malicious compliance

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Landlord threatens tenants with illegal new contract, tenant reads the fine print: 'You should've read the fine print before you signed it'

Entitled truck driver honks at car in front of him for going slightly above the speed limit, cue malicious compliance: 'We both enjoyed the last 80% [of the drive] at the exact speed limit'

Entitled truck driver honks at car in front of him for going slightly above the speed limit, cue malicious compliance: 'We both enjoyed the last 80% [of the drive] at the exact speed limit'

work workplace employment Job workplace discussion in the workplace workplace-stories jobs malicious compliance workplace malicious compliance employee client customer service customers project manager

Client says contractors are working "too fast" demand they work slower, making project cost four times more: '$200,000 for a job that should have realistically only been worth about $45,000'

22-year-old retail employee walks out mid-shift to go to the movies, maliciously complying with strict OT policy: 'I had hit 40 hours and had to leave'

22-year-old retail employee walks out mid-shift to go to the movies, maliciously complying with strict OT policy: 'I had hit 40 hours and had to leave'

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Boiler room worker earns double overtime for his entire department when his clueless manager insists he participate in a fire drill: ‘It cost them a day's production'

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Neighboring business owners start parking feud forcing boss to create permanent solution: 'It's out of our control now'

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'The exec told me... to run it': Supervisor makes critical mistake with 3-story-tall concrete mixer, makes a giant mess

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Micromanager demands employee rush through a major inventory check, employee outs her when $1K+ of inventory is missing from the books and scores a bonus as a result

Repair technicians band together to maliciously comply with new manager's system, causing him to get fired: 'Productivity plummets'

Repair technicians band together to maliciously comply with new manager's system, causing him to get fired: 'Productivity plummets'

 neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor pro revenge parking space parking lot malicious compliance parking ticket revenge parking drama parking stories petty revenge

Neighbor parks in homeowner's front yard declaring it to be a "community parking area," gets towed :'She parked in my front yard'

'I said no calculators during the exam!': 17-year-old student maliciously complies with strict math teacher's calculator rule, brings non-electronic calculator to the test

'I said no calculators during the exam!': 17-year-old student maliciously complies with strict math teacher's calculator rule, brings non-electronic calculator to the test

'Two rebel teenagers won': 17-year-old seniors find loophole in school's lateness policy, consistently strolling in between two and three hours late

'Two rebel teenagers won': 17-year-old seniors find loophole in school's lateness policy, consistently strolling in between two and three hours late

Boss gets fed up with neighboring store's customers parking in his lot, he places boulders between the stores to block them, leading to a dispute with next-door owner: ‘A solid solution’

Boss gets fed up with neighboring store's customers parking in his lot, he places boulders between the stores to block them, leading to a dispute with next-door owner: ‘A solid solution’

employment Job workplace discussion in the workplace workplace-stories jobs malicious compliance workplace malicious compliance employee customer service customers karen-customer customer support karen-customers Retail talesfromretail tales-from-retail

'I am not allowed to do anything': Retail worker faces down angry parents after colleague sells parents the wrong computer for kid's gaming ambitions, prevented from helping them by silly company policy

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'I'm not coming to meetings anymore': Employee clears his schedule through Thanksgiving to complete a 130-page self-review after a 'busy work boss' forces him to submit an 825 question evaluation

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'My dad’s beautiful brain started thinking': Karen neighbor insists HOA remove neighbor's boat from view, neighbor maliciously complies with her demands