
Job candidate arrive at interview only to be told that the interviewer has already left, candidate withdraws their application despite attempts to reschedule: 'Job hunting is hard enough'

Job candidate arrives at interview only to be told that the interviewer has already left, candidate withdraws their application despite attempts to reschedule: 'Job hunting is hard enough'

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30-year-old inspired by TikToks declares she's quitting her job to live a "soft life" of luxury: 'She is being incredibly self-centered'

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Update: Entitled customer demands free coffee, cafe owner refuses: '[She] said I should honor it because she's a loyal customer'

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Employee stops taking on additional tasks to help the management team after being forced to work mandatory overtime, leaving management completely overwhelmed: 'Management is drowning in them now'

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25 Employees who don't want work to with their bosses and coworkers: 'My boss thinks it's a great idea to randomly turn the fridge off to save energy'

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Boss demands employee work 21 days straight: 'Needless to say, it hasn't gone over well'

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20+ Employees who had to leave their jobs quickly: 'Nobody talks to me like that'

25 Memes for Competitive Job Seekers on the Hunt for Their Dream Role

25 Resume-Building Memes for Competitive Job Seekers on the Hunt for Their Dream Role

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CEO tries to fire and replace employee with 2 interns when they take PTO to recover after 13-hour shifts: 'I told them, pay me triple my wage and I'll consider [coming back]'

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20+ Unforgettably bad job interviews: 'Interviewed someone who... technically wasn't allowed to be in the building'

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Entitled customer tries to load 6,000 pounds of concrete onto his car despite employee's warnings, breaks car's suspension: 'It was the absolute best day I've ever had at work'

‘Flexible hours means your time is their time’: 20+ Seasoned employees share interview ‘red flags’ that warn them to stay away from certain companies

‘Flexible hours means your time is their time’: 20+ Seasoned employees share interview ‘red flags’ that warn them to stay away from certain companies

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Employee quits bad job, leaves piles of work for their impolite boss: 'I will never forget the expression of defeat in his face at the last day'

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Company forces employees to bring food for their own appreciation meal, get pizza instead when they try to report overtime: 'Does this [...] company expect 150 contractors to donate 3 or more hours of their personal time for their own appreciation meal?'

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Employee forced by boss to work from the office despite being on video calls the entire time: 'She really wants me to sit in the office for 8 hours'

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'I laughed... gave him a high five, then fired him': 20+ Bosses whose bumbling employees needed to be fired ASAP