karens in the wild

entitled entitled people entitled parents karen karens karens in the wild customer service customers theme park

Entitled mom and her family cut long amusement park line before bystanders shut her down: 'They were eventually escorted out'

reddit thread petty revenge payback deserved karen karens landlord landlords rent renter rental apartment house tenant tenants

'I returned the favour': Loyal tenant calls for tax-evasion revenge against their ex-landlady after she price-gouges rental prices, demanding they pay cash to avoid getting taxed

 karens karen-customer customers blankets demanding yarn karens in the wild blanket entitled karen story karen entitled people

Blanket Karen customer demands cheap blanket from hobby crafter: 'It's still going to cost you $400'

'Um, there's a line': Impatient Karen skips crowded line to order her drink, customer gets even by stealing her drink order

'Um, there's a line': Impatient Karen skips crowded line to order her drink, customer gets even by stealing her drink order

'Felt so good': Nightshift cook for the U.S. Navy working solo gets exploited by dayshift cooks, maliciously complies and gets them called ‘stupid’ by the executive officer

'Felt so good': Nightshift cook for the U.S. Navy working solo gets exploited by dayshift cooks, maliciously complies and gets them called ‘stupid’ by the executive officer

‘Alright, well, I’m going to go ahead and leave then’: Woman quits on the spot after reaching her limit with the ‘high school environment' in her workplace

‘Alright, well, I’m going to go ahead and leave then’: Woman quits on the spot after reaching her limit with the ‘high school environment' in her workplace

‘He deserved a minimum $250 fine’: Hotel employee refuses to check-in mother with kids traveling after Christmas since his shift ends in 30-minutes, costs him a pretty penny

‘He deserved a minimum $250 fine’: Hotel employee refuses to check-in mother with kids traveling after Christmas since his shift ends in 30-minutes, costs him a pretty penny

Aunt Karen sends strongly worded letter after never receiving a Thank You card for her $100 wedding gift: 'If you think I'm the only one mad and upset with you, think again'

Aunt Karen sends strongly worded letter after never receiving a Thank You card for her $100 wedding gift: 'If you think I'm the only one mad and upset with you, think again'

‘I don’t need to sign anything!’: Elderly Karen refuses to sign the necessary forms to extend her hotel stay, front desk agent forces her to check out

‘I don’t need to sign anything!’: Elderly Karen refuses to sign the necessary forms to extend her hotel stay, front desk agent forces her to check out

'Suddenly, as if magic, she doesn't quite irritate me as much': Woman gets back at entitled sister-in-law simply by anonymously gifting her popcorn for Christmas

'Suddenly, as if magic, she doesn't quite irritate me as much': Woman gets back at entitled sister-in-law simply by anonymously gifting her popcorn for Christmas

'I was so glad that they got what they deserved': 3-star hotel employee gets berated by entitled guests who demand 5-start hotel service and a discount, manager kicks them out

'I was so glad that they got what they deserved': 3-star hotel employee gets berated by entitled guests who demand 5-start hotel service and a discount, manager kicks them out

‘A Sunday league win for karma': Entitled amateur league soccer team files bogus complaints to ‘teach’ opposing team a lesson, they end up getting themselves banned instead

‘A Sunday league win for karma': Entitled amateur league soccer team files bogus complaints to ‘teach’ opposing team a lesson, they end up getting themselves banned instead

‘‘It looked like I'd typed entire sentences in Wingdings’: Coworker tries to sabotage employee's weekly report, HR gets involved when edits to the document reveal she's the culprit

‘‘It looked like I'd typed entire sentences in Wingdings’: Coworker tries to sabotage employee's weekly report, HR gets involved when edits to the document reveal she's the culprit

 Retail cashier cash register working workplace retail worker shoppers karen karens in the wild karens entitled entitled people demanding karen story

Karen customer refuses to listen to retail worker's 60-day policy: 'I want to see a manager now'

‘I’m loving the free entertainment!’: Sister calls out spoiled brother for not inviting her to his wedding, then goes abroad for the holidays leaving her family in satisfying chaos

‘I’m loving the free entertainment!’: Sister calls out spoiled brother for not inviting her to his wedding, then goes abroad for the holidays leaving her family in satisfying chaos

‘We smiled inside seeing his discomfort’: Entitled new boss' pet swipes office chair from coworker, so employee makes sure he's as uncomfortable as possible

‘We smiled inside seeing his discomfort’: Entitled new boss' pet swipes office chair from coworker, so employee makes sure he's as uncomfortable as possible