
karens in the wild

'Saved probably... $300 per year?': Homeowners confess their sneakiest ways around their HOA's most useless rules

'Saved probably... $300 per year?': Homeowners confess their sneakiest ways around their HOA's most useless rules

Nothing is worse than living somewhere with arbitrary rules about your own property.
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Entitled Karen customer takes money out of tip jar to pay for ice cream: 'He still owes you money'

Entitled Karen customer takes money out of tip jar to pay for ice cream: 'He still owes you money'

No, sir, that is not what the tipping jar is for… This entitled male Karen insisted on paying in cash despite not having enough change to pay for his $5.05 ice cream order. So instead of switching to a larger bill, a credit card, or a cancellation of the order, he decided to reach into the tip jar and pull out a nickel. Sure, it was just a nickel and it happened so fast for the store employee that there wasn't much use in stirring up a fuss. Still, it's the principle of the matter. Shoutout to…
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customer service karens entitled parents parking lot karen-customer customers parking lot drama karens in the wild entitled karen parking entitled people - 36304133

Karen demands to be let out of packed parking lot ahead of everyone else: 'Can you guys just move! We're trying to get out of here!'

There's nothing more infuriating than being stuck in traffic or otherwise stuck in some other horde of slow-moving masses of people. It's claustrophobia inducing and defies your internal logic: you could and should be able to get where you're going faster than this so why can't everyone just get out of your way? Why is everyone else going to the same place at the same time you are? This, of course, is a selfish way to think and act, and most of us know this even when we find ourselves getting f…
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‘Board needed to flex their might’: HOA only approves of one roof color, homeowner tricks them into thinking her color is the correct one, gets away with it

‘Board needed to flex their might’: HOA only approves of one roof color, homeowner tricks them into thinking her color is the correct one, gets away with it

“Be an utterly unethical thorn in [the HOA's] side which can never be removed or retaliated against. I'm not locked in with them; they're locked in with me.”
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'Good riddance. Or so I thought': Guy struggles to cancel cable subscription, company won't stop calling after he disconnects service

'Good riddance. Or so I thought': Guy struggles to cancel cable subscription, company won't stop calling after he disconnects service

Canceling a subscription can feel like one of the great Sisyphean tasks of our time. It can also transform you into the kind of irate customer you always thought you could never become. I distinctly remember trying (and failing) to cancel my internet after moving in with my partner. However, because the account was established in my former roommate's name, I was unable to cancel it myself. Now, my former roommate was unreachable due to traveling abroad and I was about to get charged yet again f…
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 karen karens in the wild karens entitled entitled people demanding karen story Retail cashier cash register coworkers working workplace retail worker shopping shoppers

'Karen thanks me and hangs up. It was so satisfying': Cashier has one-on-one conversation with demanding customer who doesn't recognize her voice

This is one of the reasons why being a manager is an amazing job. If you've ever worked retail, you know that dealing with irritating customers is par for the course. As a cashier, you'll spend your whole shift ringing people up, and a percentage of them are going to be crabby. So if you become a manager, you get to avoid the cash register more often than not. Along with a nice raise, it's a satisfying feeling to know that you only have to deal with customers when they're asking for a manager .…
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 service industry waiting waiter server tales from your server talesfromyourserver Retail customer support entitled entitled people entitled parents karen karens karens in the wild karen-customer

Restaurant serves entitled Karen after she writes scathing 1-star-review over $2 dispute, provides hard evidence and turns public discourse against her: 'Below is the truth along with supporting evidence...'

This restaurant brought receipts—literally, when serving this freshly-baked smackdown of a belligerent local Karen who left them a scathing review on a community group. The post got “around 300 comments,” prompting the restaurant to reply. They gathered timestamped screenshots of the encounter along with the actual receipts of the Karen's transaction in order to refute her claims and turn the tide of public discourse against her. When you seek to publicly humiliate another person or organizatio…
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entitled customer wreaks havoc on employee right before close, employee gets justice when customer realizes that he'll be stuck at the store for 30 minutes

Customer harshly requests a product manual to be printed at check-out right before the store closes, gets owned by employee when he realizes it's 650 pages

“… the husband looked smug[ly] at me, probably feeling like he had won over the big man.”
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karen attempts to commit credit card fraud using her mother's card, employee claps back but the entitled karen tries again the next day

‘Get bent, Janet’: Hotel customer attempts to rent a room with absent mother's credit card, employee flags her but she tries again the next day

She swears up and down that “no other hotel has EVER had a problem” with her using a credit card that doesn't match her identity.
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 karens cash register retail shopping retail worker coworkers demanding working cashier karens in the wild workplace entitled karen story karen entitled people shoppers

'There will be no more exchanges': Customer tries to return 24 "spoiled" salads

This deli manager is pretty fed up with her customer's repeated attempts to get free food . Everyone needs to eat, and not everyone can afford to do so. That's why there are food pantries and resources for those who need them. Some people who are having trouble making ends meet go to food pantries to stock up on basics, and then go to the grocery store to buy whatever else they can afford. But this customer seems to want free food from a grocery store… which aren't exactly known for doling out…
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‘Only 3-5 students still showed up’: Formidable college professors try to snap at student by making attendance non-mandatory, lose 90% of their class

‘Only 3-5 students still showed up’: Formidable college professors try to snap at student by making attendance non-mandatory, lose 90% of their class

Don't mess with college kids.
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‘I [gave] Karen a cheerful wave on my way out’: Woman throws tantrum through the drive-thru window at a fast food joint, so patient customer inside gets her order first

‘I [gave] Karen a cheerful wave on my way out’: Woman throws tantrum through the drive-thru window at a fast food joint, so patient customer inside gets her order first

Funny how some people don't understand that a little kindness and patience can get you a very long way…
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Employee refuses to give into Karen coworker's demands to show up early for unpaid work: '[I] do not work for free'

Employee refuses to give in to Karen coworker's demands to show up early for unpaid work: '[I] do not work for free'

Showing up early for work is a personal choice. If it makes it easier for you as the employee to have a few extra moments in the workplace to center yourself before getting started with your daily tasks and responsibilities, that makes total sense. However, if you're someone that can show up right on time and get started immediately, that works too. No one can say anything otherwise. Remember that: if you're being pressured to show up early to work, it's time to pull out that contract and advoc…
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‘She’ll find a way to blame the customer before taking accountability’: Gen X employee avoids the blame when she messes up and puts it on her coworkers, gets called out

‘She’ll find a way to blame the customer before taking accountability’: Gen X employee avoids the blame when she messes up and puts it on her coworkers, gets called out

Coworkers can be a dream or a nightmare, no in-between…
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tantrum parking space entitlement drama passenger karens in the wild boomers entitled family Reddit karen parking entitled people - 36218373

'I [lost] my cool': Entitled and able-bodied Karen throws tantrum over car snagging handicap parking spot, ignoring that she dropped off handicap passenger at the door

Usually, when someone parks in a handicapped spot, you don't question them. In fact, there are many people with invisible disabilities out there, so even if someone is being really selfish and snagging the handicap spot for themselves, you don't question it. Unless you're this Karen. A family pulled into a parking lot and took the first handicapped spot they saw. As soon as they parked, an angry Karen in the handicapped spot across the way immediately got out of her car and started telling...
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customer service employee entitlement drama job karen-customer work customers karens in the wild entitled boundaries Reddit karen entitled people - 36197381

Karen calls store and refuses to be transferred to correct department, shows up in person demanding to find employee from call: 'She clearly had too much time on her hands'

This is every customer service rep's worst nightmare. Working the phone lines in customer service is not for the weak. You have angry customers calling in all the time. Maybe it's because it's not handled face-to-face, but customers can be bold over the phone. There are a lot of people who call in to complain and get free stuff from the company, too. This Karen actually didn't call to complain, but it turned into a full rage fit after the employee tried to transfer her call. We all have been th…
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