
karens in the wild

'Who do you think you are to be here?': Top Karens of the Week (May 9, 2024)

'Who do you think you are to be here?': Top Karens of the Week (May 9, 2024)

The sun may be coming out this week, but the Karens of the world seem to be shining even brighter. This week, we have a plethora of Karens to dissect, analyze, and fear. The first is the spouse of someone serving in the military, who is demanding free stuff everywhere she goes. Then, we have a Karen who tried to make a customer service representative try on her sweaty earbuds. Next, we have a Danish Karen with the hair and everything who accused innocent tenants hanging around in their own apar…
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Retail worker shares how she shut down 2 different super Karens in 1 day, manager has her back: ‘We laugh about it’

Retail worker shares how she shut down 2 different super Karens in 1 day, manager has her back: ‘We laugh about it’

“We laughed about it but it really was the craziest encounter with entitled people…”
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'[Karen] got fired for her recklessness': Entitled employee refuses to follow password guidelines, company's emails get hacked, she pays the price

'[Karen] got fired for her recklessness': Entitled employee refuses to follow password guidelines, company's emails get hacked, she pays the price

It's not easy for the Karens of the world to follow rules. They tend to operate according to their own flawed and delusional sense of reality and ethics. So when this Karen employee was told to follow a specific set of rules when setting up her new work email and she didn't like the fact that she couldn't name her password after her generic dog's name, she decided to do away with the rules entirely and do what she wanted instead. Unfortunately for her, she would learn the consequences of those…
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Male Karen won't stop griping at neighbor's wife whenever her husband leaves for work, husband leaves perfectly vengeful parting gift when they move out: 'Best. Gift. Ever.'

Male Karen won't stop griping at neighbor's wife whenever her husband leaves for work, husband leaves perfectly vengeful parting gift when they move out: 'Best. Gift. Ever.'

If you're going to be a Karen, you better be able to face the consequences of your actions.
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'You're prioritizing a dog?': Entitled airplane Karen gets shut down after trying to steal a service dog's designated seat

We love our dogs. For some people, their dog is more important than any friendship and the dog's position in the household has been firmly secured as a bone-a-fide family member. Contrarily, the Karen in our next story never imagined that a dog would ever surpass her own self-imposed importance...
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'It was the sweetest revenge I had ever seen': Sandwich shop employee quits on the spot, delivers uniform back to manager with "no excuses"

'It was the sweetest revenge I had ever seen': Sandwich shop employee quits on the spot, delivers uniform back to manager with "no excuses"

At some jobs, there is no winning solution to the boss's problems . It's often an issue that management has, then insists on passing down to their workers. This malicious compliance story is a great example of that dynamic. This person shared that as a college student, they needed a new gig, and found one with a manager who was “ one of the biggest Karens you have ever met .” Off to a great start! As a new employee, this person was swamped. While Karen was changing the procedures, it meant that…
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groceries supermarket entitlement epic win kroger petty revenge cashier karens in the wild boomers clever comebacks check out karen entitled people grocery store - 25740293

Guy puts in headphones to tune out grocery store Karen who's demanding to cut in line: 'Probably the greatest reaction to an entitled boomer I've seen in years'

Going to the grocery store around rush hour is a universally dreadful experience. You have to maneuver your cart around the tens of people rushing in every which way direction, tired from a long day at work and just trying to get home for dinner. No one is having a pleasant experience. And then you get to the checkout lines. The lanes are never all open at once, with lines piled up at each open register. You think about going to the self-checkout, but those lines are even longer. So, imagine yo…
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Biker shuts down the neighborhood Karen using 7 motorcycles to claim every parking spot in the apartment complex: ‘Yeah, all 7 of my motorcycles'

Nothing enrages a person quite like the search for parking, which is why the biker in our next story was such a considerate neighbor–although, the Karen next door didn't see it that way.
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'I paid good money for these tickets': Karen throws tantrum at "disruptive" audience members, usher sides against her, karma ensues

'I paid good money for these tickets': Karen throws tantrum at "disruptive" audience members, usher sides against her, karma ensues

Let's be real: very few audience members know how to behave at live events anymore. Perhaps it's partially our ever-dependence on technological devices, or perhaps it's just that we have set such low standards for ourselves and our attention spans. Here, we have a comedy show that had just started. This Redditor and her husband just got to their seats, and her husband took out his phone for ten seconds to send a quick text to his brother. He made sure to do this swiftly and with low brightness,…
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Employee snubbed of promotion by salty department head calls him out in front of all the division bigwigs, gets justice: ‘[I wish] I could be a fly on the wall for THAT conversation'

Employee snubbed of promotion by salty department head calls him out in front of all the division bigwigs, gets justice: ‘[I wish] I could be a fly on the wall for THAT conversation'

Sometimes you need to seek out karma, sometimes karma is thurst upon you.
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'The three [Karens] were banned': Trio of entitled customers try to get sandwiches for free, guy behind them in line gets them thrown out for good

'The three [Karens] were banned': Trio of entitled customers try to get sandwiches for free, guy behind them in line gets them thrown out for good

Most folks have had the unfortunate experience of waiting in line behind a Karen customer, but believe it or not, it could be worse. Just ask this dude, who ended up waiting in line behind three Karens. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit by u/jarjarmullet , who silently watched as this trio of entitled older ladies kept giving modification upon modification to their order. This, of course, frustrated the sole employee making sandwiches as well as the long line of custom…
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‘I was their “Cinderella"’: 19-year-old spa receptionist finally quits on the spot and walks out after finding a preemptive ‘write-up’ slip about herself

‘I was their “Cinderella"’: 19-year-old spa receptionist finally quits on the spot and walks out after finding a preemptive ‘write-up’ slip about herself

You're never too young to stand up for yourself.
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'Thou shalt not cut in line': Line-cutting Male Karen gets his comeuppance in the Drive-Thru pharmacy line

'Thou shalt not cut in line': Line-cutting Male Karen gets his comeuppance in the Drive-Thru pharmacy line

Karma can rear its head just about anywhere, even if it's in a long line at the local drive-thru pharmacy. Here, we have a customer who was patiently waiting third in line at a drive-thru in order to pick up a prescription. Because of the structural layout on the street, there had to be a small gap between the third and fourth positions in line so that regular drivers could pass. Well, one SUV line-cutting male Karen thought that gap could be an opportunity to sneak in and completely cut the li…
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Fast food Karen throws back-to-back tantrums, gets herself arrested: 'Karen [ended up] sitting in the backseat of the police car'

Fast food Karen throws back-to-back tantrums, gets herself arrested: 'Karen [ended up] sitting in the backseat of the police car'

It turns out that entitled customers are willing to go far for their extra ketchup! This Karen had the audacity to throw two ridiculous tantrums at the same McDonald's establishment within a short amount of time, as if the people who witnessed the first outburst would have suddenly forgotten. The result? She ended up in the back of a police car and wound up getting into way more trouble than she anticipated. The first temper tantrum involved not having the right amount of change to pay for her…
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cops feud duplex landlord neighbors entitlement satisfying neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories petty revenge entitled people karma karens in the wild karen karma renting Bad Neighbor karen police apartment - 25565445

Karen gets evicted after calling cops multiple times on neighbor and flooding their apartment: 'You're out of here!'

This family has to have one of the worst neighbors out there. After over ten months of their ongoing feud, the family's Karen-neighbor finally got what she deserved. Evicted. It all started when this family got a new neighbor to share their duplex with. They knew nothing about the person who moved in, but her true character quickly came out in their first meeting. She was a middle-aged woman with lots of cats, whom the Original Poster (OP) nicknamed Karen, for good reason. When they first met,…
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'Karma eventually caught a Karen': Top Karens of the Week (April 15, 2024)

'Karma eventually caught a Karen': Top Karens of the Week (April 15, 2024)

Maturity and growth seem to be inconceivable concepts to the Karens of the world. These strange birds lack the self-awareness and the learning skills for serious self-improvement. Instead, they walk among us looking to project their frustrations and their entitlement onto their surroundings. This unfortunately means that the sane people among us are often on the receiving end of this unnecessary wrath. This week, we've got Karens throwing tantrums in the office, at a Gamestop, at a cosmetics st…
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