
 fired getting fired fired story fired on spot got fired firing firing story laid off work workplace Jobs job Boss bosses coworkers workplace-stories

'He pick[ed] up his car with a forklift': 15+ Fired employees who gave their bosses good reasons to let them go

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Teenager weighs down entitled customer's car with 30 bags of concrete: '[They're] on your car, just like you asked'

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Employee refuses to follow boss's instructions: 'I won't apologize for it'

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'I made my boss over $1.5 million... he got me a $25 gift card': Employee quits job after receiving present from boss

 work workplace Jobs job Boss bosses coworkers workplace-stories call center

Call center employees protest wannabe-CEO's meeting: 'In comes the Head Karen'

Red flags turn full-blown blaring sirens on employee’s first day at business claiming to be family, advised to run for his life: ‘Get out of there’

Red flags turn full-blown blaring sirens on employee’s first day at business claiming to be family, advised to run for his life: ‘Get out of there’

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Employee gives two weeks' notice while traveling for work, employer cancels their flight home: 'I have worked for this company for 3 years...'

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25+ Job applicants who are having a tough day: 'Got rejected 3 minutes after applying to a role'

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Employee accidentally sends 600,000 emails to thousands of coworkers: 'I witnessed this astounding IT meltdown'

‘I confronted them’: Employee keeps getting her lunch stolen at work, catches the culprit in the act and calls him out, but wholesome interaction ensues

‘I confronted them’: Employee keeps getting her lunch stolen at work, catches the culprit in the act and calls him out, but wholesome interaction ensues

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'How do you feel about overtime?': 20+ Job interview signs that hint at a bad work environment

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Update: Workplace escape room debacle pits boss against his 29-year-old employee: 'Should I have let us fail to spare his ego?'

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'It's just very weird and customers aren't happy': Petty dollar store boss forces employees to pay out of pocket for supplies

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'The advertisement... almost made me quit': Electronics store worker faces off with confused customers and Karens who didn't read the fine print

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IT boss insists that salaried employee has to work during vacation, employee discovers a clever way to avoid their boss: 'I won't be expected to work?'

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Employee maliciously complies after being told to take shorter breaks: 'I decided to take short breaks every five minutes'

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