
 mildly infuriating annoying infuriating Irritating kitchen painting construction demolition mistakes mistake contractor contractors

Homeowner hires contractors to paint house for $22k, they rip out entire kitchen instead: 'I get a text saying that they finished the demo[lition] on the kitchen'

getting fired boss fired manager boxes malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit mistakes truck mistake malicious compliance reddit trucks - 26060805

'As a joke I put in... two extra zeros': Trucker gets paid $1500 an hour to unload his own trailer

FAILS errors construction comedy DIY building mistake funny home apartment - 25616901

20 Construction and DIY Flaws That Lack All Common Sense

'Couldn't remember groomsmen, went with dudesmaids instead': 20+ Times forgetful people made up their own words

'Couldn't remember groomsmen, went with dudesmaids instead': 20+ Times forgetful people made up their own words

principal school schools parents high-school mom mother parents parenting teacher teachers school meeting funny lol youthful son detention mistaken old age young

'Apparently he sent me to the office for detention': Principal mistakes a youthful mom for a tardy student, hilarity ensues in the teacher's lounge

'Class of 2021 or something': 25+ Misprints that made it to the finished product

'Class of 2021 or something': 25+ Misprints that made it to the finished product

'They were trying to peel eggs with a vegetable peeler': 40+ People who were stumped by common household items

'They were trying to peel eggs with a vegetable peeler': 40+ People who were stumped by common household items

'A look of horror crossed his face': Woman's demands go wrong after she orders another mother to share ginger 'candy' with her kid

'A look of horror crossed his face': Woman's demands go wrong after she orders another mother to share ginger 'candy' with her kid

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'The look on her face was priceless': Karen tries to skim $0.30 off her order then gets charged an extra $100 after drawing attention to other errors on her receipt

'[I] pretended to be the manager at my summer job': 25 Workers whose big mistakes at work could've gotten them fired

'[I] pretended to be the manager at my summer job': 25 Workers whose big mistakes at work could've gotten them fired

'Dropped a tray of 6 root beers on 6 business men': 30+ People who ended up in embarrassing situations

'Dropped a tray of 6 root beers on 6 business men': 30+ People who tripped, bumbled, and flailed into embarrassing situations

car-guys car cars vehicle subaru twins matching mistake reddit malicious-compliance reddit-thread rage revenge payback road-rage

'It was one of the most epic epiphanies of his angry life': Guy finds a ding on ‘his’ car, destroys the identical model parked next to it as revenge before realizing he was beating up his own car

20+ Employees and their coworkers who made large errors at work

'He manages to destroy more than $2 million in material': 20+ Employees and their coworkers who made giant mistakes at work

'Her hair breaks off in my hand': 15+ Stylists and customers whose haircuts went off the rails

'Her hair breaks off in my hand': 15+ Stylists and customers whose haircuts went wrong

'The waiter... asked us to stop eating the cake': Family disagrees over who owns a birthday cake

'The waiter... asked us to stop eating the cake': Family birthday celebration turns into dispute over who owns a birthday cake

'Who Put You In Charge?' 33 Dreadfully Dumb Design Fails That Probably Got Someone Fired

'Who Put You In Charge?': 33 Dreadfully Dumb Design Fails That Probably Got Someone Fired

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