
karens in the wild

'I can't fire him, because he's my boss': Customer lets her kid wreak havoc in store because she's 'the owner's daughter'

'I can't fire him, because he's my boss': Customer lets her kid wreak havoc in pool store because she's 'the owner's daughter'

Some customers will look at a sign that says “Don't climb on this” and then let their kid crawl all over it anyway. It's not that they can't read the sign, it's not that they didn't see it. They just don't care. Lots of customers are entitled, and they think that any mess they make in a store is not theirs to clean up. They believe that since they're the prized customer, all employees need to bend to their will, and bring out a broom to clean up any mess they make.
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'People don't know how to read': Karen refuses to listen to theme park worker's warning about swimming near alligators at her own peril

'People don't know how to read': Karen refuses to listen to theme park worker's warning about swimming near alligators at her own peril

Sometimes, rules are in place for your actual safety… In these instances, challenging the rules out of entitlement could come at a major price. Thankfully, in this story, no one got hurt but that very well could have happened to this Karen, who insisted that she and her two kids play in the water at a theme park in Florida known for having alligators and snakes. The theme park worker and his manager had to repeatedly warn this woman, and she of course interpreted their warnings as bossing her a…
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'Can’t you just unload around me?': Construction workers make parent wait after she tells them to 'chill'

'Can’t you just unload around me?': Construction workers make entitled parent wait after she tells them to 'take a chill pill'

This must've been the craziest day on the job for one group of construction workers . At every job, there will come a day that is so outrageous that it turns into a legend. Maybe someone gets in a public screaming match with the boss and tells them off in front of everyone. Or perhaps the serial food thief finally gets caught. Or maybe one employee flips out on a client. Days like these don't happen all the time, and when they do, it certainly breaks up the monotony. One group of construction w…
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not-invited-to-holiday-work-party, work-party, reddit, failblog, r-work, work-drama, grade-school-pettiness, grade-school-behaving-coworker

‘She [laughed] and hoped I was happy having to work alone': Employee is the only one not invited to the company holiday party due to grade school level pettiness, HR does nothing

Company holiday parties can be SO amazing if you work in a healthy environment. When your coworkers are petty, managers entitled, and HR useless, then holiday work parties can turn out to actually be a huge source of anxiety. Take this recent employee who came to vent on Reddit. She was having a normal day at work until she stepped out to refill her water bottle and came back to an empty office. She looked around and found only one manager still there. She asked what was going on and the manage…
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'The customer is king': 20+ retail workers share the craziest demands customers have made on the job

'The customer is king': 20+ retail workers share the craziest demands customers have made on the job

Many people say that working in retail builds resilience and character, but perhaps it just exposes you to the worst kind of people in this world. I guess in some sense, that builds resilience and character, but that has to be the only silver lining that comes with having to deal with entitled Karen customers on a daily basis. Otherwise, these workers deserve the kind of prizes and medals that heroes and soldiers receive because I'm sure it feels like every shift is an almost Sisyphean fight fo…
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reddit, failblog, karen-shut-down, abuelita-vs-karen, grocery-store-karen, supermarket-karen, r-idontworkherelady

'Mega Karen learns the terrifying power of Abuelita': 90 Lbs granny epically shuts down a Karen tantrum using a flipflop and a stern stare

If you had to bet your money on a large scary Karen versus a skinny old granny—always choose the granny. Karens are all bark and no bite. They think they're bite, but they're not the one with the flipflop throwing skills. Plus, have you ever stared into the eyes of an angry grandma? That stare will not only send chills down your back, it forces you to face your ego. It's quite impressive actually. Take for example the abuelita in this Reddit post . OP was at a grocery store when a Karen twice h…
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customer support customer service karens workplace-stories entitled parents hotel job malicious compliance retail karen-customer work customers customer karens in the wild workplace entitled karen entitled people - 23564037

'Sold out means sold out': Entitled hotel guests refuse to check out of their room, staff forcibly remove them

"You can't always get what you want..." Mick Jagger and the 'Stones famously taught us, before then going on to elaborate that “If you try sometimes, you'll find you get what you need.” While that's all well and good, and while this serves as a great message of inspiration about how one should never give up when the going gets tough… There are actually plenty of times in life when you might want something from someone else, and upon being told “No,” you should just take the “No” at face value a…
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Karen yells at workers

'I now have her phone number, address, socials...': Christmas order mixup causes Karen meltdown, employee recognizes the name and begins plotting

Sometimes it's just the idea of revenge that gets the blood pumping. The sheer possibility that you could retaliate if you wanted to. But alas, when it comes to Karens in the wild –it's best to be the bigger person. Especially when said Karen is shouting and turning heads for no good reason. In this case, OP works at a sandwich store; everything is fine and dandy until a Karen demands for her order to be delivered a different day. Chaos ensues when she finds out that isn't a possibility. And by…
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'I do not want to give my bike to your spoiled child': Entitled Karen demands a teen to give his bike to her kid; teen holds his ground even when Karen tries to steal it

'I do not want to give my bike to your spoiled child': Entitled Karen demands teen give his bike to her kid; teen holds his ground when Karen tries stealing it

In a busy apartment complex, a 14-year-old boy who loved riding his bike found himself in a weird situation. As he was cruising through the buildings, another kid spotted his bike and immediately wanted it. The other kid started with an innocent compliment, but things got worse when his entitled mom, who we'll call Karen (of course), showed up and demanded the teen give up his bike because her kid was younger.
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Update: 'Clearly this woman is full of Christmas spirit': Karen demands a particular Christmas carol every year, choir director refuses

Update: 'Clearly this woman is full of Christmas spirit': Karen demands a particular Christmas carol every year, choir director refuses

It comes as no surprise that the entitled Karens of the world even find a way to take issue with the Christmas carol choices that a local choir plans to sing. There always has to be something, right? This thread was posted to Reddit's r/EntitledPeople subreddit by u/wa_geng , who pointed out that the same woman threw the same exact tantrum last Christmas. So OP and her friends got a kick out of the fact that this Karen had been stewing for over a year because she didn't get what she wanted. And…
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'99% sure I walked into an affair encounter': 20+ bizarre food delivery stories

'99% sure I walked into an affair encounter': 20+ bizarre food delivery stories

Here's hoping all late-night delivery drivers get a raise. You know they have to put up with more nonsense than most workers do. Let's start with the possibility of working during inclement weather. I'm the type of person who complains about having to commute to an office in those conditions, while delivery drivers are zig-zagging across town as part of their job. Next, there are the bizarre food requests and, even worse, the strange notes left by customers. This list, which was compiled from t…
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Karen interaction in bathroom leads to petty revenge

'Because I'm a "nice" person': Holiday shopping Karen makes snide comment to fellow customer, gets roasted in the bathroom

Black Friday deals and mall shopping during the holidays calls for one thing and one thing only: the survival of the Karens . If you work retail, then you know exactly what I'm talking about. The manager is being called in extra this holiday season, and they are serious about it. Employees and customers are being bombarded every which way; in the sock aisle, behind the counter, and even in the bathroom. Yes, you read that correctly! The bathroom! Does privacy no longer exist? Does a peaceful ho…
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'This lady filmed me': Karen accuses hotel housekeeping of stealing her daughter's things, tries to get front desk agent fired

'This lady filmed me': Hotel guest falsely accuses housekeeping of stealing her daughter's things, tries to get front desk agent fired

It takes a special kind of hotel guest to misplace important items and then immediately go on the offensive and accuse housekeeping of theft. Perhaps it's generational, perhaps it's having experience being on the other side of these kinds of accusations, or perhaps it's just being a decent human, but I consider myself to be someone who is far more likely to blame himself for a lost item. Hypothetically speaking, if I were convinced that for once it was not my fault this time, I would at the ver…
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'[IT'S] LOOSE IN MY HOUSE BECAUSE OF YOU': Instant karma hits package thief who stole neighbor's parcel, unaware it contained a Tarantula

'[IT'S] LOOSE IN MY HOUSE BECAUSE OF YOU': Entitled thief faces instant karma after stealing neighbor's package, unaware it contained a Tarantula

So, there's this 30-year-old hobbyist who's really into collecting just about anything. He often gets his collectibles delivered to his house, but he has this new neighbor who's a real piece of work. She keeps stealing his packages. Even after the OP changed his delivery preferences to tell couriers NOT to leave his packages with her, the entitled neighbor still received them sometimes yet denied any knowledge of them. Or she would blame her 9-year-old son for opening them by mistake. Yeah, ok..
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Karen-customer, rude-karen-put-in-her-place, kindness, kindness-wins

'Because you are rude [and] she is nice:' Karen customer gets told off after employees ignore her and help more courteous woman

A little kindness can go a long way. For example, nobody is going to want to help you with something if you approach them with rage and entitlement. But, if you ask for help with zero expectations and a kind “please" and “thank you,” then you are WAY more likely to get help. Like, is that so difficult to understand? It turns out, for Karens, it is a completely alien concept . Take, for example, this Reddit post about a Karen in a grocery store. There were two people stocking the shelves—turns o…
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landscaper revenge homeowner petty revenge lawn care customer service karens entitled parents karen-customer customers karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 23232005

'He was going to know that I hit every inch of his yard...': Lawn care worker gets back at a petty pedantic homeowner

The problem with working in a job where you're providing a professional service is that your clients will constantly tell you how to do your job even when they have no idea what they're talking about—no, especially when they have no idea what they're talking about. This intensifies when it comes to anything people regard themselves to be an expert in just because they've done it at the lowest level a few times in an everyday, unprofessional sense.
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