
job interview

'He was fired for sleeping at his desk repeatedly': Managers share the most memorable ways employees got fired

'He was fired for sleeping at his desk repeatedly': Managers share the most memorable ways employees got fired

Every manager has had a tricky situation with someone on their team. Sometimes, it's not the employee's fault, and we tend to side with employees here at FAIL Blog. However, every so often, an employee does something so out-of-line, so unprofessional, and so ridiculous that an immediate dismissal is pretty much non-negotiable. This compilation of bizarre firing stories ranges from harmless to shocking. We've got an employee who kept having to leave work early for bathroom drama, a new hire who…
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PTO debacle leaves manager feeling unwanted at the company, that's what happens when you force staff to use paid leave

‘He didn't start off well’: New narcissistic manager tries to force man to use accumulated paid leave, gets a taste of his own medicine when it doesn't go as planned

PTO is yours to use at your own discretion.
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Bartender puts in his notice, manager vows to make his last week a nightmare, bartender gets even by making him scramble: 'I've called in sick every day'

Bartender puts in his notice, manager vows to make his last week a nightmare, bartender gets even by making him scramble: 'I've called in sick every day'

Messing with a bartender is never a good idea. If you're a customer, befriending your local bartender can be a game changer (and considerably cheaper if you're playing things right). In this case, however, we have a restaurant manager who truly underestimated how valuable his top bartender was. Firstly, the manager disregarded his commitment and dedication to the restaurant for years, so the bartender went off and got a promotion and pay raise at a busier establishment. He put in his one week n…
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‘The company will crumble if I quit’: Boss guilts overwhelmed startup employee after meeting about burnout, employee has no choice but to leave

‘The company will crumble if I quit’: Boss guilts overwhelmed startup employee after meeting about burnout, employee has no choice but to leave

This one goes out to all the people-pleasers out there. If you’re someone who consistently de-prioritizes your own needs in favor of what is best for someone else, you may have found yourself in a similar work-related conundrum as this employee. She recently had her first full-time position at a startup and was quickly taking on far too many tasks and responsibilities after the person who trained her quit without much warning. It was not long before the employee started experiencing a serious c…
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'The salary is now $40k less than what was advertised originally': Job candidate goes through multiple rounds of interviews, only for HR to radically change the offer

'The salary is now $40k less than what was advertised originally': Job candidate goes through multiple rounds of interviews, only for HR to radically change the offer

It seems that transparency has been replaced by shady behavior. these days. This has especially become true when it comes to job interviews. We're accustomed to this lack of transparency in job advertisements, not that it should be the norm. You know what we're talking about: those common vague phrases like “fast-paced work environment," “competitive salary,” and many more that are either immediate red flags or questions that must be addressed during the first interview. Here, we have a Reddito…
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22 hilarious and entitled stories from job interviews that led potential employees to withdraw their application

‘The final round was with the CEO of a startup at 2 AM’: 22 insane job interview red flags as told by prior prospective employees

Are you available 25 hours every day?
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Job candidate misses her interview after hiring manager fails to coherently respond to her emails: ‘You literally had one job’

Job candidate misses important interview after hiring manager fails to coherently respond to her emails: ‘You literally had one job’

Every person you encounter in your employment journey is simply doing their job. Secretaries, hiring managers, HR, and even CEOs are all simply doing their jobs, and their contact with you is usually a part of that. That is why, when applying for a new job, you would expect these people to do their jobs correctly and make everyone's life easier, but that is not always the case. For example, the person in this Reddit story was applying for a new job and was invited to interview for a job via ema…
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Employee confronts boss after learning new hire below him is making more money: 'I will not be disrespected like that'

Employee confronts boss after learning new hire below him is making more money: 'I will not be disrespected like that'

Going back on a promise is not exactly how one maintains loyalty at a company. This employer made his own bed when he offered a new hire more money than the loyal employee who was promised a raise and promotion for the longest time. Perhaps this toxic boss was under the impression that no one was going to find out. Well, considering the fact that this employee splits responsibilities with their manager and is the only person with access to the same exact company information, the idea that he wo…
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'I don't feel like working today': 20+ hilariously lame reasons why people called in sick to work

'I don't feel like working today': 20+ hilariously lame reasons why people called in sick to work

Sometimes, no excuse is better than a lame excuse. Everyone deserves the right to take a break with no questions asked. Unfortunately for the workers of the world, that can be very hard to do when you have a demanding and nosey manager. These employees made the mistake of trying to fabricate valid reasons and coming up short. It's definitely better to say nothing at all if the only “reason” you can come up with is the grown-up version of your dog eating your homework. Luckily, those ridiculous…
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'I got quiet fired two days before my wedding': Employee notices backward pattern when VP threatens to fire her right before her wedding

'I got quiet fired two days before my wedding': Employee notices backward pattern when VP threatens to fire her right before her wedding

In this day and age, we don't expect toxic workplace environments to get away with wildly outdated behavior anymore, and yet as much as we'd like to think that progress has been made, unkind and unfair treatment still does happen all the time. Here, we have a young female employee who was on the brink of getting married when the VP of her company organized a disciplinary meeting threatening to fire her if she didn't pull it together at work. Of course, there was no concrete evidence that she wa…
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After accepting candidate for a full-time job, employer retracts offer and changes it to part-time, leaving candidate high and dry: ‘They pulled the rug out from under me’

After accepting candidate for a full-time job, employer retracts offer and changes it to part-time, leaving candidate high and dry: ‘They pulled the rug out from under me’

Hiring managers, this is a message for all of you, so please read it carefully – Employment is a two-way street . You have to treat candidates with the same respect you expect them to treat you. You need employees just as much as they need employers, and everything about the hiring process should be a good match for both sides. That means that just as you expect candidates to not lie in their resumes, you cannot lie in the job posting. It is as simple as that. The job should fit the right perso…
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Arrogant hiring manager gives unsolicited advice following job candidate's application withdrawal: 'Accepting only easy opportunities is probably not going to take you as far'

Arrogant hiring manager gives unsolicited advice following job candidate's application withdrawal: 'Accepting only easy opportunities is probably not going to take you as far'

There cannot be many folks out there who enjoy receiving unwanted feedback. This hiring manager thought it was a good idea to respond to a job candidate's request to withdraw an application by giving them a completely uncalled-for lecture about what it takes to be a good manager and how to navigate a professional career successfully. As many folks in the comments section pointed out, the truth of the matter is that the interviewer has clearly been having trouble filling a property management po…
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Job candidate forced to sit on the floor while waiting an hour for her interview after other employees refused to give her a seat: 'I felt invisible'

Job candidate forced to sit on the floor while waiting an hour for her interview after other employees refused to give her a seat: 'I felt invisible'

No matter how desperate one might be for a job, there are some things they should never let happen to them while interviewing, and being forced to sit on the floor is one of them. I honestly don't know how the woman who wrote this Reddit story could stand (pun intended) the way she was treated in her job interview. When she arrived at her interview, she was told to wait for the employer in a lobby area and was surprised to see that the area was occupied by a few other people, who were taking up…
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'Unlimited PTO is a scam': Boss denies employee's vacation despite unlimited PTO in contract, employee stands up for himself

'Unlimited PTO is a scam': Boss denies employee's vacation despite unlimited PTO in contract, employee stands up for himself

Now that it's the middle of summer, everyone and their mother is trying to take a much-needed vacation. Despite the fact that this happens in every workplace every year, many employers still have yet to come up with a system and workflow that allows for employees to take time off. Instead, employees are often subjected to shame and derision from the moment they put in their requests for PTO to the moment their vacation has finally arrived. Here, we have an employee who works for a startup that…
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'There is no such thing as business ethics': Top HR nightmare stories featuring entitled bosses and unprofessional coworkers

'There is no such thing as business ethics': Top HR nightmare stories featuring entitled bosses and unprofessional coworkers

Working in human resources requires keeping a lot of drama to yourself. This poses a problem for those of us on the internet who want all the juicy gossip about all the messed up workplace environments so that we can feel ever so slightly better about our own messed up workplace situations. Thankfully, these HR employees were bold enough to share their stories and spill the tea for the rest of us. It comes as no surprise to report that the vast majority of these anecdotes involve those at the t…
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 'Is this a prank?': Job seeker rejected for appearing ‘too desperate’ in job pursuit

'Is this a prank?': Job seeker rejected for appearing ‘too desperate’ in job pursuit

Finding a job is never an enjoyable or simple task. Some would even go so far as to suggest that it's physically demanding and brutal. But just like anything else in life, there are moments when you have to carry out tasks you may not particularly enjoy in order to further your career. A frustrated job seeker is described in the account below. The original poster (OP) had been struggling to find a job for a while. He is searching for that one person who will have faith in him, in his skills, in…
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