
karens in the wild

'I plunked down my credit card and bought the last seat': Entitled airline flyer berates customer, not knowing he's actually a pilot

'I plunked down my credit card and bought the last seat': Entitled airline flyer berates customer, not knowing he's actually a pilot

This is your captain speaking… get out of that seat! Working as an airline pilot does have that fun perk: the pilot gets to say, “This is your captain speaking,” and then they tell you about the weather and how long it'll take to get to your destination.
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'She took it way past a 10': Co-worker shows her true colors during a work trip when she throws a tantrum at the hotel staff, is now known as the office 'Super Karen'

'She took it way past a 10': Co-worker shows her true colors during a work trip when she throws a tantrum at the hotel staff, is now known as the office 'Super Karen'

Why can't “because they're a Karen” be enough to get someone fired?…
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customer service karens entitled parents choosing beggars karen-customer customers karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 25457157

'Anyone want to donate a $15k Rolex?': 20+ Choosing beggars who are making the world a place

There are a whole lotta people in this world and plenty of winding paths down which you can walk. While some choose the long and winding paths toward making the world a better place… or at least being a decent contributing member of society… a bunch of them are walking the short path of entitlement instead. At a certain point, you might expect that grifting would be more work than learning or earning an honest means of getting what you need, but that would defeat the purpose, which somewhere al…
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karens aita entitled parents kids karen-customer friends parenting karens in the wild entitled mom karen parents children entitled people - 25414149

Kid wants a doughnut that isn't his, entitled parents won't tell him no: 'I refused a doughnut to a kid and then called his mom out'

You know… kids are dumb; it's really an undeniable and certifiable fact. In fact, it's not even a programming error rather it's actually one of the features of being a kid; you don't have to know everything or be responsible and can romp around; it's up to your parents, other guardians, or mining foreman to manage that for you and teach it to you in constructive ways. “You can't always get what you want” is one of those first lessons that you're taught in life, and has been an essential part of…
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'I went back and got every leaf off of her property': "Lawn Karen" complains about her yards' appearance

'I went back and got every leaf off of her property': "Lawn Karen" complains about her yards' appearance

“Wealthy homeowners tend to be the most difficult customers,” one landscaper revealed.
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Guy upgrades parking pass to get even and take Male Karen's prime parking spot: 'This is what happens when you act like a Karen'

Guy upgrades parking pass to get even and take Male Karen's prime parking spot: 'This is what happens when you act like a Karen'

Let's be clear: parking spaces do not belong to you unless you legitimately own them. If you stir up a fuss with someone because they snagged a public parking space that you usually can get, that's the luck of the draw, dude. There's nothing you can do about it. Sure, it's frustrating but there is no injustice here. So definitely pick and choose your battles before you decide to throw a tantrum. This Male Karen did not think twice before yelling at an innocent driver. That driver didn't even ta…
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'Entitled business class ticket holder Karen spotted my service dog': Woman fakes dog allergy, insists airline move her seat

'Entitled business class ticket holder Karen spotted my service dog': Woman fakes dog allergy, insists airline move her seat

This woman claimed she had allergies , but only when it was seemingly convenient to her travel plans. If you have allergies yourself or know someone who suffers from bad reactions, you know how serious these things can be. That's why in some schools, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are banned. If even one kid is seriously allergic to peanut butter, it's not worth the risk for any other kid to bring any peanut products. That's why it's so wild that this “ entitled business class ticket holder…
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karens parking lot shopping demanding karens in the wild entitled pregnant karen story karen parking entitled people - 25345029

'You’re obviously not that sorry': Entitled woman confronts pregnant shopper over parking space

This pregnant woman wasn't afraid to confront another driver . And luckily for her, a bunch of bystanders also had her back. Going through a pregancy changes everything, and the last trimester can be the trickiest for a lot of new parents. That's the stage where a pregnant woman's belly is too big for her to tie her shoes or get up from the floor when bending down. She might need to sit down frequently—carrying a whole baby around in your body gets tiring. And in general, pregnant women are sup…
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'He's THE Kyle Smith!': TikTok Turns Parking Lot Karen Into Laughing Stock When She Uses Her Nobody Boyfriend's Name to Get Her Way and Guy Can't Stop Laughing At Her

'He's THE Kyle Smith!': TikTok Turns Parking Lot Karen Into Laughing Stock When She Uses Her Nobody Boyfriend's Name to Get Her Way and Guy Can't Stop Laughing At Her

It's one thing when a Karen throws their usual tantrum trying to play the victim, it's another thing when they come up with the most generic name in the world to use as a threat—THAT'S when it goes from annoying to comical.
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'[She] demanded I fix her keycard. So I did...': Facility manager overhauls the keycard of the building's most vocal Karen

'[She] demanded I fix her keycard. So I did...': Facility manager overhauls the keycard of the building's most vocal Karen

The facility manager here knows that their job is to keep things running smoothly—not to bow to the wishes of every single tenant and employee. As a facility manager, u/ImTheWh0 knows that they're responsible for the entire building , and they take that role seriously. It's the kind of job that means that everything happening in that building is the manager's responsibility, including maintaining the key cards for their tenants. In my experience, building managers also tend to build relationshi…
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'For the first time... he had nothing to say': Entitled passenger whines for an entire flight, gets confronted by fed-up passenger

'For the first time... he had nothing to say': Entitled passenger whines for an entire flight, gets confronted by fed-up passenger

Look, none of us wants to be at the airport , but if we have to be there, we may as well try to relax. You already know you might be delayed for four hours, so bring a book. If you don't want to be bored in the long TSA line snaking around the building, best to bring a podcast or some good music. U/traveler-veil did just that when they were traveling , and it helped them a little bit. It would've been a more effective distraction if someone could manage to shut their yapper for more than five s…
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Small Business Owner Captures the Moment She Puts an Entitled Karen Customer in Her Place Over the Phone at 9 PM at Night: '[This is] NOT a skit... Unfortunately'

Small Business Owner Captures the Moment She Puts an Entitled Karen Customer in Her Place Over the Phone at 9 PM at Night: '[This is] NOT a skit... Unfortunately'

“I blacked out,” she wrote. “As a business owner, you do all you can to not let them get you emotional. However, I do match the vibe, and being an entrepreneur doesn’t make any of us a doormat.”
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Entitled Karen Mom throws her own 40th birthday, then has an outburst at her husband and kids in front of guests: 'My plans put theirs to shame'

Entitled Karen Mom throws her own 40th birthday, then has an outburst at her husband and kids in front of guests: 'My plans put theirs to shame'

Imagine being a teenager and having your Mom shame you for not planning an adequate 40th birthday for her… This kid was 16 years old! What exactly did she expect? We understand that this lady wanted something special after always planning birthday extravaganzas for her spouse and kids. That being said, as she herself acknowledged, not everyone is good at planning parties. Therefore, if she felt that she was more capable of throwing her own 40th birthday celebration rather than handing the dutie…
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'I just had my hair done!' Top Karens of the Week (March 24, 2024)

'I just had my hair done!' Top Karens of the Week (March 24, 2024)

Spring is almost upon us, which means more flowers, more sunshine, and apparently, more Karens. That's right, Karens seem to be running amok this week in a variety of settings that range from nail salons to fast food chains to cosmetics stores. We may be in that strange period in between seasons, where one day you're wearing shorts, and the next, you're wearing your puffiest winter coat. However, rain or shine, shorts or winter coat, these Karens seem to have been ready to put up a fight with j…
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'You are not gonna scam me!': Male Karen accuses fast food worker of stealing $0.05, throws change at her

'You are not gonna scam me!': Male Karen accuses fast food worker of stealing $0.05, throws change at her

There are many instances in which it's worth confronting someone if you have been wronged. This story is not one of them. Here , we have a fast food worker who was nearing the end of a night shift and didn't have many bills left in her register. She explained this to a customer who was insistent on getting the exact change. No problem, but that meant that the worker had to give a considerable amount of that change in coins and not bills. This in and of itself infuriated the customer, who was at…
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Yoga Karen stalls woman so she's late, then steals her class reservation: 'Sorry, she just took the last spot'

Yoga Karen stalls woman so she's late, then steals her class reservation: 'Sorry, she just took the last spot'

This yoga Karen knew exactly what she was doing. Namaste to that! First, she recognized another frequent attendee of her favorite class in the elevator, who was running late as the class began in under ten minutes. Then, the yoga Karen intentionally made the other lady late by pressing the wrong buttons on the elevator so that it kept stopping on the wrong floor. Why would she do this? Well, the rules at the studio are that if you have not checked in prior to five minutes before the class, your…
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