

'We're not a daycare': Elementary school principal humbled by small-town mom after forcing students to walk 5 miles home from school

'We're not a daycare': Elementary school principal humbled by small-town mom after forcing students to walk 5 miles home from school

I feel like there are a few lessons I've learned throughout my lifetime that ought to be addressed. First of all, some individuals exploit their position of authority by using it for personal gain rather than the benefit of those around them. The lesson here is that, although it is something we are all familiar with, it says more about the person in power than it does about us. The second thing I've learned at the ripe old age of twenty-five is that motherhood is a superpower. A mother is stron…
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‘You probably have some quiet neighbors then’: Top Dad Jokes of the Year

‘You probably have some quiet neighbors then’: Top Dad Jokes of the Year

Imagine having a smaller you that doesn't speak coherently, breaks everything you own, and is always sticky. And then imagine how much you love that little guy or girl! Yeah, that's what being a dad is like. You always have to run after your smart and courageous little critters, as they are basically pure balls of energy. Curious, fearless, and always there, for better or for worse. When you have kids, you can FEEL your hair getting grey. You definitely grow older a lot faster, or at least, tha…
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'Nothing you say could make me move': Woman goes full ‘mama bear’ when a Karen tries to steal her table at the food court; puts her in her place by standing her ground

'First come, first serve' has been the mantra of many over the decades– in particular, siblings fighting over the shower, kids vying for toys at recess, and cousins loading up their plates at the family buffet. Generally, people tend to respect this little rule we've made for society, but apparently, some folks feel entitled to whatever they want in the world, ignoring the laws that separate humanity from that of the animals.
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'Kicking me out was the kindest thing she ever did': 18-year-old gets evicted by his deadbeat mom; gets petty payback with a stink-bomb and moves on to greener pastures

Cool guys don't look at explosions. They blow things up and they walk away. We've all had this notion cemented in our brains since we were allowed to watch our first action movie, dreaming of the day that we could be as cool as James Bond, The Rock, or Denzel Washington. Well, my friends, there are some rare moments when we get to be the ‘cool guy’ in our own life, walking away from a (hypothetical) explosion and into the hall of fame for epic victories.
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car car-accident karen parked driving driver deserved arrested story mom reddit parent reddit-revenge revenge

'Women drivers, am I right?': Guy sideswipes a woman's car while she's parked; blames her, makes a scene, then gets himself arrested

Everyone wants to play the blame game when it comes to a car accident. They shouldn't have merged here! They were going too fast! They were parked safely and visibly? It's easy to point fingers at the opposing party in any fender bender, but when a guy hits a car that's parked in a perfectly normal parking spot, there's no secret about who's at fault …
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'And I would NEVER lock my cats outside': Audacious mom attempts to force the company Christmas party host into making drastic changes, gets put in her place

Childless adults get a pretty bad rep amongst people who have children, especially in the workplace. Perhaps we're just not ready to have grubby fingerprints on every surface of our home and Cocomelon playing on loop, but for some reason, Stephanie in accounting seems keen on weighing in on our lifestyle choices.
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school elementary school mother principal crazy things parents say teachers teacher parenting back to school dad elementary teacher-stories mom Parenting Fail parents Father - 22879749

'The parents want to meet with me': Teacher scolded for ripping up cheating students' tests

When you do something wrong, you should feel bad about it and accept there are going to be repercussions. This is called a consequence, and without experiencing that negative stimulus, how on earth are you going to learn not to do it again? Still, the punishment needs to fit the crime, and making a public display when a young child makes a mistake isn't really the way to go about it. Ironically, this teacher hasn't learned her own intended lesson, as evidenced by the fact that she doesn't feel…
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work workplace workers worker coworkers employee employees manager managers boss cool shift supervisor mom moms parent parents parenting kids job

'No real man wants to disappoint their mom': Manager lets a 22 year old employee rush home during his shift to hide contraband from his mommy in a wholesome act of understanding

Nobody wants to disappoint their parents– especially their mothers. In fact, it was ingrained deep into our psyche at an early age that when our parents got mad at us, that was sort of okay, but if they were disappointed in our rebellious behavior, there was no greater pain on Earth. Obviously as we all grew up and moved out of the house, we became accustomed to our own illicit activities, but mom doesn't need to know what we do with our spare time or what vices we hide under our pillows.
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'[He] wants my 1963 Fender': Musician refuses to give her $3,000 vintage guitar to her teenaged stepson; stands her ground even when accosted by family

Kids don't understand the value of things. It may sound old school, but the only way to really know what something is worth, is to work really hard to acquire it. And just like we learned when watching Antiques Roadshow at 2AM, when it comes to vintage, classic, or collector's valuables, there's more than just the monetary value to something– that lazy-eyed clown doll may seem worthless, but to the clown collecting bag lady, it's priceless.
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pro revenge good mom failblog mama bear close family family stories mother adult kids cheating good kids family Reddit mom mother children bonding - 22821381

‘Sis, bro, and I had other ideas’: Adult children show up for their mom by getting pro revenge on her cheating boyfriend

Everyone knows not to mess with a mom in fear of the mama bear coming out. But what about the kids who were raised by a mama bear? Those kids grow up feeling secure by their mom, so now they will do anything to return the favor. That's the example these kids show for their mom. The two brothers and sister in this family are all grown up now, in their late 20s-early 30s. One of the brothers shared a story about how they showed up for their mom and got the revenge she deserved . Their mom was dat…
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'Foolish, FOOLISH man': Husband complains his wife should have dinner ready because she does nothing all day, she maliciously complies and refuses to clean anything

'Foolish, FOOLISH man': Husband complains his wife should have dinner ready because she does nothing all day, she maliciously complies and refuses to clean anything

You would think most of us would know at this point that being the primary “breadwinner” in a family does not mean you are entitled to make a fuss when dinner is not on the table upon your return home from work. It's 2023, people! We should have more realistic expectations of all parties in a family dynamic, and therefore, we should have equal respect for the financial and emotional contributions that all parties make. Unfortunately, these kinds of expectations do not gradually fizzle from one…
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school elementary school mother principal crazy things parents say revenge teachers petty revenge teacher parenting back to school dad family elementary teacher-stories mom parents Father - 22420485

'Mom was going to keep having her arrested as long as she could': Disgruntled family gets back at tyrant school principal by having her "arrested"

You might wish sometimes that you could lock up your antagonists for good or maybe entomb them “The Cask of Amontillado” style.
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aita school elementary school mother principal crazy things parents say teachers reddit story teacher parenting back to school etiquette dad elementary teacher-stories reddit thread mom parents Father - 22400773

'He thanked me for being a concerned "Daddy" as a backhanded insult': Tik-Tok Teacher dismisses parent's concern about his videos of their child

Recent developments in “mass content” social media have resulted in this strange divergence in the population. On one hand, there are those who share everything online and post every little detail of their day as if they're living their life on a stage. On the other hand, is the rest of the population who are horrified at the very thought of sharing a single image of themselves, let alone videos with entire monologues about intimate details of their lives. Now, you're free to live your own life…
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hoa housing neighbors neighborhood mother neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors flippers flipping family mom houses home cardboard boxes boxes driveway - 22323717

'[House] flippers were... unhappy with my mother's "unsightly" driveway': HOA tells family to clear their driveway, mother installs a sign to get back at them

What HOA wants, HOA will get. When they pick a fight with this family, they're going to get much more of a hassle than they ever anticipated. Parents can sense something in the air as summer is coming to a close, and they instinctually realize: It's time to make the kids clean out the garage with me. Why do parents have this instinct? Science has not given us the answer yet. Maybe they realize that school is about to be back in session, and their kids have had a lot of fun already this summer.…
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‘She said I was corrupting our son’: Father buys his son fast food so that the boy can fit in with his friends; vegan wife flips out

Vegans always have to tell everyone they're vegan and they incessantly force their vegan-ness on everyone around them. The Holy Crusade of veganism is a plague of misplaced good-intentions, which is all fun and games until we find families caught in the cross-hairs.
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'Parents are unbelievably delusional': Teachers share out-of-pocket requests from the parents of their students

Being a teacher is a very under-appreciated career path. Oftentimes, teachers are dealing with overcrowded classrooms, so while they're trying to teach one student to spell ‘supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’, they're juggling a gaggle of banshees starting a coup in the opposite corner. The last thing most teachers need heaped on their plate are the asinine demands of feral parents.
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