowing,' family brings in experts to protect their plants

'Don't mess with my gardens': City officials tell family their garden is 'overgrowing,' family brings in experts to protect their plants

This home is a gardener's paradise. With two gardens enveloping their family home, this person shared that their family tended to their yard each and every day. So they must have been quite confused when their city reached out to them to condemn the way they were maintaining their lush lawn . Those who have space for a garden have an amazing resource at their fingertips. Alongside growing veggies and herbs for meals, you can plant a variety of flowers or shrubs to make your yard look and smell…
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‘I graciously helped myself to half a freezer's worth of meat': Resident uses power outage during storm to get back at outdoorsy neighbor after paying out of pocket for car repair

‘I graciously helped myself to half a freezer's worth of meat': Resident uses power outage during storm to get back at outdoorsy neighbor after paying out of pocket for car repair

A storm can be your ally if you play your cards right. To be fair, there probably won't be many opportunities to use a storm to your advantage, but never say never. One person, u/Valladian, stumbled upon a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get back at his neighbor, who had committed the very non-neighborly act of denting in OP's car, and then denying he had anything to do with it. See, this neighbor, who for the sake of the story we'll call Chester, had a Jeep, which he used frequently for camp…
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nature neighbors neighborhood bad neighbors old people backyard Grandpa Bad Neighbor retirement neighbor - 21368325

'You’re new here, I’ve been here 10 years': Grandpa warns neighbor that he's building on a nature preserve, neighbor tells him to 'mind his own business'

Your neighbors can look out for you, but only if you actually get to know them. If you're the neighborhood's cranky dude who just wants to keep to himself, that's fine, but you can't expect your neighbors to have your back if you don't have theirs. Some places, neighbors grow so close that they're almost family. It's a great feeling to be surrounded by friends, and they can watch your pets and water your plants while you're on vacation. You might even start a cycle of borrowing a cup of sugar a…
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'Frogs swallow using their eyes': 20 weirdest facts to share at a party

You know that person at a party who always has some random and bizarre fact to share with the group? You know who I'm talking about: that dude who always chimes in with something about the mating season for niche flies or the habitats of squirrels or a behind-the-scenes detail from a famous movie. You get the picture. Well, what if we told you that this dude could be you ? That's right. We've compiled a list of the 20 weirdest facts you could share with your friend group at your next party. So…
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Nature Wins | Epic Failures

16 Times Humans Epically Failed and Nature Gloriously Triumphed

Everyone would love to be a nature-loving aficionado of all these outdoor, but oftentimes, nature wins and reminds us of its dominance - just like these poor souls that were taught a lesson by nature.
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Woman Forced to Cut Her First Solo Camping Trip Short After Crossing Paths with a Territorial Mountain Lion

Woman Forced to Cut Her First Solo Camping Trip Short After Crossing Paths with a Territorial Mountain Lion

She may not have gotten the camping trip she had planned, but she survived to live a great tale!
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ax, axe, axe throwing, mountain, mountain man, nature, cabin, mountain life, lifestyle, cabin in the woods

Mountain Man Makes His Own Quad Axe and Chops Wood Into Fourths With a Single Swing

With all the time he saved chopping wood, he'll be screamin' yodelayheehoo!
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popular survival myths

Survival Myths That Could Be More Deadly To Follow Than Not

Oh cool, confusion.
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Young Park Ranger Goes Viral for Sharing Her Day-to-Day Life Working in the Middle of a Huge National Park

Young Park Ranger Goes Viral for Sharing Her Day-to-Day Life Working in the Middle of a Huge National Park

Based in Flagstaff, AZ—she works in recreation and trails and finds herself alone in the middle of this huge forest every day.
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woman discovers long line of pine caterpillars twitter thread

Twitter Thread: Woman Discovers Polite Little Line Of Caterpillars

Look at em go.
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nature myths warning tips survival help advice dangerous - 16113157

Survival Myths That Are Wrong And Potentially Fatal

There is a whole lot of bad advice out there. And not just financial or relationship advice. Literal survival advice. And that's the most basic thing. So here is some clarification to dispel some of the more popular survival myths that people like to propagate. And to increase your odds even more, here are some basic survival rules everyone should know.
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A humorous Twitter thread about various birds that were likely named by people who don't like birds.

Twitter Thread: Birds Named By People That Have Beef With Birds

Seriously, give the poor birds a chance.
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nature tumblr sharks lol shark marine biology biology funny - 16070661

Friends Discover Shark Tracker, Find Various Shark Journeys

In case you've ever wanted to track sharks and other sea life, Ocearch would be the place to do it. These folks went on a deep dive (don't excuse that pun, it sucked) into the world of shark tracking and found a few of their favorites. Who wouldn't want updates on their favorite sharks? For more shark stuff, here was the time people discovered a shark army and sided with the sharks.
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Botanists describe some of the scariest plants in the world.

Botanists Describe Scariest Plants In The World

Plants are kind of scary, man.
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