

‘I get a rush when I “lose” the things’: New mom gets treated like trash by mother-in-law, so she secretly donates every baby gift her MIL gives

‘I get a rush when I “lose” the things’: New mom gets treated like trash by mother-in-law, so she secretly donates every baby gift her MIL gives

Need a quick and easy way to stick-it to your mother-in-law? Well, here ya go!
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family drama entitlement drama kids reddit story family feud parenting debt dad arrested entitled family reddit thread daughter Reddit mom karma children entitled people - 35917317

'I am about $60,000 in debt because of them': Daughter has parents arrested after discovering they took loans out in her name to pay off their debt

Having debt is a major burden. Whether you took out student loans for college , bought a car, or bought a house, you name it, no one likes having debt over their heads. But how would you feel if one day you found out you were $60,000 in debt and had absolutely no clue? And it's not due to negligence on your part, but rather, someone was taking advantage of you? That's exactly what happened to the woman in this story. She was doing just fine on her own, about to graduate college and enter the 'r…
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‘Mom, you need to shower’: 15+ times young kids embarrassed their parents in public

‘Mom, you need to shower’: 15+ times young kids embarrassed their parents in public

When you’re a kid, you constantly fear that your parents are going to embarrass you in public. For instance, I will never forget that one time when I was 11 years old and going to the movies with my whole family, an activity that led to major embarrassment when my Dad was grooving to the music during the previews. I was mortified that a friend or classmate from school was at the theater and would see my father dance like nobody was watching because everyone was watching. Now, what kids don’t re…
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Entitled kid kicks back of passenger's seat on red-eye flight, cue petty payback: 'Have a nice flight!'

Entitled kid kicks back of passenger's seat on red-eye flight, cue petty payback: 'Have a nice flight!'

Red-eye flights can be brutal, especially if you have a kid kicking the back of your seat and making your experience all the more difficult. When you're getting on a long flight and hoping for at least a good hour of sleep, the likelihood of a smooth, relaxing experience all comes down to your immediate surroundings. Are you stuck in the middle of two inconsiderate strangers? Are you next to a strange and overly talkative person? Is there a screaming child? Here, we have a passenger who was, at…
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'One of my four children dumped a half gallon of milk in the freshly filled pool': 20 Mildly infuriating summer moments to distract you from the sweltering heat

'One of my four children dumped a half gallon of milk in the freshly filled pool': 20 Mildly infuriating summer moments to distract you from the sweltering heat

It's the time of year where summer has outstayed its welcome. In the beginning of the summer , we welcomed the warmth and stuffed our winter jackets in the closets to switch to shorts and tee shirts. Maybe you took a trip or two to the local beach or took a summer road trip with the kids. But now, in the middle of the hottest months, we're all sweaty and cranky and we'd like less heat, please. Getting dunked in the pool sounds perfect right now, followed by drinking a huge glass of ice water. T…
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family drama neighbors crazy people entitlement drama kids neighborhood Female Empowerment driveway neighborhood-drama parenting prank entitled family reddit thread Reddit mom children entitled people - 35772421

'Finally, justice getting served!': Homeowner spends hundreds of dollars to find source of banging noise, catches entitled neighbor kid kicking house and running away

As kids, many of us indulged in harmless pranks around the neighborhood—ding-dong-ditching, TP-ing, you name it. It was just part of growing up. Now as adults with our own homes, we've come to realize just how irritating these 'innocent' pranks can be. It's like karma has come full circle. However, one recent incident takes the cake in terms of annoyance factor. A particularly entitled kid has been repeatedly kicking his neighbor's house. Yes, kicking it.
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'Apparently, it was worth the grounding': Dad and daughter team up to stick it to controlling ex-wife/mom, get revenge using a potato

'Apparently, it was worth the grounding': Dad and daughter team up to stick it to controlling ex-wife/mom, get revenge using a potato

“You and your kid delivered a perfect revenge served a la hot potato. The ex got a rotten surprise that matched her insides.”
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‘She went ballistic’: Karen HOA President thinks SAHM neighbor is her free nanny, gets shamed in the middle of the street

‘She went ballistic’: Karen HOA President thinks SAHM neighbor is her free nanny, gets shamed in the middle of the street

Karens can be moms too…
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'She was beyond out of line': Neighbor gets called out after grabbing child's toy

'She was beyond out of line': Neighbor gets called out after grabbing child's toy

Actions have consequences… This person would do well to remember that next time she gets into a neighborly squabble . After that, read about some HOA rules that'll leave you shaking your head, like one person who shared, “ They told us we couldn't use hoses in our backyard .”
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'What was his plan?!': Coffee shop customer defends daughter against theft accusation, cameras prove his involvement

'What was his plan?!': Coffee shop customer defends daughter against theft accusation, cameras prove his involvement

Customers want to think they're always right, but cashiers and retail workers know the truth. A lot of the time, the customer is just wrong. And nobody wants to be confronted with the fact that they've just thrown a petty fit over a minor issue , only to be proven totally wrong. Throwing a tantrum rarely solves your problems if you're older than five years old. When adults do it, it's majorly embarrassing. It gives us second-hand cringe to watch people get red in the face over minor issues, lik…
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'I bought a bunch of marching band books online': Music teacher fakes their way into a job where they "had no idea what they were talking about"

'I bought a bunch of marching band books online': Music teacher fakes their way into a job where they "had no idea what they were talking about"

Fake it til you make it! It's a piece of advice that works weirdly well. It's true: if you walk in somewhere and act like you belong there, people tend to accept you. If you say you can do something, folks will just take your word for it a lot of the time. This person, u/Imjustheretogetbaned, had a great story about when they faked it until they made it, and they took a risky bet on it. They shared that they were already a music teacher, but they'd only taught a handful of students. Of course,…
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'Is that real fire?': Renaissance fair workers reveal the funniest things guests have ever said to them

'Is that real fire?': Renaissance fair workers reveal the funniest things guests have ever said to them

The employees at these Renaissance Fairs love their jobs, and they have a few eyebrow-raising stories to share. Out of all the jobs in the world, working at a Ren Fair seems like one that could be endless fun. Sure, the costumes get hot in the summer heat, and sometimes people act up, but it seems like most of these actors really enjoy their work. They show up every day in historically accurate costumes and interact with guests. When done right, it's an immersive LARP experience that's fun for…
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'At the age of 11 I received a speeding ticket... on my bike': 20+ Nonsensical reasons people got in big trouble

'At the age of 11 I received a speeding ticket... on my bike': 20+ Nonsensical reasons people got in big trouble

I think everyone has at least one time they got in trouble for reasons that completely baffled them. As a kid, you put a lot of trust and faith in your teachers and parents . So when your favorite third-grade teacher suddenly punishes an 8-year-old you for doing something ordinary, it's quite confusing. It startles you and makes you question authority. Although the reasons make no sense to the kids involved, maybe the adults in the room are just having a bad day. Especially when the person is a…
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'They don't care': Resident's neighbors jump their fence and hang out in their backyard, then refuse to leave

'They don't care': Resident's neighbors jump their fence and hang out in their backyard, then refuse to leave

Some neighbors need a reality check, and you can't always play nice. One neighborhood resident was battling his neighbors stomping on his property for quite some time. It seemed like nothing to them off of it was working. At a loss, they turned to Reddit… and you know how that goes. A flurry of responses came in, giving them advice on how to get their neighbors off their property forever. Some were clever, others creative, and there were a few that were definitely favorited. I've also had neigh…
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family drama aita funny stories kids reddit story married life parenting etiquette family reddit thread married funny parenting - 28078853

Dad tricks picky kids into eating mushrooms, mom's not having it: 'I run it through the blender'

When you're a kid, there's plenty of stuff that you don't want to eat, the sheer existence of it being abhorrent and causing your stomach to turn. Your parent's attempts to trick and force you to eat it are unsuccessful. Try as they might to present it to you in new or disguised ways; your disgust remains. I remember loving my mom's mac and cheese as a kid until I one day saw her making it and witnessed her pouring some sludge labeled “cream of mushroom” into the mix. Cream of mushroom? I had u…
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Babysitter falls asleep on the job and fails to hear the baby crying, resulting in a dispute when the parents find out: ‘Hire a nanny next time’

Babysitter falls asleep on the job and fails to hear the baby crying, resulting in a dispute when the parents find out: ‘Hire a nanny next time’

Every parent needs a trusty babysitter they can leave their kids with from time to time. Whether you need them to watch your kids while you're at work, going out with friends, or simply in case of unexpected emergencies, it is always important to have someone you can count on. For many parents, that trusty babysitter is often a teenager who is looking for a way to make some money, and watching kids while they usually sleep seems like an easy way to do so. But it is crucial to remember that thos…
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