malicious compliance

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Manager's obsessive cost-cutting initiatives cost the company more money when double-sided printing policy causes problems with important client: 'All printing must be double-sided—no exceptions'

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'I went straight above him to the board of the college': College student gets ghosted by their group project peers, presents project alone out of "amusement"

Client demands a meeting with remote employee despite it being midnight their time, employee complies, then sets up the call at 12 AM client's time: ‘I used his words against him’

Client demands a meeting with remote employee despite it being midnight their time, employee complies, then sets up the call at 12 AM client's time: ‘I used his words against him’

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Employee laid-off by new owners gets even via remote access, uninstalling personal software: 'You should've been nicer when you laid me off'

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'Dad reminded me of the rules—it was his to keep': 8-year-old gets clever revenge on Dad for stealing their money from the dryer

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Machine operator forced to adhere to strict new schedule by new management stalling line and costing plant millions in production: 'I got the new boss off my back and he got reamed'

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'Malicious compliance... was easy for me. I just stopped talking': Team of scientists falls into disaray after one scientist refuses to speak following feedback from their boss

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'[You] can handle my hyperactive 7-year-old? Be my guest': Senior veteran insists he knows best, parent lets her 7-year-old drive him up the wall

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Manager tells employee to "get a better offer" after denying them a raise, they do and quit instead: 'Get a better job offer and we'll talk'

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'No calls and I can't leave the floor? Okay': Video store employee abandons boss in broken elevator after she insists they follow rules without exception

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'He was notorious for not listening to students': Teacher uses "unspoken rule" to get back at students, one student involves parents and embarrasses teacher

'I really have to shake everyone's hand? Okay!': Boss makes sick employee go to important meeting to hand in doctor's note, he maliciously complies to challenge new sick day policy

'I really have to shake everyone's hand? Okay!': Boss makes sick employee go to important meeting to hand in doctor's note, he maliciously complies to challenge new sick day policy

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Employee doing the jobs of 4 people gets fired leaving company stranded without any equipment: 'I'll take it all down with me'

Entitled Karen orders neighbor to bake healthy snacks for Trick or Treating, neighbor maliciously complies: ‘[She] handed the kids a little bag of… chopped carrots’

Entitled Karen orders neighbor to bake healthy snacks for Trick or Treating, neighbor maliciously complies: ‘[She] handed the kids a little bag of… chopped carrots’

‘Fine, keep the money’: School demands students pay deposits for laptops, then refuses to give the money back, leading students to keep the laptops for themselves as payback

‘Fine, keep the money’: School demands students pay deposits for laptops, then refuses to give the money back, leading students to keep the laptops for themselves as payback

'Maybe he could fix... his attitude': Hotel maintenance worker scolds coworker for making a mistake while he was out, coworker maliciously complies

'Maybe he could fix... his attitude': Hotel maintenance worker scolds coworker for making a mistake while he was out, coworker maliciously complies