malicious compliance

malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit malicious compliance reddit entitled people entitled call center phone calls

Call center worker gets back at entitled customer: '[She] got frustrated and asked to speak with ANYONE else'

'I told him to require a $200 deposit from those kids': School forces parent to invite the whole class to his daughter's birthday, he maliciously complies to keep the problem kids away

'I told him to require a $200 deposit from those kids': School forces parent to invite the whole class to his daughter's birthday, he maliciously complies to keep the problem kids away

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Karen restaurant manager accuses cook of not working, she maliciously complies

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'Take notes of EVERYTHING you say in the meeting? Okay': Boss tries to ignore important safety concerns, "model employee" gets back at them with meticulous notes

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'An entire group of bridesmaids left a wedding': Friend dares bridesmaids to abandon entitled bride

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Café Karen complains that her pieces of toast aren't the same size, gets smaller ones: 'You want your two pieces of toast the same size? As you wish.'

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'You want to escalate? Okay': Customer support insists they can help customer, customer wastes his own time trying to escalate the matter

Entitled landlord gets his comeuppance when small business removes all of their renovations after he doubles their rent, resulting in his real estate blacklisting

‘We had the place gutted’: Evil landlord doubles rent for commercial space, so tenants remove all of their renovations resulting in the landlord's eventual real estate blacklisting

Employee watches in the background as arrogant employee ruins his career, making the company a safer, better place

‘Dude made his bed’: Egotistical colleague ruins his career, whose promotion leads to a mass resignation and his eventual firing

Quarry ordered to pay more than a million dollars in damages over farmer's electrical fence after refusing to compensate him: 'He would have gladly settled [for] $10K'

Electric company ordered to pay more than a million dollars in damages over farmer's fence after refusing to compensate him: 'He would have gladly settled [for] $10K'

WFH employee maliciously complies to company's ‘no pets policy’ when he gets an official strike for his dog being on camera, so he sets his Zoom background as his cute dog

WFH employee gets official strike when their dog pops up in the background of a company Zoom call, company states it's because they have a ‘no pets policy’

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Customer complains about internet speed, but it turns out they were getting faster speeds than they were paying for, gets slower internet than they started with: 'It's even worse than it was before!'

in the workplace workplace-stories jobs malicious compliance workplace malicious compliance employee technology Tech tech support technical difficulties talesfromtechsupport tales from tech support

Developer embarrasses new boss and gets foolish "no overtime" policy overturned by adhering strictly to it: 'Well, it's 4:30. That's my 8 hours. I'll see you tomorrow'

'You want ti be in control? Fine!': Micromanager gets comeuppance after requiring approval for mandatory training programs, employee malicious complies

'You want to be in control? Fine!': Micromanager gets comeuppance after requiring approval for mandatory training programs, employee maliciously complies

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Employee gets back at micromanaging boss by working scheduled hours after being singled out over flexible working hours: 'You will work 9 to 5 so we can watch you'

Lab technician gives know-it-all scientist his comeuppance when he's told to stop double-checking his work in an ultimate fail moment

Arrogant scientist scolds lab technician for double-checking his work, so the lab technician smugly watches as he gets his comeuppance: ‘Biggest eye roll possible’