karens in the wild

‘He buys his $20 gloves… and storms out': Kid bursts with embarrassment as his father has a tantrum for being told the store is closed, manager shuts him down

‘He buys his $20 gloves… and storms out': Kid bursts with embarrassment as his father has a tantrum for being told the store is closed, manager shuts him down

‘Her boyfriend understood basic concert etiquette': Girlfriend blocks 50-60 people's views by being entitled, tall guy and boyfriend team up to shut her down

‘Her boyfriend understood basic concert etiquette': Girlfriend blocks 50-60 people's views by being entitled, tall guy and boyfriend team up to shut her down

‘Got a kick in the face knowing they could’ve had a 50% tip’: 20+ People share why they didn't tip their server

‘Got a kick in the face knowing they could’ve had a 50% tip’: 20+ People share why they didn't tip their server

retail retail-job job company work worker workplace tales-from-retail retail-worker customer customers karen karens employee employees sill funny dumb lol

'You thought you’d get $3k worth of stuff for like $200?': 11+ Dimwitted Customers That Left Customer Service Employees Internally Screaming

'I'm derping along at 60': Driver gets tailgated by aggressive 18-wheeler trucker, slows down and laughs in his face when they end up at the same red light

'I'm derping along at 60': Driver gets tailgated by aggressive 18-wheeler trucker, slows down and laughs in his face when they end up at the same red light

‘Love pets, love animals, don't like lazy owners’: 20+ People share their ‘unhinged’ tactics for dealing with pet owners who don't pick up after their furry friends

‘Love pets, love animals, don't like lazy owners’: 20+ People share their ‘unhinged’ tactics for dealing with pet owners who don't pick up after their furry friends

Friendly bookstore employee stands up for beloved manager after entitled customer tries to bring her down for liking K-pop music: 'My boss thought it was the best thing I've done'

Friendly bookstore employee stands up for beloved manager after entitled customer tries to bring her down for liking K-pop music: 'My boss thought it was the best thing I've done'

cat cats karen karens entitled people story karma lost rescued rescue feline kitty kitten single-mom drama negligent cat-rescue-stories

Cat Karen backpedals on a $500 finder's fee for the kind people who saved her lost cat, refusing to pay for necessary veterinary bills they covered in her absence: 'We spent $400'

'Of course, now I'm laughing about it': Retail boss handles young employee's first Karen-customer encounter like all upper management should, standing up for their employee

'Of course, now I'm laughing about it': Retail boss handles young employee's first Karen-customer encounter like all upper management should, standing up for their employee

entitled entitled people entitled parents karen karens karens in the wild customer service customers theme park

Entitled mom and her family cut long amusement park line before bystanders shut her down: 'They were eventually escorted out'

reddit thread petty revenge payback deserved karen karens landlord landlords rent renter rental apartment house tenant tenants

'I returned the favour': Loyal tenant calls for tax-evasion revenge against their ex-landlady after she price-gouges rental prices, demanding they pay cash to avoid getting taxed

 karens karen-customer customers blankets demanding yarn karens in the wild blanket entitled karen story karen entitled people

Blanket Karen customer demands cheap blanket from hobby crafter: 'It's still going to cost you $400'

'Um, there's a line': Impatient Karen skips crowded line to order her drink, customer gets even by stealing her drink order

'Um, there's a line': Impatient Karen skips crowded line to order her drink, customer gets even by stealing her drink order

'Felt so good': Nightshift cook for the U.S. Navy working solo gets exploited by dayshift cooks, maliciously complies and gets them called ‘stupid’ by the executive officer

'Felt so good': Nightshift cook for the U.S. Navy working solo gets exploited by dayshift cooks, maliciously complies and gets them called ‘stupid’ by the executive officer

‘Alright, well, I’m going to go ahead and leave then’: Woman quits on the spot after reaching her limit with the ‘high school environment' in her workplace

‘Alright, well, I’m going to go ahead and leave then’: Woman quits on the spot after reaching her limit with the ‘high school environment' in her workplace

‘He deserved a minimum $250 fine’: Hotel employee refuses to check-in mother with kids traveling after Christmas since his shift ends in 30-minutes, costs him a pretty penny

‘He deserved a minimum $250 fine’: Hotel employee refuses to check-in mother with kids traveling after Christmas since his shift ends in 30-minutes, costs him a pretty penny