

 jokes insult insults funny rare insults hilarious askreddit Opinion opinions funny stories ask reddit

'A guy drove past me and yelled..."Your mustache doesn't suit you!'": 20+ Creative quips to use on people you want to critique with caution

If you've ever wanted to appear smart as you get back at someone who's getting on your nerves, you've got to read these clever quips . There are some times you just can't say what's on your mind, like when you're at the workplace, or when you're talking to family members you don't get along with, or even when you're dealing with someone you dislike, but it'd be super impolite to diss them out of nowhere. In cases like this, you need some low-key insults. You've got to pull out the best quip you…
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'We froze [his bike] to the freezer floor': 20+ Extra creative workplace pranks

'We froze [his bike] to the freezer floor': 20+ Extra creative workplace pranks

Have you ever been involved in a workplace prank? One prank is fun, and it can really liven up the workplace and boost morale. That often leads to Up next, an assembly line worker who came in two minutes late to work got an earful from their boss, so they finally stood up to their boss saying, “Nope, not my problem .”
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Top 20 Funny Signs of the Week (April 16, 2024)

Top 20 Unintentionally Hilarious Signs of the Week (April 16, 2024)

Life is full of surprises, changes, and unintentionally hilarious signs. People often say if you look carefully enough, there is beauty and levity everywhere. That may be true depending on your perspective and mentality, but one could also amend that statement to say that if you look carefully enough, you will find joy in humanity. Today when we say humanity, we specifically are referring to man's capacity for human error. Nowhere is that more obvious than man-made signs. These signs could be f…
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'A legend was created': 20+ Hilarious moments that made people laugh hysterically

'A legend was created': 20+ Hilarious moments that made people laugh hysterically

All of us have that one story about the funniest thing we've ever witnessed. It's that one tale that your friend group can tell over and over, since it brings everyone to tears of laughter with every repeated telling. Often, the story involves someone in the friend group falling or making a fool of themselves in some other goofy way. The good people of the r/AskReddit community told their own stories about the funniest things they've personally witnessed, and it's impossible to read them withou…
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'It was hilarious to see these guys offering their "critiques"': Amateur poetry blog pranks "internet know-it-alls"

'It was hilarious to see these guys offering their "critiques"': Amateur poetry blog pranks "internet know-it-alls"

Everyone's a critic. It's way easier to comment on art than make it. It's a ton of fun to talk about works of writing or art , most of us do it on a daily basis. Whether it's talking with your coworkers about the latest episode of a popular TV drama, or talking about the new sci-fi movie with your mom after the showing, we're all a bit critical from time to time. That can be a good thing, though. It helps us learn what makes good art good, and what makes bad art memorable. Is it boring, is it e…
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'I said her roasted chicken tasted like cardboard': Woman shocks husband by refusing to cook for him after he tries to look cool in front of his friends

'I said her roasted chicken tasted like cardboard': Woman shocks husband by refusing to cook for him after he tries to look cool in front of his friends

This couple's relationship is on the rocks after the husband insulted his wife to seem cool. They say that the things you treasure most in your loved one, like the way they joke around or the way they put their family members first, might one day become the traits that annoy you the most. Maybe your significant other is close with their parents, and someday that may put you in the middle of all their disputes. This husband clearly has a jokey sense of humor that his wife probably loved when the…
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'We stuck... 25k plastic forks in the football field':25 Students who pulled off impressive senior pranks on their teachers and administrators

'We stuck... 25k plastic forks in the football field': 25 Students who pulled off impressive senior pranks on their teachers and administrators

When it comes to pranks, I'm a big fan of the students who pranked a teacher with a strict phone policy. Apparently, this teacher had a policy that if a student's phone rang during class, the kid had to answer it on speak phone, in front of every other student. So one day, a girl decides to prank this teacher. Someone calls her during class, and she answers, and on speakerphone, the voice clarifies they're from a “pregnancy resource center. " The person on the phone cheerfully tells the student…
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'She forgot to bring her dog with her... to the vet':  20 Major facepalm moments captured forever on the internet

'She forgot to bring her dog with her... to the vet': 20 Major facepalm moments captured forever on the internet

We could not be rolling our eyes any harder at these moments that will make you facepalm. The internet is forever, no matter what you do. Thanks to internet archives, even if you delete something, it's still likely to float around the internet every now and again. For example, I imagine the person who posted about a “leaf” found in their burrito bowl wishes they didn't Tweet about it. That's because even though they thought this was your average everyday outside leaf, it was not. It's a bay lea…
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'I hope the rest of your day is as pleasant as you are': 25+ Smart alecks who had the perfect comebacks

'I hope the rest of your day is as pleasant as you are': 25+ Smart alecks who had the perfect comebacks

Don't mess with these people: they've got some quick and witty comebacks. When your friends are messing with you or a stranger is shouting at you, that's the time to come up with a witty reply . That's a lot easier said than done. It must be a universal experience to have nothing to say in that moment, then six hours later while you're in the shower, you suddenly think of the perfect comeback. But then it's too late! That's why it's extra satisfying when you do come up with a hilarious response…
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'THIS IS A HANDWASHING SINK [...] NO WASHING YOUR FEET': 30+ funny and cringe signs

'This is a handwashing sink [...] no washing your feet': 30+ amusing and cringe signs

You might do a double-take and think you're misreading these signs. Fortunately, you're not crazy. These are actual signs from billboards, retail stores, and public bathrooms galore. Some of the requests being made are so ridiculous that you begin to question everyone else's sanity. For instance, do people really wash their feet in the sink of a public bathroom? Do people really tweet about a fire in the building before evacuating? Do the marketing teams of these major chains really not catch g…
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'Long distance relationships can work if the 4 of you trust each other': 30+ jokes and hot takes that show why most couples should probably break up

'Long distance relationships can work if the 4 of you trust each other': 30+ jokes and hot takes that show why most couples should probably break up

Everyone has an opinion about other relationships: whether they should go out or ghost, stay together or break up, get married or divorce, etc. Sure, it's nobody's business except for the people in the actual relationship itself, but also that's no fun! It's entertaining to unpack what makes certain couples work and what seem to be clear signs that these two people are going to crash and burn, so to speak. Obviously, some red flags are incredibly obvious from the start, whereas slowly reveal th…
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'Everyone on the call was just sitting in confused silence': 15 Bosses who brought "The Office" energy to their workplaces

'Everyone on the call was just sitting in confused silence': 15 Bosses who brought "The Office" energy to their workplaces

Once or twice in your career, you'll end up with a boss who acts a lot like Michael Scott, the goofy boss of the beloved TV show “The Office.” Much like the character himself, these bosses are prone to goofing off, being jokey with employees, loving pranks or dad jokes, or just being a menace in general.
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'The airport is a lawless place': 20+ airport and travel memes, tweets, and mishaps

'The airport is a lawless place': 20+ airport and travel memes, tweets, and mishaps

There are two kinds of social rules: rules in the regular world and rules at the airport.
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'So loud and so wrong': 25 People who got ratio'd into oblivion

When the internet talks, ratios happen. And luckily for us, they're often really funny, and fun to root for the person doing the ratio'ing. Some of the funniest ratios I've ever witnessed were during the 2022 monkey NFT craze. (See #8 for one example!) As you may recall, “Bored Ape” NFTs were all the rage for crypto bros. The gist was that you bought the digital image of the apes, and then you owned the image, technically, sort of. Because while you may have had a paper stating that you owned t…
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'I accidentally hit send': Employee gives very honest feedback to boss unintentionally

'I accidentally hit send': Employee gives very honest feedback to boss unintentionally

One employee experienced an office worker's worst nightmare — accidentally sharing a snarky email with their boss . It's never been easier to send a text or email. You can type anything up on your phone, and send it in just a few clicks. So you have to be super careful what you write , just in case it accidentally happens to get sent. U/kpmurphy56 explained in their TIFU post that morale has been low at their workplace in the aftermath of numerous layoffs. So when they got an email from the bos…
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'LOL, He Blocked Me' : Top Dating App Flops of the Week (May 10, 2023)

'LOL, He Blocked Me' : Top Dating App Flops of the Week (May 10, 2023)

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