

work workplace employment Job Jobs workplace discussion in the workplace employment issues antiwork Horrible Bosses workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion

Experienced worker gets passed over for promotion after her manager witnesses how she speaks to new hires: 'I was fuming. I hate it when people type like that on social media'

When people use the term “not leadership material” they can mean a wide variety of things. It can mean that you're not suited to the organization's toxic expectations of complicity and your unwillingness to follow whatever directive is passed down to you blindly. It can also mean that your performance isn't up to standard or that you don't prioritize interpersonal relationships and kiss the appropriate rear ends often enough. “Doesn't do the things I want them to,”
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WFH employee maliciously complies to company's ‘no pets policy’ when he gets an official strike for his dog being on camera, so he sets his Zoom background as his cute dog

WFH employee gets official strike when their dog pops up in the background of a company Zoom call, company states it's because they have a ‘no pets policy’

"So they're paying your rent to act as a workplace?"
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 terrible coworkers fashion employee work stories manager malicious compliance work coworkers malicious-compliance-reddit working employees managers clothing workplace coworker malicious compliance reddit protection

'She was unwilling to listen': Consultant insists that she won't take "fashion advice" from coworker

This consultant is adamant that she should be allowed to wear whatever she wants to work. Too bad her coworkers don't feel the same way! Up next, read about these people who had some rough days at work, like one person who revealed they " Just lost thousands of dollars worth of product at work . Most likely getting fired.”
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 malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit malicious compliance reddit cars Car vehicle Boss work workplace Jobs job bosses workplace-stories bad bosses manager managers

'He seems annoyed... I do this to him all day': Bad manager tries to make auto store worker follow unnecessary rule, worker gleefully bugs him all day long

Great managers empower their employees, while bad managers like this just try to bring them down a notch. It's a fact of life, and one that this person found out while they were still a teenager. This person worked as a technician at the automotive department of a chain store. At just 18 years old, they were relegated to some of the easier car tasks. That included things like “maintenance checks like wiper fluid and tire pressure, easy stuff,” u/MrTyroneTheCat explained. After you check out thi…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs CTO manager job malicious compliance work coworkers ceo managers workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35915013

CEO's return to office plan is upended by CTO when CEO refuses to follow their own rules: 'Guess who wasn't there? Yeah, the CEO'

“Rules for me but not for thee” is never more accurate than when dealing with C-suite executives and their return-to-office plans.
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'Judith cost the company almost $50k': Assistant manager writes up 80% of her employees, employees unite and refuse to go into work

'Judith cost the company almost $50k': Assistant manager writes up 80% of her employees, employees unite and refuse to go into work

When the chill manager left for a few days , the tyrannical assistant manager was left in charge. I don't think anyone at that company expected her reign to go so badly, as u/koldtee69 explained in their story of malicious compliance . No supervisor is perfect, and they all have their faults. But being a relaxed, chill manager is preferable for most employees you ask. When something goes wrong, you don't want the person who's freaking out to be in charge. You want the person who can take a joke…
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'I'm not taking the blame for your mistakes': Experienced grocery store manager lets bossy manager order them around and watches him flail

'I'm not taking the blame for your mistakes': Experienced grocery store manager lets bossy manager order them around and watches him flail

Wisdom is knowing when to let people make their own mistakes . That's especially true in the workplace: knowing when to mind your business is crucial. This grocery store manager , u/SerphynaZee, has a coworker who's an annoying dude. The original poster of this malicious compliance story is stuck with one of the worst kinds of coworkers---the kind who love to boss everyone around, acting like they know the job better than everyone. There are a few ways you can treat a peer that acts this way. Y…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories toxic-manager jobs job malicious compliance work managers workplace artificial intelligence workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 26041605

Middle manager proposes to company owner replacing staff with AI, gets replaced himself: 'I have took his suggestions to heart and decided to automate his role'

It's hard to escape the conversation surrounding AI and the growing likelihood that we may soon find our jobs replaced by it. Yet, while some have attempted it, most seem to be falling short of success. While AI is proven to be effective at handling superfluous and repetitive work, it doesn't yet understand the subtlety and nuance of specific tasks, often lacking necessary details or fabricating information and then confidently reporting it as fact. So, at the very least, even where there is ef…
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workplace discussion boss workplace-stories toxic-manager jobs manager job malicious compliance work toxic-boss managers workplace Horrible Bosses workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 25951237

Boss makes team work extra weekend shift, Data Analyst makes sure he's there: 'You also need to be there for the sign-off'

One of the most respected ways to lead is from the front. Of course, you may be the first one to catch an arrow or a spear to the throat—dooming everyone who was relying on your command and is now floundering, leaderless. But, if you pull it off and make it through the battle unscathed you can sure as heck bet that the troops will love you far more than they would had you been in your command tent at the back of the field. The difference here and the limitation of this anecdote is that there ar…
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workplace discussion boss workplace-stories toxic-manager jobs job malicious compliance work managers workplace Horrible Bosses workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 25845509

Employee uses their manager's own incompetence to end their career: 'My show of assertion crumbled the empire of fear'

Micromanagers usually come in two shapes; the first is a recently promoted technical worker with a deep understanding of the work but with poor interpersonal skills and a deep drive for perfectionism who can't bear to let go of the fact they're no longer doing the work themselves anymore, they cling to their methods depriving their workers of agency and limiting their ability to produce. The second is an externally hired career manager who has no understanding of the actual work and compensates…
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'I won't have someone gaslight me': Customer gets snippy with retail manager, manager tells him to "call customer service yourself"

'I won't have someone gaslight me': Customer gets snippy with retail manager, manager tells him to "call customer service yourself"

Another day in retail work, another entitled customer . That's the way of the world for the brave souls who work at retail shops, including u/CmdrGrayson, an assistant manager at a clothing store. There are customers who treat retail workers like people. Maybe they've worked in retail themselves, and know how grueling that job can be. But other customers do not care about the thoughts or feelings of the workers at all. They're happy to belittle them or mock them for no reason at all. It makes y…
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‘I’m outta here': Employees Share Stories About Quitting on the First Day

‘I’m outta here': Employees Share Stories About Quitting on the First Day

It doesn't take much to realize you don't want to work somewhere. It could be that their lack of morals is obvious from the moment you start your first shift. Or maybe you're lucky and figure it out beforehand, during the interview process. You think, ‘Nope, this is not for me’, and either don't continue, or immediately quit. Back when I was working as a waitress, I did a couple of shifts at different places. Once, I interviewed at a fast food restaurant chain where the employees looked (surpri…
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'That was the first job I ever quit': 15+ Fed-up workers explain the exact moments they decided to quit their toxic jobs

'That was the first job I ever quit': 15+ Fed-up workers explain the exact moments they decided to quit their toxic jobs

No matter how patient someone is, everyone has their breaking point. Most people who quit a job on the spot don't quit because of an isolated incident. Instead, a lot of people can only handle customers complaining to their faces so many times. You can only work so many tables that tip zero dollars before you start to lose your marbles. There are only so many times a Karen customer can confront you about prices that aren't in your control before you start to daydream about unemployment. These k…
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'If I'm not getting paid, I'm not doing it': Boss forces employee into a managerial role without a promotion, employee's refusal to participate leads the shop to shut down

'If I'm not getting paid, I'm not doing it': Boss forces employee into a managerial role without a promotion, employee's refusal to participate leads the shop to shut down

Ah, promotions. Such a bitter subject. So many employees have been led on by their managers to believe they would be getting one. Only to be faced with a loud, 'No' when the annual review arrived. What can I say? Managers be managing, I guess. This boss was like every other micromanager out there, trying to get their employee to do a manager's job, without the title of 'manager'. He tried forcing his employee into a managerial role, which the employee did not accept. And why would they? Why do…
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work workplace worker coworker coworkers employee employees boss manager managers working kitchen restaurant line-cook cook chef knife knives funny funny-work-story reddit

'You better believe I wore the "baby sharp" hat everyday': Clever line cook gets snubbed by a humorless manager, makes their own fun by wearing the joke on their uniform

It's important to keep some semblance of 'fun' in the workplace because that's the only thing that's getting you (and your coworkers) through your workday. But like every group project in middle school, there's always going to be a Debbie Downer in your group, determined to squash any good-natured fun that falls outside of the rulebook.
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'I knew I was getting fired': Retail manager creates the world's hardest passwords just before getting fired

'I knew I was getting fired': Retail manager creates the world's hardest passwords just before getting fired

One retail worker inspired us all with the way they got back at the company that was going to fire them. There's a reason most companies fire people in the most private way possible. Usually, the person will be called into a meeting with HR at a time when few employees are around. After HR breaks the news, the person might have to sign a few papers, but their desk will be cleared out for them and they'll be escorted out the door. I mean, that's the professional and careful way to do things, but…
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