
karens in the wild

opinion ask reddit karens workplace-stories jobs job funny stories karen-customer work customers askreddit karens in the wild workplace pet peeves funny opinions - 35363589

'Do I look like I set the prices?': 20+ Customer complaints that retail workers never want to hear again

Cashiers are really tired of hearing the same quips over and over from their customers. They're so bored by them that they don't even react anymore. For example, a cashier will be ringing up a customer's clothes, and one of the shirts doesn't scan. They have to walk out into the store to find that item and get the right price. All the while, the customer is joking around , saying that if the shirt doesn't have a price tag on it, it must be free! Hahahaha! Isn't that just so funny and original?…
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customer service workplace discussion pro revenge karens workplace-stories entitled parents jobs petty-revenge-reddit job malicious compliance revenge karen-customer work customers revenge-stories petty revenge karens in the wild workplace entitled revenge-stories-reddit karen workplace malicious compliance entitled people employment in the workplace - 35356933

Builder gets back at Karen celebrity for trying to obstruct their building site: 'I went ahead and called the police'

We have this tendancy as a society to assume that just because someone is notably successful in one area that they must be a paragon of humanity in all other ways when—well, this often couldn't be farther from the actual truth. See, there's this thing that happens to those who have early success—or have success thrust upon them thanks to nepotistic opportunity—where they also think they're better than everyone else. If they found their success through a singular focus on their chosen path, it's…
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'We're just gonna go ahead and sell you the property you've stolen': Construction head faces off with persistent client

'We're just gonna go ahead and sell you the property you've stolen': Construction head faces off with persistent client

Construction work shouldn't have to be quite this complicated. Too bad that one city inspector kept bothering the workers over typical excavation complaints, like making too much noise or “killing their grass.”
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'What's the different between a 6 oz sirloin and a 12 oz sirloin?': 20+ ridiculous questions entitled customers asked their servers

'What's the difference between a 6 oz sirloin and a 12 oz sirloin?': 20+ ridiculous questions entitled customers asked their servers

Servers should get an additional 20% tip every time a customer asks a self-explanatory question. It turns out people are just as ignorant in restaurants as you would think. This collection of questions real servers were asked by entitled customers just goes to show that thinking before speaking is a lost art. Instead, people are asking questions like why the menu did not properly state that the risotto had rice in it. People are asking what the difference is between a 6-ounce steak and a 12-oun…
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Gucci Karen throws tantrum when business class passenger won't switch seats with her 9-year-old in economy

Gucci Karen throws tantrum when business class passenger won't switch seats with her 9-year-old in economy

What kind of mother books a first-class seat for herself, leaving her 9-year-old in coach, and then proceeds to make it seem like this is all someone else's fault? That someone else, in this instance, would be this unfortunate passenger in business class. The Karen approached him and asked if he would be willing to switch seats with her son, and he was willing at first… that is, until he learned that her son was all the way back in coach. Now, most of us cannot relate to the business class pass…
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'Do you take me for a fool?': Call center workers share their most memorable encounters with entitled Karen customers

'Do you take me for a fool?': Call center workers share their most memorable encounters with entitled Karen customers

Anyone working in a customer-facing position should get the medal of freedom for keeping their cool despite having to confront numerous Karen customers per day. However, as you'll see with some of these stories , sometimes keeping your cool is impossible to help these customers out, calm them down, or even just get them off the phone. One of these call center stories sparked a core embarrassing story from back in my intern days. My job that summer involved answering and returning phone calls co…
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'You can't be here!': Karen calls the cops on park worker for trespassing and littering while he was doing his job

'You can't be here!': Karen calls the cops on park worker for trespassing and littering while he was doing his job

Watch out, folks! The Park Karens have reemerged for the summer season. This park employee worked for a small HOA management company and was tasked with cleaning up the local park so that it meets community standards. During his latest shift, he was collecting trash and leaving it for morning trash pickup, a process he was accustomed to as it followed said community guidelines. Well, this Karen was on her morning walk when she noticed the pile of trash and immediately accused the park worker of…
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neighbors neighborhood homeowner homeownership neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories karens in the wild Bad Neighbor karen story karen neighbor - 35262213

Karen Neighbor complains about adjoining fence, Homeowner removes it meaning she can no longer let her hyperactive dog outside: 'The look on her face was priceless!'

It's always terrible when a new neighbor moves in who disrupts the peaceable existence that you had enjoyed for so long before. Whereas once you had enjoyed your steaming cup of morning coffee out on the front porch on cold sunny winter mornings, watching your breath ascend towards the endless blue sky as the world wakes up around you, now you're introduced to their loud cars, barking dogs, and screaming conversation that punctuate an otherwise carefree life. Worse, whereas once there was coope…
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Neighbor gets pro-level revenge on the "HOA Karen" trying to kick them out: 'I began my research'

Neighbor gets pro-level revenge on the "HOA Karen" trying to kick them out: 'I began my research'

One HOA member apparently had nothing better to do with her time than police her neighbors constantly. Having a bad neighbor can be a giant pain. Some of them play loud music 24/7. Others love to leave for long weekend trips while their dogs bark and howl for hours. Some people are just inconsiderate of the others around them, and will park on the sidewalk or put up bright floodlights that keep the neighbors awake. But this person wasn't doing anything wrong when their HOA neighbor confronted t…
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‘Boy, was I tickled pink': Couple who's lived in their home 15 years gets a 4-page passive aggressive plea to join the HOA for $70 a month, clearly turns them down

‘Boy, was I tickled pink': Couple who's lived in their home 15 years gets a 4-page passive aggressive plea to join the HOA for $70 a month, turns them down

Why pay nothing to do whatever you want with your property when you can pay $70 a month to be told what you can and cannot do with your property?
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'You probably don't remember me, but I waited on you about a year ago...': Server runs into Karen customer a year after her outburst, gives her a taste of her own medicine

'You probably don't remember me, but I waited on you about a year ago...': Server runs into Karen customer a year after her outburst, gives her a taste of her own medicine

It's not easy to forget the people who yell at you for no reason. Those moments become embedded in our memories forever and often inform how we respond or react in future confrontations. No one has to endure more of these confrontations than our servers, so be sure to give them tips and a break if something goes wrong. Here, we have a server who worked the opening night of a brand new restaurant when a Karen customer memorably screamed at her in front of the entire restaurant because orders wer…
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'People want those crates!': Karen sewing circle starts drama demanding empty wine crates without having to buy any bottles, store clerk faces their wrath

'People want those crates!': Karen sewing circle starts drama demanding empty wine crates without having to buy any bottles, store clerk faces their wrath

What was this sewing circle of Karens up to? That's what this wine store clerk was asking when three Karens in a row started incessantly calling the store demanding empty crates of wine without having to make an actual purchase. As one might expect, the best way to get a wine crate is by purchasing the wine that comes with it. It turns out that these Karens wanted a bunch of empty crates so they could use them to build a bookcase. However, as we know all too well on FAIL Blog, beggars cannot be…
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'I'm done with this': Cranky grandpa throws temper tantrum after getting called out for cutting the popcorn line at the movie theater

'I'm done with this': Cranky grandpa throws temper tantrum after getting called out for cutting the popcorn line at the movie theater

Nicole Kidman may come to the movie theater for magic, but sometimes all you get is cranky Karen customers. As someone who still frequents the movie theater and loves doing so, I still cannot deny that filmgoers have become borderline barbaric over the last several years. From bringing in pungent food into the theater to fully answering cell phones during climactic moments, one has to wonder why some of these customers even got off their couches in the first place, especially if they were plann…
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New Karen neighbor tries to make the HOA more strict, gets kicked out of the neighborhood: 'Good riddance'

New Karen neighbor tries to make the HOA more strict, gets kicked out of the neighborhood: 'Good riddance'

Imagine being the kind of personality who genuinely wants to live in a strict HOA neighborhood. We come across a ton of HOA stories on the internet, and rarely do we hear about one that current residents of the neighborhood actually like. The Redditor who shared this story even referred to it a “non-HOA HOA" in the sense that they only really enforced rules that applied to common areas. Other than that, people could do whatever they wanted with their homes (and it sounds like they really did).…
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'She chooses to double down on the craziness': Nurse helps 90-year-olds load a box onto their car, gets confronted by customer

'She chooses to double down on the craziness': Nurse helps 90-year-olds load a box onto their car, gets confronted by angry customer

This nurse tried to do a good deed , only to get scolded. What would society ever do without doctors and nurses? They have one of the hardest professions. Shifts are long, like u/BookwyrmsRN's 14-hour day. The work can be thankless at times, and all those long shifts can impact a medical professional's daily life. This nurse had just gotten done a 14-hour shift and was understandably exhausted, and they had yet another shift in just 9 hours. Even with all of that exhaustion weighing on them, th…
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'She's going to owe us about $18,000': Karen employee causes workflow interruption by changing doorknob to storage room, quits and gets fined

'She's going to owe us about $18,000': Karen employee causes workflow interruption by changing doorknob to storage room, quits and gets fined

Getting frustrated at a coworker's promotion is not unusual in the workplace. We're only human, and if we feel ever so slightly envious, that's understandable. However, allowing those jealous feelings to take over and cause a major interruption to everyone else's workflow is nothing more than an act of supreme selfishness, even if you were qualified for said promotion. This Karen took it too far when she didn't like the fact that her coworker, who managed the volunteer department at a small mun…
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