
 work workplace Jobs job Boss bosses coworkers workplace-stories credit card credit cards

'I caught a guy trying to buy a $30k boat': 20+ Employees who overspent on their company credit card

work workplace employment Job workplace discussion in the workplace workplace-stories jobs malicious compliance workplace malicious compliance employee

New supervisor reorganizes labor, leaving inspector to work a loading bay on his own, he refuses to work it: 'Goods started arriving, but I didn’t touch a single box'

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employee employment-discussion job retail work employees overworked-employees workplace Horrible Bosses tales-from-retail employment in the workplace Employment - 39065093

Boss calls 20-year-old woman working her first job "ungrateful" for not working unpaid overtime: 'Now I'm worried they're going to cut my hours or make my life harder'

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20+ Job interviews that could not have gone worse: '[I] had a guy take almost every pen in the room'

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Hotel quiet fires porter over scheduling conflicts, they refuse to return their uniform when their boss demands it back: 'You want your uniform back? Come and get it'

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Employee teases "big reveal," irritated coworker immediately guesses correctly: ‘She stole her own thunder’

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employee employment-discussion job work employees overworked-employees workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace Employment - 39228165

Employee gets fired without warning for "poor performance" after doing the jobs of 3 other people: 'Fired because I put in too much effort during the busiest time of year and was fired when it got quieter again'

 employment Job Jobs workplace discussion in the workplace employment issues antiwork Horrible Bosses workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job employee employees overworked-employees

Job advertised as remote until interviewer reveals mandatory office days because they're a "family": 'We do 3 days in the office and 2 at home'

work workplace employment Job workplace discussion in the workplace workplace-stories jobs malicious compliance workplace malicious compliance employee

Worker offered “promotion” without additional compensation, finds a new job and takes half the team with him: 'Another company offered him the same management role—with actual compensation'

work workplace employment Job workplace discussion in the workplace workplace-stories jobs malicious compliance workplace malicious compliance employee

$1.5 million quote goes unfinished thanks to a bad office internet connection and rigid remote work policy: 'Ah, well. If only I could go home to use my working internet'

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Grocery store boss flips out on employee, employee surprises him with 2 days notice: '[He] couldn't understand why'

Hospital employee outs new coworker's laziness when he doesn't dispose of an overflowing bin of medical waste over the weekend: ‘I decided to set a trap’

‘I decided to set a trap’: Hospital employee outs new hire's laziness when he doesn't dispose of an overflowing bin of medical waste over the weekend

 quitting quitting work satisfying quitting story quitting story quit i quit work workplace Jobs job Boss bosses coworkers workplace-stories

25+ Employees who quit their jobs on their first day of work: 'That's not what I signed up for'

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employee employment-discussion job work employees overworked-employees workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace

New owners fire all employees and make them sign new contracts, employee only discovers they no longer have dental care while at the dentist: 'There is no HR'

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employee employment-discussion job work employees overworked-employees workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace Employment - 39064581

20 new employees share what made them quit their job on the first day: 'By the way we never mentioned it at the interview but you will get 50 percent pay for 6 months'

 work workplace Jobs job Boss bosses coworkers workplace-stories mysterious new hire

New hire spots red flags at mysterious company: 'Nobody knew what my job was'